PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 223: The Four L’s of Raising Children, Part 7

Epi223picLIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 223: The Four L’s of Raising Children, Part 7

We continue speaking about raising children who love liberty. Do your children know the first and second amendments? Are you teaching them the Constitution? Are you aware of how important it is to vote in our local elections? Did you know that your county sheriff has power to protect you from federal mandates that would be harmful to you? What are you doing to prepare your children to live in freedom?

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! We’re here again, and we’re going to finish our series on the four L’s of raising children. This is our last session on RAISING OUR CHILDREN TO LOVE LIBERTY. We didn’t really have time to say everything we wanted to last time.

We were talking about how we have come to see how important it is to be involved in our local elections. Yes, I have voted locally before, but this last time I really got a lot more involved. Did you also?

Michele: Oh, absolutely! This is kind of new territory for us, being new in Tennessee. We had to learn what is even happening here in this county. We had a lot of research to do and a lot of people to talk to.

Nancy: Yes. We were blessed. In fact, I think it was the night before we left to go to England, we had a dear friend, a wonderful man of God, come to our home and speak to all the folks who came about preparing to vote. This man had spent many, many hours speaking to those who were wanting to be sheriff, and mayor, and different things in our county. He spent a lot of time with them, asking them the real, real, real questions. Many of them couldn’t really even answer.

He shared about one man who was applying for sheriff in our county, because we have now come to realize that the sheriff is a very important part of the county. He shared how this particular man was able to really answer the questions and would be so good to vote in. So, of course, after understanding all this, we all voted for him, but he didn’t get in.

Sadly, however, it made us realize that we hadn’t done anything about helping him to get in. We’d only just found out about him. So I think that we will prepare and encourage him to get in next time and do a bit more groundwork.

Michele: Right! Our job now is to go to the sheriff that we do have that just got voted in, and I think you just got a phone call from him.

Nancy: Yes. I thought, OK, well, first of all, I must share, once again, my ignorance. I really never thought much about voting for the sheriff in our county. It didn’t really mean much to me until recently I began to do some research. As I researched, I couldn’t believe it! To realize how much power a sheriff has in the county.

In fact, did you know, ladies, and I didn’t know before I began to look all this up, that the sheriff actually has the most, perhaps the most power of anyone else in the whole county? He has more power in his county than the president. He has more power than the governor.

In fact, he has the power invested in him, that if federal agencies were to come to our county and tell us that we had to conform to something, maybe they were telling us everybody had to be mandated to be vaccinated, or whatever. Now, if the sheriff did not agree and didn’t believe that it was for the best for “we the people,” and for the good of the people in his county, he could say, “No!” And they could not do one thing. Now that is powerful.

The sheriff is the protector of the people of the county. He can even protect us from laws and mandates from federal agencies and federal people who would maybe put their tyranny on us. But, if the sheriff resists this, because he knows it is not right or good, they can do nothing. And we have his protection. So, that’s how powerful it is to vote in the right sheriff!

Michele: Oh, absolutely! So, what do we do, now that we didn’t get our sheriff that we voted for?

Nancy: Well, I was thinking about that and thought, “Well, help, I don’t really even know this guy! Who is he? What does he believe? I don’t even know what he believes!” So, actually, today I called him.

Just before we came to do this podcast, I received a return call from him. He was very pleasant and very friendly. He is willing to come to our home. I have invited him. I said we could get at least 30 or 40 people in and we would love him to talk to us. We have many questions to ask him.

So, I’m now going to confirm the date and we’re going to be able to talk to our sheriff. We’re going to be able to ask him the questions that we want to know. Where is he in protecting us as a county? I think this is very important.

Can I ask you a question, ladies? Do you know who the sheriff is in your county? Well, I think it is a very important thing to find out who he is, and then perhaps to get to know him, and begin to ask questions and find out, is he a constitutional sheriff?

Because there are sheriffs, and there are constitutional sheriffs. We need to have in our counties a constitutional sheriff who believes and will stand for the Constitution. It all depends on us. We are the ones who vote them in. We’ll get to find out about this particular one. We trust that we will be able to be an influence on him.

Michele: Absolutely. I think that’s key, not just to have him come here and ask him questions, but also tell him, what are our desires? What are we looking for in a sheriff? And hopefully have some influence on his decisions, future decisions. And maybe things he may never have thought of or didn’t know the people really cared about. We can definitely make an impact.

Nancy: Yes. And I did read how that in 2015, 500 sheriffs agreed not to enforce any gun laws created by the federal government. That’s in 500 counties. There are obviously constitutional sheriffs in those counties who will protect the Second Amendment. That is so wonderful!

So, dear ladies, what we are seeing is that we actually begin to govern by “we the people,” from our local governments, our school boards, our commissioners, our mayors, and our sheriffs, above everyone else. If we vote in godly constitutional people locally, well, that’s all we need to do, really. If we’ve got it locally, then, well, we’ve really got it.

Michele: Absolutely. That’s grassroots. Grassroots is in your own county. That’s where it begins. A lot of these people, possibly the mayor, possibly your governor, possibly the commissioners, they’re going to raise up and they could take higher offices. They could end up in federal, which really does start at the grassroots level.

Nancy: And encouraging godly people to become commissioners and begin to be an influence in the community. So, anyway, what other ways have you encouraged your children, Michele?

Michele: Well, we mentioned last podcast that we were involved an organization called Teen-Pact, a Christian organization that teaches some basics on how governments, how things work in the judicial system, all the different branches of government. There are so many different organizations you can seek out and find at that level. Getting involved at the grassroots level.

Nancy: You’ve told me how you’ve also got your children into debating. Tell me more about that.

Michele: Yes, we’re part of a Christian homeschool speech and debate club. What that has done for our children is given them communication skills, and the power of being able to debate on a respectable level. Just to bring about ideas and change without arguing, per se. Debate is different than arguing. Also, it made them quick thinkers, able to think on their feet.

I have a son who recently turned 20 and he’s an amazing speaker. I know having the skill of the speech part and the debate part together, he has an amazing skill to be able to communicate his point of view, whether you agree with him or not, in such an intellectual way that anybody can understand him.

It’s super-powerful to teach our children skills for those things. Who knows, maybe they’ll grow up and be the politicians. They may grow up to be the county commissioners. But being able to communicate and know your values is huge.

Nancy: Yes. And they cannot move into these positions without being able to speak clearly and articulately. Also, to know what they’re talking about! Now, when Carter first started, was he able to do this?

Michele: Oh, it definitely took some practice. It took some learning. He only did it, he didn’t even get into it until he was 15. So, from the age of 15 to 18, it was amazing to watch his growth and his love for being able to interact intelligently with all people, whether it’s somebody he agrees with or disagrees with, adults or a young child, he’s able to have an intellectual stand. Being able to have that quick response and know how to communicate has been huge.

Nancy: But of course, this has helped him to develop this. I think that is important. I think of that Scripture in Psalm 127, which is one of the wonderful family psalms. Psalm 127 and Psalm 128 are all about the family. I think it’s good to regularly read them to continually update ourselves on feeling God’s heart about the family.


Psalm 127:4: “As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man,” or a mighty warrior, “so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them. They shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.” Now, that’s powerful, ladies!

God tells us in His Word that we are raising arrows. We are sharpening arrows. We are refining these arrows. We are getting them ready for war. We’re getting them ready to fight in the gates, in the gates of the city, and in the gates of our nation. How are they going to do it?

It’s interesting. This is in the context of war. Then we read: “But they shall speak,” they shall speak “with the enemies in the gate.” WE ARE RAISING CHILDREN TO SPEAK! Now that’s powerful. I think we often forget that. We forget that little word. We are raising children to SPEAK.

Right from an early age, dear parents, let’s really encourage our children in speaking. I find, as I talk to lots of children, and even young people, they speak so fast I can’t understand what they’re saying. They’re mumbling, and I can’t understand what they’re saying. I know they understand one another.

I am, I know and will confess, that I am a little deaf. But even so, they’re mumbling, and they’re talking fast! They’re not really articulating.

I think we need to encourage our children how to be speakers, not just mumblers who can chat away with their peers. No, we’re raising them to speak, to be able to speak words of truth, to be able to articulate clearly, and be able to speak something that makes sense.

When children speak fast, and you know you can hardly hear them, say, “Look, can you say that again, slower and more clearly?” Get them into the habit of speaking clearly because if they don’t grow up doing it, how are you raising them to speak in the gates? Oh, yes, they can speak with their peers. They can speak with all the young people hanging around. But can they speak in the gates of the city? Or in the gates of the nation? That’s another level of speaking!

Michele: Absolutely. We have to defend our rights and our liberties. If we’re not able to communicate and speak, we can’t defend it. Liberty is precious. It’s rare, and it’s never guaranteed. It’s always threatened. It can be lost in this evil generation if it’s not defended. So, if our children are not able to grow up and be able to communicate and speak clearly, liberty can be lost in just one generation.

Nancy: Oh, that’s right. Also, they have to know what they’re talking about. We have to teach them the truths of freedom and the Constitution and so on. They need this wonderful book that we can get for them to read!

Michele: Not just books, but there are so many conservative podcasts and different medias of influence that we can present to our children. Our car time, we love listening to audiobooks. There are books, there are podcasts that we enjoy from a biblical worldview. That’s the key, isn’t it? Having a biblical worldview on all this. But there are so many different news medias. Careful, obviously. You want to find one with a biblical worldview.

Nancy: There was one time that I did this class with my grandchildren here on the Hilltop. We went through Mark Levin’s book, Liberty and Tyranny. His book, wow, it’s just packed full of very amazing words. He has a great vocabulary. So many of his words, help, I didn’t even know! We had to look them up.

We would do a chapter together. We’d read through it. We’d discuss it together. We would learn the new words that we were discovering. It was really exciting to do that with them. Of course, most of them have grown up now. But that is something you can use.

Take a book like this, even in your homeschooling. Sometimes you don’t have to rely on the curriculum. Just get a good, powerful book about liberty. Read a chapter, discuss it together, prepare questions for your children, because they need to discuss. It’s not just listening. They need to discuss these things, talk them out, so they know how to actually articulate them.

Michele: And remember them. Because we talked about in the LOVE FOR LEARNING the way you retain information is by not only hearing it. You listen, but if you can teach it to somebody else. You can write it down, but if you can teach it back to somebody else or have the interaction, that’s when you retain most of the information.

We’ve done some more things. We actually had a small group at our home once a week, for I think it was about six or eight weeks, we did a book study on something about the Constitution. It was families, so we had children, young adults there with us, and their parents. We spent six weeks, once a week. We always made it fun. What a great way to learn when you get a group together! So, just pulling different resources and getting your children involved is so important.

Nancy: Another thing I think is wonderful are freedom rallies. Whenever there’s a freedom rally, well, I love to attend with my banners and my flags. And to take the children! When we were doing a season of freedom rallies for while there, we would take all the grandchildren. It was so great to be part of. I think freedom rallies are wonderful. We had one just recently, didn’t we?

Michele: We did. There were speakers that came from all over. We took our children, and we went and supported them, and listened, and learned, and had discussions afterwards. It was a lot of fun.

Something else we’ve done, there was a state representative in our state that was running that we were supporting. We got to be in the Fourth of July parade. That was so much fun, because we got to go, and the kids got to get all dressed up and pass out stickers and get tee shirts. It was a lot of fun. Of course, they wanted to know, “Well, who is this guy?” So, we got to learn all about him before we went. But just getting involved in things like that can make a big difference.

Nancy: Now, the freedom rally that we had, it was so interesting. These people were putting on this freedom rally in our area. I got this flyer, and I looked at it, and I said, “I wonder where it is.” It said, “The Wedding Barn”! I said, “Help! That’s on our land.” Because Serene’s husband, Sam has recently built what we call “The Wedding Barn” because we so needed somewhere for all the weddings. We could never ever find the right place, or a big enough place, or this or that, so Sam decided to build one. It’s turned out the most amazing place. I think that we could squash 1,000 people in it.

Now people are finding out about it and wanting to use it for all kinds of things. So, here’s this freedom rally at the wedding barn! We were actually away that weekend. We were taking an Above Rubies retreat up in Missouri. We thought, “Oh, if only we could even just get back for a little bit of it!” We were finished, we hopped in the car, and we drove like fury, maybe like Jehu.

We got there for the last hour because it was a whole afternoon. We were able to get to see the last couple of speakers. That was great. I wish I could have got all of them. But even the one I heard was most interesting. It was the guy, because there were people who shared testimonies of things that had happened to them, even through this plandemic.

This guy had been a nurse, a male nurse for 28 years. He had been very much part of the hospital. But he got up to share that what he is seeing now. He’s finding it even hard to trust what is happening in the whole medical profession. He said that a few years back he had a heart attack and was life-flighted to the hospital. They immediately took him into the operating room, put him under, and put a stent in his heart, which he found . . . Did you hear him, or I think you had left?

Michele: I had been there all afternoon, except for the last hour. I left when you guys got there.

Nancy: Yes, yes. Well, they put a stent in his heart, and he found out later that he did not need it at all! In fact, it wasn’t as bad as they had made out. He was fine, and he was out walking in a few days. In fact, he walks two-and-a-half miles every day.

Then, just recently, he had a stroke. They said it was very, very serious, and they took him into the hospital. But actually, he said, all I did was have a loss of memory, just for a few hours, and then I was fine! I was running up and down the corridors of the hospital and they were trying to tell me, you had a serious stroke! You’ve got to be lying in your bed. We’ve got to do this to you and do that!” He said, “I was running around!”

He said, “They are doing things often just because they get money from it.” Then he told another story, how a friend, well, something was wrong with her. I can’t even remember. So, he took her to the emergency, and then they discovered, really, it was just fibromyalgia. He said, “Well, can we get this for it?” because he had been a nurse there for 28 years. He said, “I could not believe it. The doctor said, ‘Well, we can’t get that medication now because we don’t make enough money for that.”

Michele: Oh, my goodness!

Nancy: Could you believe that? He said he can hardly believe what is happening. I am finding that myself, I’ve never been one to run to doctors. I’ve always loved doctors, but I don’t believe in running to doctors for every little thing. I believe they are there for real emergencies. Often surgeons will save lives. Wow, that is so incredible! But there’s so much stuff that we can learn how to deal with in our own homes instead of running to the doctor. They give drugs, or they give, what do they give?

Michele: Pharmaceuticals?

Nancy: Yes. Well, just some pharmaceutical thing, or yes.

Michele: But then they have to give you more pharmaceuticals to cover up the side effects from the first one.

Nancy: Exactly! Because they all have side effects, I know. In fact, I have to confess that, well, I’m making a lot of confessions at the moment! But we never, ever had a family doctor the whole time we raised our children. Never had a doctor. Never actually went to a doctor.

Oh yes, I did go to the emergency room a few times when they cut their legs open, or they broke their legs, or they did this. We’d go and get them stitched up, or fixed up, or something like that. But we never actually needed a doctor! We just raised them healthily!

But now, I’m actually finding it hard to think . . . I don’t know what to do about this . . .  I really quite don’t know, because we look upon doctors as very intelligent people. But I can’t quite understand what happened to their intelligence during this plandemic, when Fauci prescribed remdesivir for covid patients. They were not allowed . . .  hospitals were not allowed to give ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine which were proved to bring healing to people. Those who took that would be healed in a few days.

But they were not allowed to give those medicines. Instead, they had to give remdesivir which is a highly toxic drug, which they developed in 2009 to treat hepatitis C. But it didn’t work. So, they brought it back in 2014 when they had that Ebola epidemic. It didn’t stop that either. But they could make a lot of money on it.

So, they brought it back for the plandemic. And doctors were actually giving it to patients. Hundreds and thousands died because of remdesivir because it causes renal failure, kidney failure, liver problems, and multiple organ failures. Now there were many doctors who did sound the alarm, but thousands blindly followed. No, I don’t think they blindly followed, because if they were a doctor, they had to have the intelligence to know what it was doing to the patients.

That makes me rather reticent to . . . help . . . just run to the hospital to a doctor who was quite prepared to give something that would make someone die! What is happening?

Michele: We had two close friends, two weeks apart, pass away from that medication. Very similar stories. One was in their 40’s and the other one was late 60’s, early 70’s. Exact same story. As soon as they got that medication, their kidneys shut down, and then they were gone. It was so unbelievable.

But the one thing from the freedom rally that I kept hearing over and over again was these testimonies of either parents with their adult children or children with their older parents that were in the hospital and how they had to advocate for them.

Then the outcome. The more they were advocated, the more they knew and were able to advocate, versus the ones that just didn’t know, and the devastating outcomes. I was like, oh, my heart was broken, because this is why we go to the doctors, why we go to the hospital, because they’re the ones who are supposed to be educated in this field in telling us. But it’s become quite the opposite.

Nancy: I know. We have to really do a lot of research ourselves these days.

Michele: And I think, too, one thing that’s lacking with a lot of doctors is just knowing the voice of the Holy Spirit. As a patient, or knowing someone who’s in the hospital, we have to rely on what the Lord tells us, and stand up, stand up for the rights, our own rights, or somebody we love. Stand up for the rights.

Nancy: Yes. Now, of course, we are facing another election very soon, our mid-term elections. Of course, we need to really be, somehow. . . I just don’t even know how it’s all going to pan out, because there’s been such fraudulence. We are living under a stolen election. We all know that.

Did you see the movie, 2000 Mules? If you haven’t, you do need to see that. I think there’s another one out now that is exposing the Dominion voting machines. There has been so much fraudulence in all this voting. We wonder how can we trust another election? We need to be in prayer and really seeking to contact, right down to the local level, of course.

Even our elections, our commissioners, they have power to determine how the elections will be done. We can contact them, and say, “Look, we want paper ballots. We don’t want to use these machines. We can’t trust them.” So, it comes again down to our local people who are in charge, to ask them to do their job so we can truly have honest elections. We can’t go on with all this forgery.

You had something to say?


Michele: I often have to remind myself and my children, for such a time as this we were created. It’s no accident that we’re here at this time. Sometimes it feels like it would be easier to give up, that it doesn’t matter. Things aren’t truthful anyway. But no, God commands us over and over in His Word to stand up and to fight. It’s no accident we’re here at this time.

Nancy: Exactly. Now, time is coming to a close. I think maybe you should just read out those last few thoughts of yours.

Michele: Yes! Just to review our four L’s: we have LOVE THE LORD, LOVE LEARNING, LOVE LABOR, and LOVE LIBERTY. If my children love the Lord, they have the foundation for life, because apart from Him, there’s nothing. And if they love learning, they will always be adding to their knowledge and skill sets, to do the things God may have before them with less limitations.

If they have a love for labor, they will have the work ethic and stamina to get the job done. And if my children love liberty, they will defend freedom and be able to exercise their rights and live a self-governed life.

Nancy: Amen! That is powerful, Michele. Thank you. Can I just close with Isaiah 59:14? This is like a description of how we are living today. “And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off; for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey.” Those who are standing against evil, who are standing for righteousness, they are becoming the victims!

“And the LORD saw it, and it displeased Him that there was no judgment and justice. And He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore His arm brought salvation unto Him; and His righteousness, it sustained Him. For He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and an helmet of salvation upon His head; and He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloke.

In this hour, when justice is fallen, and truth is all turned upside down and backwards, it’s time to put on the zeal of the Lord, and to intercede, and to stand in the gap, to pray with all our hearts, and also to stand up for truth and for liberty. Amen?

Michele: Amen.

Nancy: Oh, I trust you’ve been blessed. Let’s pray, shall we?

“Dear Father, we thank You, Lord God, that Your plan is for us to live as free people. You do not want us to live under tyranny, under tyrannical government. Lord, I pray that You will teach us all to stand for truth, to stand for righteousness, and to realize the impact that we, as parents and children, as families, can have in our communities, as we realize that we are the ones who vote in godly commissioners, and mayors, and sheriffs, and those on our school boards.

“Lord God, we pray that You’ll help us to be faithful to vote in righteous people. If we haven’t got any, to encourage those who are righteous to stand and be there to protect the county, protect the people. So, Lord, we ask that You will teach us and help us not to just listen to something, but to do something. We don’t want to be hearers of the Word, we want to be doers of the Word. We ask it in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Some more quotes about liberty for you:

“The future doesn’t belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave.”

Ronald Reagan

“If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”

~ Samuel Adams

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
~ Benjamin Franklin

“Those who own the country ought to govern it.”

~ John Jay

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

~ George Washington

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

~ Abraham Lincoln

“I pity the man who wants a coat so cheap that the man or woman who produces the cloth will starve in the process.”

~ Benjamin Harrison


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