Dear Above Rubies Reader,

Here is another mini Above Rubies newsletter to keep you up with the news.

The new magazine #79, was packaged and sent out by the 24th July. I am sure you have already enjoyed your magazine and are sharing it with others.

I have been working hard to finish editing the new edition of Above Rubies, #80, and will send it today to my design artist.

Colin and I leave tomorrow for the San Diego Above Rubies retreat. He will fly home Sunday night and I will fly on to Australia. I have three Above Rubies retreats in Australia, plus other meetings and will return on the 20th September.

I will only be home for two weeks when Colin I venture out again for seminars and retreats in England, Czech Republic and the Netherlands.

We return about the 26th October and that's when I print the new issue. I had to have it all completed before I left next week so my design artist could work on it gradually while I am away. When I come home it will be ready, we'll go to print and send it out to you, hopefully early November.

I would value your prayers over these next two busy months. Thank you so much.

In This Newsletter Issue...


You will have read the VBAC testimonies I printed in the current issue of Above Rubies. Unfortunately, I couldn't fit them all in. If you would like to read more testimonies on this subject go to www.aboverubies.org and click on Articles/Stories and then VBAC Stories ( http://aboverubies.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=176:vbac-stories&Itemid=400430 )where you can read 10 testimonies on this subject.



Have you joined the Above Rubies Facebook? You can keep up with the latest of what is happening with Above Rubies and be in touch with Above Rubies mothers from all over the world.

At the Tennessee retreat a young mother shared with me that she finds it so encouraging to go to the Above Rubies Facebook each morning to receive a little word of encouragement for the day. If you haven't joined yet, go to:

http://bit.ly/AboveRubiesFacebook then click on the "Like" button next to the Above Rubies name at the top.

You will also be able to keep up with what happens on my travels during the next two months on the Facebook.

Michelle Kauenhofen, our Above Rubies Canadian Director is the one who looks after the Above Rubies on Facebook . She is a mother of eleven wonderful children ranging from 18 - 7 months. Her email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We are currently at 4,485 friends. The one who becomes #5,000 will receive a gift-their choice of an item from our Book/CD store. Don't forget to tell all your friends on your Facebook about the Above Rubies on Facebook

Michelle also hosts the Canadian Above Rubies Facebook. Alice Gurr, our UK/European director runs the European Facebook.



The Above Rubies Egroup is still continuing after many years. Although we have now moved on to Facebook, many mothers couldn't give up the Egroup, so it still continues also. There are currently 3,383 on the Above Rubies Egroup.

The lead moderator is Denise Bryce who is a single mother of seven beautiful home-schooled children, ranging from 6 - 20. She has been with the Egroup for nearly 10 years and loves to encourage ladies to look to Jesus as the Author and Finisher of their faith. Her email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

One Egroup participant writes,

"I enjoy being among like-minded individuals and reading the discussions has helped me a lot. It kept me from walking out on my husband because of the commitment of this list to be good wives. I find information, courage, encouragement, strength, laughter, joy, tears, different perspectives, things that make me think, lots of information that I have not been able to find on another Yahoo list and certainly not in my own community."



From Marelize Keyter, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I've started a Yahoo group for Above Rubies ladies in South Africa to encourage, help and guide each other in our own special country with its unique limitations as well as its challenges. The address is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ARSouthAfrica/



Don't forget that the purpose of the Above Rubies Facebook pages and Above Rubies Egroups is to encourage and bless one another. This is the whole purpose of the Above Rubies ministry which extends to the Facebook and Egroups.  When you post, remember to always be encouraging. Lift one another up. Encourage one another. Bless one another. Pass on your ideas and hints for better mothering and home-making.

Never use these places as opportunities for gossip or debate on controversial subjects. They do not edify. Be an encourager. That's what Above Rubies is all about.

I love Hebrews 10:24...

"Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works."

Here are some other translations of the same Scripture:


"Stimulate one another to love and good deeds."

(NASB, MLB, Williams)


"Let us outdo each other in being helpful and kind to each other." (TLB)

"Spur one another on toward love and good deeds." (NIV, CJB)

"Arouse one another to brotherly love and right conduct." (Wey)

Let's keep this as our aim on the Above Rubies Facebook pages and the Egroups.



I read in Nehemiah 7:3, "Appoint guards from the inhabitants of Jerusalem, each at his post, and each in front of his house." I like this phrase-each in front of his house! How important it is to guard our homes and the most important place is the front entrance, both physically and spiritually.

We should be on guard in prayer, watching carefully for any inroads of the enemy who wants nothing more than to weaken our marriage and family. Don't give up your important task of guarding your home. Of course, it's hard to guard your home if you are mostly away from the home. We have to be on the job to be an effective guardian.

If you would like to know how to guard your home effectively, the study manual - GATE-KEEPERS OF THE HOME - HOW TO GUARD YOUR HOME ( http://aboverubiesbookstore.mybigcommerce.com/products/GATE%252dKEEPERS-OF-THE-HOME-%252d-HOW-TO-GUARD-YOUR-HOME.html ) is a great resource to get you started.



You will notice that I advertised two courtship movies in the latest magazine, BETROTHED ( http://aboverubiesbookstore.mybigcommerce.com/products/BETROTHED.html ) and PAMELA'S PRAYER ( http://aboverubiesbookstore.mybigcommerce.com/products/PAMELA%27S-PRAYER-%252d-DVD.html ), both of which I recommend.

I have now added one more to the list, ONE LUCKY LADY ( http://aboverubiesbookstore.mybigcommerce.com/products/ONE-LUCKY-LADY-%252d-DVD.html ).

It is very powerful as one young man shares haltingly and yet passionately how he decided to keep his first kiss for the wedding day. When I played it to my current Above Rubies helpers, they liked it even more than PAMELA'S PRYER.

I would encourage every family with teens to purchase this ONE LUCKY LADY on DVD. Go to http://aboverubiesbookstore.mybigcommerce.com/products/ONE-LUCKY-LADY-%252d-DVD.html or call on 1 877 729 9861.



If you have watched the betrothal story of Brayden and Tali on the DVD BETROVED ( http://aboverubiesbookstore.mybigcommerce.com/products/BETROTHED.html ), you may like to catch up with their news.

"God gives each of us longings and dreams. Around four years ago a dream was birthed in my heart to speak the Hebrew language. I have learned a lot but not yet reached fluency.

My zeal to learn Hebrew was, at times, overboard. Once after returning from Israel I was so determined to keep learning the language that I taped a paper to my chest that said, Rak Eevreet which means "only Hebrew" and would then shout my little mantra as I felt inspired. My brothers and I remained steady friends over the years but it became somewhat a sore point when I refused to talk in English at times where there was something more pressing than learning Hebrew at hand!

To my amazement, not only had God given me this dream of learning Hebrew, but He also placed it on my wife, Tali's heart, before I even knew her. Tali is a wonderful blessing tome even if she didn't have the same desire to learn Hebrew that I have, but that she does is like peanut butter on a banana! She has learned an incredible amount since we were married. She learned most the colors in Hebrew on the trip from Kentucky to Tennessee after our wedding.

A few months after finding out Yael's little life had begun we really buckled down and started doing more Hebrew study. We both want Yael to grow up speaking Hebrew.

After hoping and praying, and then not knowing if it would work out, then hoping and praying again, the Almighty has seen fit for us to go to Jerusalem to study Hebrew. Tali, Yael and I, along with Tali's sister, Kendra headed to Israel on the 9th June.

Shalom in Yeshua, Brayden Waller, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

P.S. If you would like to find out more about the miraculous rebirth of Hebrew as a spoken language there is a great book called, "Tongue of the Prophets" that tells the story of Eleazer Ben Yehuda. Not only is this a fascinating biography, but it also gives a great appreciation for the role that Hebrew played in the rebirth of the nation of Israel."

I would also recommend this book-one of my favorites. Nancy



Starla Kreider has designed a planner especially for stay-at-home moms. If you are interested, go to http://www.wellkeptlife.com

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. * Blog: http://www.thetimekeeper.wordpress.com



Trent Herbert writes: We have decided at TNL Productions to provide that the documentary, 28 Days on the Pill can be freely copied and distributed. The copies from originals are not to be sold but are to be freely given out. There is not a limit restriction on the number of copies that can be made. The only restriction is that it must be distributed in its entirety. Any reproduction of certain parts of the Documentary, for any reason, requires prior permission.

It is our desire that everyone be fully informed about these issues surrounding the Pill.  Let's continue to get the word out. The video has been placed on-line in its totality at:


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me:

Trent Herbert, TNL Productions - Searchlight Films

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. * 519-649-0901




An Above Rubies reader writes: The following link is to a new independent film which needs our support to expose the corruption of Planned Parenthood. The movie is called Blood Money and in order for the producers to get it into the theaters they need to show that millions of interested people have visited their website.

PLEASE HELP GET THIS IMPORTANT FILM INTO THEATERS BY VISITING THE WEBSITE, then forward it to your family and friends! Americans NEED to see this...





Coconut Oil and Red Palm Oil are the only two oils that are safe to use for cooking. They are the only two oils that do not turn to trans fat when heated. These are the only oils that I use for cooking in our home. I use Olive Oil for salad dressing but not cook with.

To order, call Charity Callis, Ph: 1 877 841 2861

You can also go to http://www.rainforestredpalmoil.com/ to order organic red palm oil.



Stephanie Thompson,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. writes:

"We had been making speeches at our family birthdays, but only with our own family. We felt it was time to do it with our parents. My mother-in-law's birthday is always around Mother's Day. We wanted to make her birthday special, but on Mother's Day we had a snow storm of all things so my in-laws ended up coming here. We made a beautiful meal for her birthday and asked the children to write why they love Mimo (their name for her). They had to read it to her and then give her what they wrote so she could always keep it.  My husband and I did it too. What my husband wrote meant so much to her as he is her only child left (her daughter recently died of cancer.)  He tends to be quiet so hearing what he felt about her brought her to tears. She said that this was the best Mother's day and birthday she ever had. She couldn't believe it was real, but it was! God is so good."

How true that the greatest gifts we can receive are encouraging words, either written or spoken. I remember the very first Christmas we had in North America, and of course, our very first White Christmas which we had dreamed of for years while living in New Zealand and Australia.

We drove up to my sister's big log home in the Cariboo, on the road that leads to Alaska. We arrived in a snow storm and her husband had to tow us up the long steep hill to their home with a tractor. We were snowed in for most of our time with them. Each day we snuggled in by the fire and I made soup and homemade bread. Christmas Day came and none of us had any money for gifts so we all decided to write poems to one another. What precious gifts. We were more blessed by these encouraging poems than any material gifts we have ever received. It is still one of my favorite Christmases.  Nancy.



I mentioned in my article, FAMILY DEOVTIONS, THE WIFE'S PART in the latest issue of Above Rubies a book that I heartily recommend. It is called How to have a Family Altar by Norman V. Williams. It is out of print, but an Above Rubies reader found it on line: Here's the link:  http://www.baptistbiblebelievers.com/Books/HowtoHaveAFamilyAltarbyNormanVWilliams/tabid/198/Default.aspx



I like to speak out, write, sign and be a voice for righteousness in any way I can. Any opportunity to sign something to stand against evil, I want to be part of. Here are a few things you may like to do to help be a voice.


Abortion in New Zealand

From Janine in New Zealand,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Could we ask for your help please? We are one of the families trying to save babies from abortion in New Zealand. We have a website http://www.0800uchoose.com and we need people to visit the site so our website can get higher up the Google list. Thanks, Janine.


Parental Rights Amendment

Certain radical leaders in Congress want to ratify a UN treaty that would basically take away the rights of parents and give them to the UN. The Parental Rights Amendment would prevent this treaty and others like it. It will also protect parental rights from judicial undermining that is going on in American courts today. To learn more click on the link below.

The Solution: The Parental Rights Amendment

If you want some more information the best website to look into is http://www.Parentalrights.org

You can also print off a petition which you can give to people to sign and when it is complete, send it in.


Rolling Stones Magazine

Flying last weekend to the Above Rubies retreat in Montana, Pearl wanted to pick up a health magazine to read on the plane. At eye level she noticed the cover of the Rolling Stones magazine. She came back to me horrified! I went to look myself and was also horrified. I immediately complained to the shop assistant and asked to speak to the manager. He spoke to me on the phone and said he would need more complaints to do something about it! That shows that everyone needs to complain!

This cover is so disgusting that we cannot sit by and do nothing. I would rather you didn't have to see it, but if you are in a shop that sells magazine and you can see it out of one corner of your eye, please ask for the manager and complain. It is terrible that it is at the eye level for children to see. And if we don't rise up and complain about this cover, they'll start printing worse covers!



TASMANIA - Women's Camp

September 3rd - 5th

Springvale Hostel, Midwood Street, New Town (Hobart)

CONTACTS:  Mel Thompson * Phone: 03 6223 7170  * Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


VICTORIA - Day Seminar

Wednesday 8th September

Venue: House of the Rock Church, 17 Goode St Gisborne  Vic 3437

Contacts: Rosie Glenister  0438 741 033 * Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or

Jenny Barnes, Phone 03 5426 1717  *  Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


NEW  SOUTH  WALES - Ladies Camp

10th - 12th September

Ridgecrest - 621 The Circle Rd Mumbil, (30k - Wellington: 75k - Dubbo)

Contact: Robbie McFadyen - Trewilga Park Rd, Trewilga  2869

Phone: 02 6869 1388 * email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Day Seminar in Sydney

Monday 13th  September 2010

Toongabbie Baptist Church: Cnr Metella Rd  & Octavia St  Toongabbie

Contact: Jan Saunders, Phone 02 9621 4164 * Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


QUEENSLAND - Ladies Camp

17th - 19th  September 2010

QCCC - 179 Gold Creek Rd- Brookfield Brisbane 4069

Contact: Claire and Maggie Ciranni - 282 Mt Samson Rd- Samsonvale 4520

Phone: 07 3103 9055  Mobile: 0416 488 812 * Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



8th October-8 a.m. Colin Campbell will be on the Breakfast Show on Premier Radio.


8-10 October-LADIES RETREAT at Wokefield Park Hotel, Reading, England. Registration forms and further information are enclosed and on the website, or email Alice at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


11th October-11a.m. Nancy Campbell will be on Premier Radio.



11th October-7 p.m. Meal and meeting for all at 2 Ember Farm Way, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 0BJ. Phone: (0208)398 1996 *  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please call Lydia Bate to let her know you are coming, for catering purposes.


12th October-9 p.m. Colin and Nancy--Live at 9on Revelation TV.


13th October-1.00  p.m. Nancy on She Matterson Revelation TV.  http://www.revelationtv.com/


13-15 October-Netherlands. Please contact Erna Stelma, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


15-17 October-Conference in Hustopeče, South Moravia, Czech Republic. Further information on the website, or contact Karel Fridrich This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


17-18 October-Prague, Czech Republic. Please contact Kristyna Klusonova. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


19 October-Meeting in Pleasley Landmark Centre, Chesterfield Road North, Pleasley, Mansfield NG17 9SP. Meal at 5 p.m.--separate men's and ladies' meetings. Contact Helena Mol to let her know you are coming for This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. *



20-22 October-7 p.m. Colin and Nancy speaking at Aberdona House, FK10 3QP (nr. Stirling), Scotland.  Contact Marta Kleczkowska:  01259-759085 * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


22-24 October-FAMILY CAMP at Whithaugh Park, Scottish borders. Registration forms and further information are on the website, or email Sarah at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


For information on all these events and regular updates, please go to  http://www.aboverubies.co.uk/#/conferences/4537247267


Alice Gurr, Above Rubies Director in UK and Europe also writes: Everyone who is on the email address list for Europe has received this information already. If you have not received information on the visit and retreats already, it is because you are not on the Above Rubies UK/Europe email address list. THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS NANCY'S EMAIL ADDRESS LIST FOR DEVOTIONALS AND NEWSLETTERS! For regular updates and information between magazines, please check the website http://www.aboverubies.co.uk regularly or send your email address to Alice Gurr at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Nehemiah 7:1-2 says, "Now it came about when the wall was rebuilt that I put Hanani my brother, and Hananiah the commander of the fortress, in charge of Jerusalem for he was a faithful man and feared God more than many." We are raising children to be ready for God's service. Who is God looking for? Faithful servants. Ask God to help you raise children who are faithful. That means teaching them to be faithful in the little daily things of life for God has promised that those who learn to be faithful in the little that He will make them ruler over many things. (Matthew 25:23). God looks for faithfulness over and above talent and intellect. It does not matter if your child does not have great abilities, if he learns faithfulness, he will be prepared and ready for God to use him.

We must also teach our children to walk in the fear of the Lord. Even children face situations where they have to choose to fear God or give into pleasing men. Ask God for wisdom to teach your children how to stand up for God and stand against evil, even if it means being unpopular in the eyes of man.



"I had really sweet and beautiful dreams the night I first read some of the articles before I went to bed. That says something about the content and the Lord's presence in the magazine because the devil tries to attack me in dreams often."

"I love the names of all your grandchildren and the chess contest picture in # 79 inspires me to teach that game to my children!"


"I have received your magazine for about two years and have been led on many occasions to make major lifestyle changes through the leading of your magazine!"


"I adore Above Rubies. It always encourages me to be a better wife and mommy!"

"I wanted to tell you that your magazine has totally inspired me and changed the way I think about children.  Because of the truths that were opened up to me through Above Rubies ministry, we had another two children.  What wonderful fruit!

"My best friend subscribed me to Above Rubies magazine two years ago and oh what a joy it is to get it each and every time!  I devour the contents and am so encouraged in my walk as a young 20 year old lady and daughter."

"Just as I get upset and start to lose it, I get another magazine."


A New Above Rubies Book and Music Store

I would like to invite you to visit the new on line bookstore at:
Please take some time to wander through the store and sign up for the "Preferred Shoppers Group" to receive valuable money saving coupons and gifts from time to time.
NOTE: Canadian Purchasers - Please use the Above Rubies Canada Book & Music Store located at:



I must sign off now. I have four week's work to do today before I leave early tomorrow morning. I would really value your prayers for God's strength, physically and spiritually. And I would appreciate your prayers for God's anointing as I share with women in many meetings and retreats in the coming months.

May God pour out His blessing upon you and your precious family.



Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ