Dear Above Rubies reader,

The new Above Rubies magazines have now been sent all across USA. I am sure you have received your magazine by now. I know you will be enjoying it.

In this Newsletter:

Above Rubies Facebook

Rowland Family


Prayer Lists for Birth or Infertility

Writing for Above Rubies

A Little Bit of Heaven

Back Issues

Cleavage to Modesty

Another VBAC

The Power of Family Devotions

I'm Thankful to my Husband

Quote for Today

Responses from Readers

Seven Amazing Specials



I'm not a fan of Facebook. However, I am very happy with the Above Rubies Facebook as it is so encouraging and not a time-waster. JUMP ON, if you haven't already. You will be blessed. Michelle Kauenhofen (mother of 11 beautiful children,  the Moderator of the Above Rubies Facebook, and the Director of Above Rubies in Canada) and/or I write a little word of encouragement to you each day. You won't waste your time on this Facebook. Come each day to get an encouraging word to strengthen you in your high calling of mothering and then get off the computer and on to your great job of mothering and training your children, the greatest career in the nation. I know that if you pop in for a few minutes each day, you'll be inspired for the rest of the day.

I have a personal Facebook but I hope you don't mind, please don't try to become my personal friend on Facebook. I don't accept anyone but close family. And even then, I rarely have time to ever go to it. However, you can meet me each day on the Above Rubies Facebook. See you there.

My webmaster, Joe Goodale, has now given us a shorter link to send people to the Above Rubies Facebook. Here it is: http://facebook.com/AboveRubiesUS

We are nearly up to 10,000 readers on our Facebook. Let your friends know that the 10,000th person will receive a gift from Above Rubies. If  you, or one of your friends, are # 10,000, you can call Above Rubies at 931 729 9861 or 931 729 0537 and tell us what product you would like to receive as a gift. It's coming up very fast so you'll have to watch carefully!



I know you love this new issue of Above Rubies. However, I have some sad news to tell you. On pages 14-15 you will read the wonderful testimony of Krista Rowland and how the Lord enabled her to have nine c-sections.

We recently received the tragic news that her husband, Justin passed away suddenly. We were able to travel to the funeral to be with them. Krista's constant confession was how much Justin loved his children. He certainly left a heritage for the world-10 children who love the Lord and who will also establish godly dynasties.

I would ask you to pray much for this precious family as Krista is left with 10 children to care for. Emily, the oldest daughter has been an Above Rubies helper on two occasions here at our home.

If you would like to encourage and comfort Krista, her email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

And if God touches your heart to help Krista and the children financially, you may send a check to:

Ava National Bank

PO Box 98

Ava IL 62907 USA

Specify for the benefit of Krista Rowland and your donation will go into her account. If you have any questions, call Sharon at Ava Bank, Ph: 618-426-3303.



If you are interested in reading more about C-sections, you can go to www.aboverubies.org and click on Articles and Stories and then C-Sections where you also can read Melanie Beggs' testimony. She also had nine c-sections.

You can also go on line and read the stories of Cindy McDaniels' C-sections. She has also experienced nine c-sections. Go to: http://manymcdaniels.com/birthstories.html

Her email is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



I was thrilled to hear that the Above Rubies Egroup has a prayer list for mothers who are experiencing fertility problems and also pregnant mothers so that others can pray for them. Jennifer Bryant in East Texas looks after these lists.

She writes: "It would be wonderful to have more ladies join the group! We actually have several prayer lists on the Egroup. The two that I care for are the Fruitful Wombs Prayer list, which is for women desiring more blessings. It's a big list! And the Healthy Pregnancy/Safe Delivery Prayer List. I have it divided up by month and due dates, with any special needs also listed. Email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.."

If you would like prayer as you nurture your precious baby in your womb and prepare for your birth, or for infertility, email Jennifer or feel free to join the Egroup (go to www.aboverubies.org to join the Egroup). Jennifer says that if you don't hear back from her, keep trying. Sometimes emails get lost in cyberspace.




I am now working on the next issue of Above Rubies. Once one is completed, I start on the next. I have a few subjects I would like to cover in the coming issue (and later issues, depending on what room I have available). I will mention the subjects below.

If you have a personal testimony you would like to write about any of the following subjects, I would love to hear from you. Of course, I am not limited to the following subjects and am open to hear from you if you have something special to write about that will particularly bless our readers.

Instructions for submitting articles:

Email your testimony to me as a Word Attachment. Type only one space between sentences. Try to keep it to 1500 words or less, unless it is a very powerful story. Shorter is better.

At the end of the article please give the following information:

1.    Your name

2.    Your husband's name

3.    City, State and Country

4.    Email address (I definitely need your email address at the end of the article)

When I print your testimony, I will email you for the current names and ages of your children and for an up-to-date family picture.



Do you have a testimony of how God has provided for you on a one-income family, or how God has shown His faithfulness since you have decided to become a full-time mommy, or how you have seen God's provision when He has blessed you with another baby? I will be definitely doing this feature in the coming issue, so send your testimony as soon as possible. Type PROVISION in the Subject Line.



Please, if God has restored your marriage or done a work of His grace in your marriage, I would love to hear from you. Satan is out to attack marriage because it reveals the divine truth of Christ and His church. We want to build up, strengthen and encourage marriages. A testimony of God's working in your marriage to bring healing can be such a blessing to many other marriages. Type MARRIAGE in the Subject Line.



After reading the manual, Gate-Keepers of the Home, one mother has asked for testimonies from other mothers as to how they guard their home from the inroads of the enemy. Type GUARD in the Subject Line.



Another mother has asked to hear from other mothers as to how they train their children to behave during Family Devotions. What are your secrets? Also, we'd love to hear from you about the way you conduct your Family Devotions in your home or different ideas that you do in your family. Type DEVOTIONS in the Subject Line.



A young mother who has not yet experienced the joys of a large family complained that she would not want a big family because there would not be enough time to spend with each individual child and that the children would miss out on many things that children of two-child families would receive. I know this is a fallacy and therefore I would love to hear from mothers and young people of large families to share how it really works in a large family. I'd especially love to hear from the young people. Type LARGE FAMILIES in the Subject Line.



Another mother has asked for ideas for keeping her energetic "real" little boys occupied while homeschooling other children and watching a baby. What ideas do you have to keep them positively occupied instead of "wrecking the house?" Type BOYS in the Subject Line.



I think that many people think Above Rubies arrives from heaven. I hope you feel like that, but it takes a lot hard work and finance to get "this little bit of heaven" to you. But it is my joy to freely do this "labor of love" (which I have been doing for over 33 years) and I am so happy to make Above Rubies generously available.

However, the only way we keep going is by the loving donations of those who have a burden to see marriage and motherhood strengthened in this nation. If God touches your heart to help us get this message out into the nation, give, not just to pay for your magazine but in order for us to be able to send out this magazine freely to families who need it all over this nation, and the world.

We had to pay over $20,000 to send out this current issue in USA-and that's not the rest of the world yet! And that's not the printing bill which is even higher! The costs are enormous. Thank you so much for your support as we work together to bring God's ways back into this nation.

You may help by using this link to our Above Rubies Donation page: http://do.nr/1LG



Back issues of Above Rubies are usually like "gold" to find. However, every now and then we manage to have a few extra in stock. Currently, we have the following issues available for you--75, 76, 77, 78 and 79. Get them while you can.

You are welcome to get these for yourself if you don't have them, and you are also welcome to ask for extra copies to share with others. You are welcome to ask for as many as you can effectively distribute and share.

My vision is to get this magazine to every mother in the nation. Don't discriminate to whom you give Above Rubies. Give them to every mother you meet, not only home-loving, home-schooling mothers, but "day-care and working mothers" who need the message more than anyone.

Always have some in a plastic bag in your bag, ready to give to someone. Put them in waiting rooms too. For more ideas, go to www.aboverubies.org and click on Ideas for Distributing Above Rubies.


When you ask for them by email, write BACK COPIES in the Subject Heading. I am happy to send these freely to you, but, if you are able, it would be a blessing if you can donate toward the shipping. Thanks so much.



Katrina Ariana Casey writes: "I am a twenty-one year old stay-at-home daughter. After much prayer and planning, I have started a website that offers advice in an e-book on how to take nearly any style of store-bought clothing and make it modest. I also sell stretch laces to fill in low necklines. You can view these products on my website, http://www.edelweisspatterns.com

I will give the e-book away to anyone on the Above Rubies mailing list who will write a short blog about the website or send an email about it to at least three friends. Then they can email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I will send them the e-book for free. (This offer only applies to people on the Above Rubies mailing list).

Katrina Ariana Casey, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

"I checked out Katrina's website and loved it. I am sure you will too. I loved her idea of the beautiful stretch laces to fill in low necklines. I am devastated by the current fashion of low necklines, which seem to have been embraced by the church as much as the world. However, Katrina shows how that even if you see a beautiful dress, but it has a low neckline, how you can still wear the dress by making it modest.

Katrina is also sending you all a free tip. I am sorry that I had to eliminate the pictures which show the method clearly. However, I hope the tip will still be a blessing." Nancy.




You will need:


Thread to Match

Measuring tape

1. While wearing the top, pinch up the amount it needs to be taken in and mark with a pin.  (Remember, this method only works for 1" total or less, which means ½ " in front and ½ " in back.  Otherwise, the shoulder seam will pucker at the sleeve seam.)

2. Lay the top (or dress) on a flat surface, wrong side out.  Starting at the neckline, pin in the determined amount, tapering the pins gradually in towards the shoulder seam and meeting up with the seam stitching about ½" in from the sleeve seam.

3. Starting right after the sleeve, stitch in towards the neckline, following the pins and backstitching at start and finish of the shoulder seam.  If you wish, you can trim off the excess fabric between the new shoulder seam and the original shoulder seam, then finish the raw edges with a zigzag or overlock stitch.

4. That's it!  The top fits perfectly now and doesn't gape when I'm bending over.




In Above Rubies, # 79, pages 22-23, Nanci Smith wrote a testimony about having VBACs called, I Needed to Change my Thinking! I received an update from her today:

"I wanted to report that I had another successful VBAC on September 13 to a healthy 8 lbs. 8 oz. baby boy. His name is Adlai Nathaniel. The funny part is that the ultrasound said he was a "she" so we thought we were expecting another daughter. It was a great lesson that technology can be wrong! We were delighted to have another boy. We now we have three boys and three girls!

Another miracle that happened was regarding my son Spencer, who I mentioned in the article that we were chelating for autism. The other night I was awakened in the middle of the night to what I thought was the stove timer going off. I thought it was odd because it was not an "on" night for Spencer's doses (on his "on" nights I do set the stove timer so I can get up and give him his dose). I went into the kitchen and saw that the timer was not going off at all. I looked at the clock and it was 3:16 am. I immediately thought of John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Then I "heard" the Lord's Voice (not audibly, but in my heart) saying, "I want you to know that I love you very much and that Spencer is healed." I was amazed and went back to bed pondering this.

The next morning I had to take Adlai for his well-baby check up. We went to the same Christian doctor that Spencer sees. At the end of the visit, he prayed for Adlai and then said, "The Lord woke me up last night to pray for Spencer." I was amazed. This is a very busy doctor who sees many, many patients every week! I told him what happened the night before and he said, "I don't know exactly what time it was, but it could have been around 3 00 am."

I don't know if he is fully healed right now, but he has been doing so well, better than ever before. It may be accomplished in heaven and we will see it soon here on earth.

The spirit of gloom and despair is gone from him. He's been happy and singing. He asked to hold Adlai for the first time and comforted him when he was crying. He keeps coming up to me and kissing me on the cheek--he has not done this in about six years! He's also suddenly eating more...he's been a terribly picky eater since he was three years and often in the last six years will go without eating the whole day. I just don't have the words to explain how different he is.

The VBAC and this miracle have greatly encouraged me. I've been praying for my husband's salvation for 15 years so that can't be much longer in coming!

NANCI SMITH, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



I also received an email today from the Young Family, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

"Hi Nancy, I saw some great quotes in Above Rubies #79 by Norman V. Williams.  I looked him up online and found his book, How to Have a Family Altar


This book is now out of print (although you may be able to order used copies from Amazon) but you can download it from the above site. I posted this previously, but I am happy to post it again. This is a delightful book and I would encourage you to read it. I constantly refer to it. Below are some quotes from the book that the Young family emailed that they particularly like and other quotes about the Family Altar. I like these quotes too and I am sure you will too. Nancy



"Years ago Thomas Boston was burdened over the cold spiritual state of his church. It was not only cold, but practically empty. He decided that the way to bring revival to his church and community was to establish the family altar in every home.

He went from home to home, leading people to CHRIST and establishing family altars. After nearly three years, revival fires were burning in his church, and multitudes of rejoicing saints and seeking sinners would crowd the church every Sunday!

Richard Baxter followed exactly the same procedure in his spiritually cold parish, with exactly the same results!

This is a sound principle of revival that never fails to achieve the blessed fruits of spiritual awakening! It used to be that fifty per cent of professing Christians had a daily family altar of worship and prayer.

When these praying families came together in church it was like "adding power to power," with the result that there was a mighty spirit of revival prevailing - souls were saved; the saints were blessed and edified; backsliders were restored and the whole community was shaken and brought under the convicting power of the HOLY SPIRIT.

Nowadays it is estimated that only five per cent of professing Christians maintain daily family worship. (Wow, this book was published in 1951! What would be the percentage now?)It isn't enough that the churches we go to exalt CHRIST and teach the Word, the homes we come from must likewise exalt CHRIST and teach the Word.

Families which ignore God and His Word six days a week will not be likely to know GOD in "the power of his resurrection" on the seventh day of the week!




"Happy is the household which meets every morning for prayer! Happy are they who let not the evening depart without uniting in supplication! Brethren, I wish it were more common, I wish it were universal, with all professors of religion to have family prayer.

We sometimes hear of the children of Christian parents who do not grow up in the fear of God, and we are asked how it is that they turn out so badly. In many, very many cases, I fear there is such a neglect of Family Worship that it is not probable that the children are at all impressed by any piety supposed to be possessed by their parents." -Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)

From a WONDERFUL booklet on family worship online which they also send to people upon request - http://www.chapellibrary.org/pdf-english/fworfg.pdf



I love John G. Paton's autobiography, a missionary in the 1800's. He wrote of his father...

"And so began in his seventeenth year that blessed custom of Family Prayer, morning and evening, which my father practiced probably without one single avoidable omission till he lay on his deathbed, seventy-seven years of age, when even to the last day of his life, a portion of Scripture was read, and his voice was heard softly joining in the Psalm, and his lips breathed the morning and evening prayer-falling in sweet benediction on the heads of all his children, far away many of them over all the earth, but all meeting him there at the Throne of Grace.

None of us can remember that any day ever passed unhallowed thus: no hurry for market, no rush to business, no arrival of friends or guests, no trouble or sorrow, no joy or excitement, ever prevented at least our kneeling around the family altar, while the High Priest led our prayers to God, and offered himself and his children there. And blessed to others, as well as to ourselves, was the light of such example!

I have heard that, in long after-years, the worst woman in the village of Torthorwald, then leading an immoral life, but since changed by the grace of God, was known to declare, that the only thing that kept her from despair and from the Hell of the suicide, was when in the dark winter nights she crept close up underneath my father's window and heard him pleading in Family Worship that God would convert "the sinner from the error of wicked ways, and polish him as a jewel for the Redeemer's crown." "I felt," said she, "that I was a burden on that good man's heart, and I knew that God would not disappoint him. That thought kept me out of Hell, and at last led me to the only Savior."


"How much my father's prayers impressed me," he writes, "I can never explain, nor could any stranger understand. When, on his knees, and all of us kneeling around him in family worship, he poured out his whole soul with tears for the conversion of the heathen world to the service of Jesus, and for every personal and domestic need, we all of us felt as if in the presence of the living Saviour, and learned to know and love Him as our divine Friend.

As we rose from our knees, I used to look at the light on my father's face, and wish I were like him in spirit, hoping that, in answer to his prayers, I might be privileged and prepared to carry the blessed gospel to some portion of the heathen world."





Thank you so much for your lovely responses about being thankful for your husband. I know you will be blessed as you read all these responses and you will be motivated to be continually thankful for the husband God has given you.

These men are certainly amazing husbands and fathers. You may think, "Well, my husband isn't like this to me!"

Don't wait in self-pity for your husband to do loving things to you. You may keep waiting forever. Start loving him to pieces now! Give him respect-that's the most important thing he wants. He desires this more than anything.

Show your gratefulness and thankfulness to him. Give him love--every moment you can. Think of ways to love him and surprise him. You'll soon find it will all boomerang back on you!

From Barbara at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

Recently, he took off work on several occasions to take a sick child to the doctor. This is a great blessing as we have five beautiful children ranging from 10 years to 1 month. The thought of taking all five children into a small doctor's exam room is frightening--not just because of the cramped quarters, but the exposure to germs.



From Ashley at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

He works hard to provide for me every day.

He supports my efforts to become a music minister.

He is the future father of my children.

He cares for me when I am sick or exhausted.

He thinks I am the most beautiful woman in the world and this is the only thing that makes me think I am beautiful.

He prays for me daily and encourages me to walk with Jesus always.

God made us for each other and knit our hearts together.



From Tara at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful to my husband because:

I can trust him with my whole heart to make any decisions for our family.

He is the God ordained leader of our home. I don't have to worry, not one bit, about the decisions he makes. Even, if in my eyes, they are wrong decisions, they are the decisions God wants in my life. Whether his decisions will have a positive or negative effect on my life, they will shape me and mold me to be the woman Christ wants me to be.

He seeks God's will in all the decisions he makes.



From Dawn at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful to my husband because:

He works hard and sacrifices for his family.

He seeks God in all things.

He loves me truly, sincerely, and authentically.


From Debi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful to my husband because:

He chose me. There came a time in our marriage, where my husband had the opportunity to choose me, or the other things tugging at his heart.  God humbled my dear husband, and with a mind committed to honoring the Lord, he chose me.  Since he is a passionate personality, when he chose me, it was with all of his being, and our relationship is a real treasure.  I am gratefully enjoying this fabulous blessing called my husband.



From Desiree at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

He is kind. He tells me that he sees it as his job to make me happy. For years I believed it was not really possible. However, I can honestly say after 25 years of wonderful marriage that I am happy and he has done it. God knew he would do the job properly!



From Jill at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

He is opinionated and outspoken. This means that he is a man of conviction and courage!

He is a protector and provider. He stands up  to dangers that he thinks will affect the family (be they political changes, physical dangers or spiritual lies).

He thanks me daily for being willing to give birth to our eight children. He is thankful for me!


From Ingrid at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

He prays for me. Many times before he leaves the house my husband asks me how he can pray for me on that particular day. He also often calls home in the middle of the day to let me know that he is praying for me.

He is a lot of fun. One thing that I noticed about my husband soon after I met him was his sense of humor. The children really appreciate the fact that their Dad can become like one of them, especially given the fact that they have such a serious mom.

He allows me to complete him.He doesn't try to do it all himself. He appreciates my role in completing him. He seeks my insight. He listens to me. He is very encouraging, which gives me the incentive to keep going. After all these years, I am still his best friend.

He is not a lazy man.

He is a good example. The world is full of not-so-good male examples. I am glad that he gives my sons the example of what a man should be. I am thrilled that my daughter has a great example of what she should look for in a husband!

He is strong--physically, spiritually, and emotionally.  I remember one time after having had surgery I was a bit, shall we say, woozy. I really had to depend on him to get me back home and upstairs. I knew it didn't matter because he would never drop me. Because he has made the LORD  his Rock, my husband can also be depended upon.

He is zealous. He has a zeal for souls, and it shows in how he lives his life. He also has a zeal for unity among God's people. He knows that one of Satan's names is Diabolos (the divider). He is the embodiment of Romans 12:18.  I admit, I can struggle with letting a thing slide.  On the other hand, my husband absolutely refuses to hold a grudge. He is such an inspiration to me.

He is still good looking after 11 years of marriage. Not only has he kept his good looks, but they keep getting better!

He is what God made Him and I love him just the way he is!


From Lissa at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful to my husband because:

I'm blessed with a man who makes me think. He does not think "in the box", never has and I do, so he's been stretching me these 37 years.

He has been a wonderful father to our four children, and we are now grandparents of 10, and soon another one.

He loves the Lord and he's a man that lives his faith.  When he was in college he went to Ethiopia for 13 weeks with a missionary, and it changed his life.


From Jennifer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

He tries hard to understand me even when I am being difficult.

He is very committed to me.

He loved me through a period a few months ago when I was wondering if we would make it. We came through it strong with the Lord.

He loves the Lord.

He loves our children.

He keeps me balanced.

He really thinks through and prays about everything.

He is incredibly forgiving.

He is a hard worker.

He is faithful.

He is patient.

He is loving.

He is fun.

He cherishes me.

He has stayed married to me for 15 years.

He went with me through a difficult time... six miscarriages and a difficult postpartum depression. I'm thankful that God brought us together.

He is willing to try new and healthier things and willing to listen to the things that I read about health.

He listens to the Lord.

He has always tithed and given above what is required even before we were married.

He loves his mom and helps take care of her now that she moved from out of state and bought a house two blocks away.

He spends time with the Lord every morning.

He is protective of me and our children.

He is a great provider.

He is frugal and doesn't waste.

He is good with money.

He tries his best to plan ahead for our family.

He is a believer and loves the Lord.

He encourages me to reach out and minister to others when the opportunity comes up.



FromJennifer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I'm thankful for my husband because:

He wants me to be at home with our children, instead of in the workplace. He does not want our children in the care of someone else.

He works hard to allow me to be home with them, teach them at home, and be there to welcome him home each day.


From Anna  at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

He protects me and the children.

He understands and loves me.



From Laci at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

He loves my child from a previous relationship so much. We have a child together also and you can't tell a difference! The Lord has truly blessed me with a wonderful and amazing husband.


From Lisa at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

He helps refine weak spots in my character.

He makes me laugh.


From Susan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

He not only survived testicular cancer, but was then miraculously able to father our eight beautiful children and seven pre-born babies, straight to the arms of Jesus.


From Roxanee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

He tells me I'm beautiful even when I have no make-up and sloppy hair.

He is willing to trust God with our family size even after five children in consecutive years. We have six children in all!

He understands that God has chosen US to raise our children and it is not to be left to others to do it.


From Pat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

He loves me even when I'm grouchy and afraid

He is brave enough to do the things that scare me!

He fears God more than men!

He always takes time to play with the children!

He has compassion for me!

He works even when he's sick!

He lets me be weak and doesn't boast of his strength.

He has a heart that's willing to change when God challenges him!

From Rose at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

Of the love he has for me.
For the way he takes care of me and the children.
We share the word of God each evening and we are able to express to each other our thoughts without limits.
He is always there for me when I am low. and
He is my best friend.


From Kimberly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:
He has been a kind and loving husband for 19 years.

He pushes me in my wheelchair without complaint. He understands my limitations and helps me whenever he can. He never makes me feel bad about my limitations.
He still makes me feel adored, loved and special.

He has a kind heart and generous spirit.

From Sandy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

He is happy to help me with fastening, and later, removing my clothes when I am unable to do it myself because of my hurt shoulder!


From a thankful army wife at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

Although he came home from Iraq with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which destroys his sleep, causes panic attacks and unexplained episodes of sadness or anger, he has never turned to alcohol, drugs, prescriptions or any of the other unhealthy "coping mechanisms" available. He has spared our family so much heartache that other military families have experienced. Instead, he has chosen to meet with men from our church on a weekly basis, to be accountable to them and have them pray for him.

Though it has taken time and patience, he is now able to communicate his struggles with me, so I can be praying with him and for him and giving him grace and extra love when he needs it most. He will be starting counseling soon and we hope this will be a major step forward in his healing.

It is a demonstration of his courage and humility, as he is used to being a strong, commanding man. This condition could have caused him to become bitter, or to give up altogether, but my husband has chosen to rely on God in this season of weakness--to be a man of honor in the midst of hardship.


From This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful to my husband because:

He builds us a fire every winter morning so that our house stays warm. He even goes down in the middle of the night when it gets really cold to stock it up.



From Jayme at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

He is willing to serve others.

He has a sense of humor. It sure has helped us get through some tough times! Tim's dad was a pastor and an excellent example to his sons. All four of us daughters-in-law still "argue" about which one of us got the best Osborn guy. Truly an amazing legacy!

From Tina in Belize at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

He is a flesh and blood picture of Christ for me, showing me unconditional love.

He carries me into bed when I'm not feeling well.

He lavishes his love on me when the children are looking, and when they're not (lots of hugs and kisses!)

He thanks me for every meal I make and encourages the children to do the same.

He provides for our livelihood without ever complaining. I can rest in that security.

He tells me that he loves me several times a day, and shows me through small acts of kindness.

He thinks of hundreds of different ways to tell me how beautiful I am to him.

He brags about me to others.

He is a faithful follower of our Lord Jesus Christ, and a strong spiritual leader in our home.

He plays with the children, spending time with them on their level.

He takes time to work with our 12-year old on projects.

He is open and bold about his faith to others.


From Tonya at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

In an age when many children don't know their fathers, my husband has stayed with us, no matter what.

He makes me and my children laugh.

He is willing to work to provide for us.

He has never learned the art of lying.

He loves to gives hugs to us all.

He is happy wearing used clothing.

He has taught me many things.

He listens to me.

He enjoys my cooking.

He chose me to be his wife.



From Lorna at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful to my husband because:

He is a visionary man and a risk taker. This has resulted in a rather adventurous, and at times, hard journey, but we have learnt so much about God and about ourselves. Through all the hard times God has blessed us over and over in every area.

Initially my husband only wanted two children, but God changed his view on family size and saw fit to bless us with six children and our 7th is due in January 2011!

Although he is a very driven and motivated person, he is humble enough to be changed and led by God!



From Traci at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

He goes to work each day without complaint and for his unselfish provision for our family. We are able to live on one income.

He manages our finances so that we are not in debt and live within our means.

He truly is a wonderful, loving father and my best friend.

He wants me to stay at home raising and schooling our children. This is a BIG deal to me when I see so many other husbands wanting their wives to work and earn extra income.

He will eat oatmeal, lentil beans, and rice without complaint.

I am thankful for his balance in my life, his unwavering faith in our LORD Jesus Christ, and his determination to lead our family in devotions.

He is by no means perfect, but I know he is perfectly God's plan for me and I am thankful for that.


From Robyn Carton at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am thankful for my husband because:

I recently celebrated my 50th birthday and in May my husband and I reached our 20 year anniversary. At times I didn't think we'd get there. We are two quite different people, but thankfully God is chipping away at both of us to help us 'fit'.  When we first announced our engagement, my brother said that we may be different, but rather than chalk and cheese, we were more like bread and butter - different but go together.


At our wedding, when our minister got to the part of "in sickness and in health," there was a ripple of laughter throughout the congregation. The "in sickness" was a real and present commitment for my husband, as three days earlier I had come down with Ross River Virus, a mosquito borne disease, relatively unknown back then. There I was--his bride, barely able to walk down the aisle. Geoff could only place the ring on the tip of my little finger as my joints were so swollen.   For the next week or so, my husband had to feed me my meals and even brush my teeth for me.  For the next 12 months I needed to sleep 18 hours a day, and had to give up full-time work, but my husband never once complained or regretted marrying me.


My first pregnancy was difficult with threatened miscarriage and bed-rest. However, my husband cared for me and not once did he complain or regret marrying me. Baby two came along, a much better pregnancy, but I suffered terrible Post-natal depression for more than a year later. Once again, my husband was there, caring for not only me, but helping with the two children. He never complained and he never regretted marrying me.


In recent years I was again struck down by a mysterious illness that nearly robbed me of life. Once again my husband has been there, caring, encouraging and praying. It was a huge burden, but not once have I heard my husband complain, nor has he regretted marrying me.


I must point out that throughout all these times, my husband was and still is holding down a demanding full-time job.


My husband is a man of few words and over the years I have been very frustrated in his inability to express affection. However, as I reflect on our life together, I now see that words weren't necessary. He SHOWED me his love. For this I am thankful!




I loved this quote I read today:

"Around each pure domestic shrine

Bright flowers of Eden bloom and twine,

Our hearths are altars all."

~ Rev. John Keble




"My husband and I spent a whole evening on your website reading articles on why to have more children and how they are a blessing from God. Our church really likes to quote Deuteronomy 28:13 about God making us the "head and not the tail," but we noticed in this chapter that the womb was the first thing He blessed!  We have two wonderful girls and were really convicted that we couldn't limit His blessings, especially when we have been in a financial desert for over two years and whatever we "try" isn't working.  We just found out we are expecting baby # three. We've been trying to sell our house--it's the house in town that no realtor could sell. Recently a lady walked through in about five minutes put in an offer!  We got almost asking price and all papers were signed within 24 hrs. Wow!  We started looking on line for rentals and got everything we wanted in less than 24 hours--only God could do this! We know that this new baby is the START of our blessings. I realized that with my other two children blessing always followed (not that we have babies for a blessing to follow). Thank you for opening our eyes to the Scriptures of how children ARE blessings, family IS a blessing, and God takes care of our needs always."



"I want to thank you for the joy you brought into my wife's life when she received your magazines. She gave tear-filled thanks to Adonai and would not open the plastic wrapper until Shabbat. She proceeded to treat it as fine chocolate, reading only a little bit each week. Thank you!"



"I love the names of all your grandchildren and the chess contest between your grandchildren inspires me to teach that game to my children!  I had really sweet and beautiful dreams the night I first read some of the articles before I went to bed. That says something about the content and the Lord's presence in the magazine because the devil tries to attack me often in dreams."



"I have received Above Rubies for about two years and have been led by the Holy Spirit on many occasions to make major lifestyle changes through your magazine!"



"I adore Above Rubies. It always encourages me to be a better wife and mommy!"



"Your magazine has totally inspired me and changed the way I think about children. Because of the truths that were opened up to me through Above Rubies, we had another two children. What wonderful fruit!"




"What a joy it is to get Above Rubies each time! I devour the contents and am so encouraged in my walk as a young daughter of 20."



"I cherish the magazines and read them over and over. My 13 year-old-daughter also reads them and we both dance around in joy when one arrives. I found my husband recently reading one and hope he continues to do so."



"Just as I get upset and start to lose it, I get another magazine!"



"I have very low self esteem but when I read Above Rubies, I smile again and have sunshine in my life. God is Awesome." From the Solomon Islands.



"Your magazine changed my life! I found your magazine in desperation when I had my

first child and had no idea what I should be doing with her or myself. I drank down the inspiration I received from Above Rubies and it has changed my life and the life of my descendents forever. I now have THREE children (my husband originally wanted only one!) and am a stay at home Mama who is going to begin homeschooling! I had no idea about this before and now my husband who was against it is going to let me do it. PRAISE THE MIGHTY LORD. You have helped the Lord do a mighty work in me. I was raised to think the HIGHEST thing I could do was to have a high-powered career. Now I KNOW the highest thing I can do is to be a wife and mother and my children will know the same thing."




"I have had some not-so-good feelings about the atmosphere at our local Play Centre of which I have been a member for 6.5 years. Recently, a mother left her ruby ring with great sentimental value on the windowsill in the kitchen and it went missing. I missed the monthly meeting but I heard how members talked about improving security. Fingers were pointed at the absent cleaner and I do not know who else. All this time I said that I believed the ring was not stolen, only lost.  Even when it did not show up I believed it lost not stolen. I prayed it would turn up. Four weeks after its loss a complete visitor to our centre said, "I found this ring." There it was with its three rubies shining-she had found it outside in the playground. I was telling this story to a member of our church and she said to me, "There's a far higher purpose for all this. What was the magazine you gave everyone last week?" A ruby ring was lost and found, but the learning and purpose is above rubies."



"Your magazines are my second Bible. My husband is also very blessed with everything I share with him."




"Above Rubies is like candy to me!"



"A friend kindly gave me a pile of old magazines and I have been feasting richly on the wealth of godly material. I can't tell you how blessed I have been from reading them! I couldn't believe it when I discovered you are a faith-based ministry."




"Thank you for encouraging us women to be godly mothers and wives amidst the sinful world we live in. I have been saving all my Above Rubies, not only to re-read myself, but so my daughters can read them when they get older. Your encouragement and wisdom will bless my children and their families someday also."




"You're making a huge difference in my life."



"I am so grateful for Above Rubies. This world has few places any more that support "old-fashioned Christianity" values and family. I was raised on Above Rubies and every time it arrives in the mail box, a peace comes over me and I can't wait to read it.  It is more than just a magazine or a ministry; it's a way of life for which we all yearn for. Thank you for mentoring, discipling and encouraging us. May God truly uphold your arms as you stand like Moses and fight for our families. However badly this nation slips away from its roots, we are determined to stand all the more for its return back to God and family. May God have the last word!"



"It is through Above Rubies that I have come to embrace motherhood and become so excited about encouraging others!"



"I keep an issue of Above Rubies in the car at all times and even read while waiting for something else. I like to leave my extra issues in doctors and dentists' offices and pray it blesses some weary mom who picks it up."



"I found Above Rubies in my OBGYN waiting room. The magazine was used by God to change my heart to have more children. Thank you to whoever "left" the magazine in my OBGYN office!"



Did you receive the email with the SEVEN AMAZING SPECIALS? If not, email me and I'll send it to you. You'll be just in time to order for Christmas.

May God be with you at this special season. Don't get rushing around too much that you become harrowed in your mothering.

Love in Christ, NANCY CAMPBELL

Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ