Life To The Full Podcast


PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 152: What Are You Doing About The Vaccine?


FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 152 –  What Are You Doing About The Vaccine?

Nancy Webster and I get on the hot subject of the COVID vaccine today. Do you truly know the purpose of these vaccines? What is the ultimate plan? Every person needs to hear this podcast and to share it with others.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, From Our Home to Yours, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Good morning, ladies! Oh, but you may be listening to this at nighttime. But anyway, I have Nancy Webster with me again today. So we're looking forward to sharing another session with you. We have decided to talk about something that is so current, and I guess also controversial. And we're going to talk about vaccines.

Now isn’t it wonderful that we live in a free world? Well, hopefully, because sadly, our freedoms are gradually being taken away from us. But currently at this time, we still have a Constitution which gives us freedom. So therefore, as we start this session, dear ladies, I want you to know that you are free! Because that's who we're meant to be, a free people. And you are free to take this vaccine.

But you should also be free not to take it. That's the sad part at the moment, because they are wanting to push it on people. And I believe in freedom. That's the very bottom line of what I believe, is that we are a free people. I do not believe in mandatory vaccination, because that is tyranny, and I am against tyranny with all my heart.

God is against tyranny. It is Satan that brings tyranny. But getting back to it, if we say things today, perhaps against what you believe at this current time, please forgive us. And know that you are free. But I think you will know, if you know me (you've been getting to know me as we have been sharing together with, I think this is number 152 podcast), so you've been getting to know me, and you will know that I will not be taking this vaccine.

Because, dear ladies, can I just say at the outset, and Nancy's going to be coming in here with so much to share. But I just want to say, I think, sadly, most people don't understand that our government, and the people who are really behind this vaccine, the deep state, and Bill Gates and Fauci and all their cohorts, are not really trying to help you. They don't care about your health. The bottom line of this current vaccination is to depopulate the world. I guess you've read that, haven't you, Nancy?

Nancy W: Oh yes, and it's totally true. And it sounds so conspiracy theory, and Nancy and I were talking beforehand that we've both, in the past, probably laughed a little about that, you know, about that word. “Oh, those people, they're kind of nutty.” But God's opened our eyes, I think. And we're realizing now, that is the truth. And it really is their goal. It is.

Nancy: And this is another thing that we have to be aware of at this time. It's become the issue now that any truth, anybody who is bringing out the truth, trying to warn people through articles, through YouTube, through whatever, the moment they get them up, they are pulled down, and they are labeled conspiracy theories.

Anything that is true, anything the deep state does not want you to know, it is labeled a conspiracy theory. So they can get that into the minds of people, so people will just think, “Oh yeah, that's just conspiracy.” And they believe it! And they believe it that it's conspiracy.

Now there was a time when there were some conspiracy theories that we would laugh at. But more and more and more now, we are seeing, as we research, and we get to know the truth, that it is now the deep state, the elite, these liberal people, they are calling everything that is conservative, and is truth, and it belongs to our Constitution, anything that we, the foundation of our nation, is all a conspiracy theory. And that is ridiculous.

Now let me just give you this quote. I just wrote it out this morning from what Bill Gates said with his own mouth, and I have heard him, watched him, watched him on his YouTubes and heard not even this quote, other quotes exactly similar. But I just wrote this one out today.

This is Bill Gates speaking: “First we've got population. The world today has 6.8 billion. That's getting up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job, the new vaccine, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10-15 percent.”

Nancy W:  He's so honest and blatant.

Nancy: Blatant! I mean I've heard him say it even more blatantly, that he's using the word “depopulation.” You have to understand who Bill Gates is. He and his family have been involved in eugenics for years. His parents were in eugenics. Their whole mindset, their worldview is eugenics, to get rid of unnecessary population. And that is the black population, sadly.

Nancy W: Special needs.

Nancy: Special needs, anything that they don't think is the elite, they want to get rid of. Now it began with birth control. I mean, that's how they began to bring it in, with birth control. Margaret Sanger, have you heard of Margaret Sanger? If you haven't, you need to just check this woman out.

She was the mastermind of the birth control that came into this nation. She had been sitting under eugenics masters and learning that way. It was all to eliminate. She wanted to eliminate the blacks and eliminate the poor people. They planned to do it by birth control.

But I also read something from Bill Gates just recently saying, “Well, birth control, it's not really, really eliminating the population as fast as they want.”

Nancy W: Oooh!

Nancy: And so therefore, they are now into vaccines. We know that Bill Gates has been saying that there is going to come this pandemic. And Fauci. They have been saying that it is coming because they were involved in causing it.

Nancy W: Years ago.

Nancy: Yes. Everything has been planned. It's all to bring down the population of the world. And where does that come from, dear ones? It comes from Satan himself, the one who hates life. Satan hates life. He wants to eliminate it every way he can. And the last few decades, he has been busy eliminating it through contraception, sterilization, and abortion. I mean, how many babies were murdered last year? Was it 40 million, I think, throughout the world?

It is just horrific. But that's not enough for them. So they're into their new thing, along with continuing with contraception, sterilization, and abortion. But we've got vaccines as well. And you are listening to me, and you think, “I beg your pardon! These vaccines are to help me stay alive. “I'm sorry. What do you say, Nancy?

Nancy W: They're not.

Nancy: They're not helping you stay alive.

Nancy W: Especially the coronavirus vaccine, covid, whatever you want to call it. SARS, COVID-2, I think, is the official name. It is not your normal kind of vaccine.

Nancy: No, this is something different.

Nancy W: It's so weird, where they've taken just a part, a little spike protein off of a virus, and your body has no clue what to do. It basically turns on your immune system, where it's ready to fight anything that comes. If something comes your way, and it's going to because there's cooties in the world, then it won't turn off. And it will lead to shock, nervous stuff, lung stuff, autoimmune things, and ultimately, death.

Nancy: So the thing is, this vaccine, it may help to stop you getting this strain of covid. Really, it's just another strain of the flu. It's nothing else than another flu.

Nancy W: They've never isolated, the CDC cannot provide a specimen of  that virus. There is no such thing.

Nancy: There is no such thing. Really, it's just another flu. The flu has always been around. I mean, I think I've have got the flu every year of my life at some stage. And you get it sometimes lightly, and sometimes, whoo, you come down with a real dose.

The amazing thing is, back in this last year, 2020, the year of the so-called covid, I didn’t even get the flu at all! Not once! Never even got it! And of course, I'm in the most vulnerable age.

Nancy W: The elder lady!

Nancy: Yes, I will be 80 next month, and I should be worried about it. Oh, for goodness sake! How absolutely ridiculous!

Nancy W: My 91-year-old father, who had been in the hospital for a week with a urinary tract infection, then got covid while he was there. So did my sister and I, because we were there. And basically, I think we were surrounded with 5G in the first place. And just germy and gross.

And we were really run down. It was really whoops. But he survived! I mean, he was only in the hospital for a few days and then moved to a rehab place. Ninety-one!

Nancy: Oh yes, absolutely!

Nancy W: And 99.91% survivable. So why this panic over this?

Nancy: Because they have brought in something that they can put fear upon the population, and they have succeeded. And where does fear come from, ladies? See, everything that we are seeing, that is happening, we have to look closely at it, and see its source.

We see people who are advocating it but that goes beyond them. It goes to the source of Satan who hates life. And what did Jesus say? “I am come to give you life, and to give it to you more abundantly. But the thief,” speaking of Satan, the enemy, “he comes to rob, and to kill, and to destroy.” Read John 10:10.

And he also brings fear. You see, fear is opposite from God. He has brought the nation under fear. People are living in fear! So they have succumbed to masks. Goodness me!

Wearing a mask is only a proof of fear because a mask is so unhealthy to your body. You're breathing in your own carbon dioxide. It's so unhealthy for your lungs. You can't even breath the fresh air. And it doesn't stop you giving to anybody else or your getting it from anybody else. It's all a big laugh. It is all fear!

And to think that even grown men who are meant to be the . . . men are meant to be the testimony of bravery, courage, strength. And you see big, muscly men walking around the shop, with a mask on?

Nancy W: It's also fear of man, because some people will wear one, but they really don't think it's even beneficial, but they don't want to get in trouble. Which I admit . . .

Nancy: That's fear of man too.

Nancy W: You had to wear it on the airplane, and I had to wear one to get in the hospital to go visit my dad.

Nancy: Yes. But then there are places where, OK, it says you must wear one. The shop says, “All masks required.” But you go in without one.

Nancy W: I walk right in!

Nancy: Absolutely! But I think of the Scriptures. We know that there are 365 Scriptures to “fear not,” one for every day of the year! I love where David says in Psalm 11:1: “In the Lord put I my trust: how say you to my soul, 'Flee as a bird to the mountain?' ”

I mean, David is saying, “Really, am I going to be one, because of all that I'm facing, because of the enemy, because of all this, I'm going to flee like a bird to the mountain, so I don't have to face it?” Goodness me, he wouldn't even dream of doing such a thing!

And so, who are we? I go over to Psalm 27. I'm sure you all know this glorious psalm. Psalm 27:1: “The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; whom should I fear?”

Dear precious lovely ladies, it comes back to who do we trust? And who do we fear? I mean, if our trust is in the Lord, we will not fear. If we have fear in our hearts, if we're succumbing to masks, to vaccines and all this junk, we are showing that we are in fear.

We do not trust the Lord. I mean, why say you're a believer if you don't trust the Lord? What does it say? Oh, just say it with me: “The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; whom shall I fear?”


Oh, I'm talking too much, Nancy. I'll just say this and then I want you to share something. But I believe, look, lovely ladies, when God created us, He didn't leave us without all that we need. He created us perfectly. He created us to face the world and to face diseases that are in the world.

We are born, our body is born to cope with facing diseases and viruses! In fact, there's viruses all around us. God gave us an immune system. It's a powerful thing.

Look, how did God design babies? You know, they nurse at their mother's breast and they grow. And they get to about eight months and then what do they start doing? Crawling!

Nancy W: Crawling all over the dirty floor.

Nancy: All over that dirty floor! And of course, when your babies are crawling, you're trying to keep the floors clean. But oh! goodness me, there's always dirt, and there's always stuff! Oh!

Nancy W:  And they eat things.

Nancy: And they eat junk. And they go outside, and they eat the dirt. God planned it. It's very important for babies to crawl. Not only for their mental development, but for even strengthening their immune system! Right from a little baby, they're getting used to stuff, and dirt, and diseases that are all around them.

I have lived in third world countries. When Colin and I were first married, we went out to the Philippine Islands as missionaries. We saw all the babies crawling, even around on the dirty streets and the dirty floors. You think, how do these babies survive in this disease? But they all do because their immune systems are strengthened. And this is what we are meant to do, ladies.

Forget about a vaccine! Strengthen your immune system!

Nancy W: (laughing) I wish y'all could see her! She's so jazzed up right now. It's great!

Nancy: (laughing) And strengthen the immune system of your children! Because it was God-given! Sadly, often we are not strengthening our immune systems. We're living on junk foods, and sugar and stuff, that we're just weakening our immune systems. But if we keep it up and strengthen it, ourselves and our children, forget about vaccines. Oh, goodness me!

 Nancy W: Any vaccine. Any vaccine. When I was little, I was born in 1959, and Mama saved everything, so when they were packing up housekeeping, I found amongst my old . . . my curls and a lot of funny things that she had saved. She'd saved my shot record, and I had five, there were five things back then that you had.

Obviously, there's so many, like 80, I can't remember the number. 79 or 80, something like that, of vaccine possibilities now. Not all of them are in use.

Nancy: It's a wonder babies survive!

Nancy W: It really is.

Nancy: It's disgusting!

Nancy W: And obviously, we're healthy. We didn't get all those things, those shots, but we're fine.

Nancy: Oh yes, Well, actually, I only got about three shots, if I got them, when I was growing up. For my children, I did start off, because I didn't know what I was doing, until . . . I may have told you this story before. Until one day my three little ones and I were walking down the street and I stopped at this gate. This lady was there, and she saw my children.

She said, “Oh, I've got a little one your age. Come and see her.” And we went in, and this little darling child, about 17 months, was lying there, a vegetable. A total vegetable. Could not see, hear, talk, do anything. She said to me, “My baby was perfect until she got her shots.”

That was it! I never, ever, ever gave any of them another shot again! I remember when Pearl, she hadn't had any shots. She got whooping cough. “Oh, help! I didn't get the shot!” But you know what, I never even went to the doctor. She got through it. I mean, oh, goodness me.

And now, of course, when you get things . . .  my children got measles, mumps, and all the usual things.

Nancy W: Childhood diseases.

Nancy: Every one of them! We all got them. All the children got them. The epidemic would go round, and every child in the community would get them. All the mothers would be down with their sick children.

Part of life. We all got through it. None of them died. And then they all had immunity for life. It's so great.

Nancy W: It's so cool.

Nancy: But anyway, we're talking about this current one. Tell me a little bit more about it, what's happening with this one.

Nancy W: Even with all those others, that your body at least supposedly can build up antibodies, or whatever. It can do it on its own, way more effectively without the harm of all this stuff that comes in a vaccine.


But this is not a normal kind of vaccine. It's just a shot. What Nancy was talking about was Bill Gates. If you will go and listen, it's long, but it's bitesized. I always like Psalms because busy mommies can do it in bite-size amounts of little chunks in between life. That's pretty big, when you have a bunch of little people around.

But look up, you'll have to go to Duck Duck Go, or some alternative place, because Google . . . Look up “Fall Of the Cabal.” Then there's a sequel . . .

Nancy: “Fall of the Cabal”?

Nancy W:  “Fall of the Cabal.” And it's in little bite-sized, like 20 minutes, little bits. I think there's like nine or ten, or something like that, little bits for the first section, and about the same for the second one. They're still coming out. But they're so well-researched and so backed up. It's not just somebody saying, “Oh, they're crazy,” or whatever.

They really are so improved. And it's really opened my family's eyes. You can watch it in little bits. That's what else is really nice. I know Rumble has it and BitChute, and some others. You'll be able to find it if you don't look it up on Google.

A woman is super researching; great about it. That will help you. And in the sequel part, if you only have time to watch a little teeny bit, go to the sequel, I can't remember what number it is. I think it's number eight or nine, or something. There's two in a row that are about Bill Gates. They have videos of him saying this stuff that Nancy was talking about with his goals of depopulation and everything. It's easy to find.

Nancy: Yes. You've got to research, lovely ladies, not just the stuff that the propaganda . . . now the propaganda is all up there. If you go to Google or these places, it's all the propaganda. You've got to go right down, down, down. In fact, you usually have to go to alternative search engines to find the truth because they are suppressing the truth.

But there are so many scientists coming out who are whistleblowing, and pleading with people, “Please, don't take this vaccine!” Of course, they are trying to wipe them out and push them down, and stop their message getting out.

One that you need to go to is Geert Vanden Bossche. He was originally with Bill Gates. He is still not against original vaccinations, although I am. But he is talking about this one, and he is fearful for what is going to happen to the world. He is exposing it scientifically. And please look up that name.

And even if you look up the name, I think you will have to go down, down, down, down, to find where you really get him. You'll find all the fact-checkers saying, “Oh, this is wrong!” Have you noticed the fact-checkers today? I mean, all they do is suppress the truth and just bring some other stuff. You can't listen to the fact-checkers.

So do try and look him up. If you want to know more about these vaccines, there's just hundreds and thousands of YouTubes and articles coming out, if you can just search for them. One that is good to look up, if you can get it on your email, and it comes nearly every day is Children'

Nancy W: Excellent one.

Nancy: That is keeping you up to date with very good information. It's just basic information, powerful. And of course, listen to the Frontline Doctors. They are good, too. Those are just some of the very basic.

Nancy W: Can I add some too?

Nancy: Yes, get more for them!

Nancy W:  You can find Science in the Half in really understandable words, and the doctor who is behind it all is also a believer. Her name is Dr. Tenpenny. So if you look up, I believe it's Dr, no period, and then her name, Tenpenny. I think it's com. It might be .org. I get them mixed up. But one or the other, lots of stuff good is there. Also

Nancy: Oh, that's good, too.

Nancy W: The site is spelled S-I-T-E. I just got a thing off of it. There's another science person who works with Pfizer, that's the other one of the vaccines. Moderna and Pfizer are the two main shots. He was a big vaccine developer, whatever. He's just had a total turn around, and Life Site News is quoting a lot of his stuff.

He's warning that people who are getting this shot are dooming themselves to an agonizing and early death. He even predicts that people may not last more than three or four years.

Nancy: Yes, this is very, very . . . Listen, if you haven't had the shot yet, please, please, please, listen to what we are saying. Look up some of this information because it's scary.

Now already people are dying. I'm sure you've heard, although they're trying to suppress this too.

Nancy W: And even getting coronavirus even after they've had it.

Nancy: Oh yes, they're getting coronavirus. Many have died. Many are having the most terrible, terrible reactions. It's unbelievable. But that is not the worst. Because they say the worst, and this is not by one person, by many, that's it's going to come down the line. Months to come, and it will be worse.

Nancy W: They don't want it to be obviously . . .

Nancy: They don't want it to be obvious.

Nancy W:  And then they're also saying there's also going to be boosters because there's going to be these so-called “variants,” or “mutants,” which this Dr. Yaden, virologist, says there's no way. If you aren't vaccinated, at least your immune system can deal with a virus. There's a bunch of coronaviruses, colds. But that's what’s going to be their push.

Nancy: I know, you see, when you get this vaccine, it's going to really wipe out your immune system to face other mutations, and other viruses, and other things, which will continually come. The world is filled with them, and there will be more and more.

It's going to pull down your immune system to face other things. So this is so scary. It's so concerning, that there are going to be many deaths, later on. They didn't want it to happen immediately, because . . .

Nancy W: That would just freak people. Not everybody would go.

Nancy: Exactly. Another one to look at is Lew Rockwell. He has so many amazing articles that can just come by your email if you get on the list. These are just a few basics. I mean, there are so many.

Nancy W: I was going to say, I have relatives who had out-of-the country trip plans. Two words, they're older and they don't want to miss out going on their trips, they got the shot.           

I've another friend, and her son is super-paranoid about it. A lot of millennial people are. I don't understand, because they're so not at risk. But in order to be able to see her grandchild, she's gotten the shot.

Other people are getting them because of their job. I don't think it's worth it. If it means changing careers, or never going anywhere, it's just not worth it.

Nancy: But in saying that, Nancy, this is another thing we need to talk about, not only can we encourage you, but free will, remember. But we would encourage you with all our hearts, if you haven't got it, please don't. Please don't put your children into that, for further problems. It's only going to destroy their immune system. Please, just strengthen their immune system.

But the thing that we have got to fight against is not only mandatory vaccination, but also these vaccine passports that they are now pushing, pushing, pushing, pushing, trying to bring in. Now do you realize that if vaccine passports come in, it's the end of America as we know it. It's the end of civilization as we know it.

We will then be little people who will be just serving tyrants. We will be under tyrannical power. We will be what they are planning, The Great Reset, where “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.” How will you be happy? I think down the line their vaccinations will have things in it that will cause you to be dumbed down. You will have no, nothing in you that will want to resist.

In fact, if vaccine passports come in, there's no recourse anymore to resist. Because if you don't have a vaccine passport, you won't be able to fly. You won't be able to have a job. You won't be able to go to restaurants. You won't be able to go to the supermarket. You will not be able to do anything at all, at all! You most likely will be put in some internment camp.

Now that is if you do not have one. And they're trying to bring this in now.

Therefore, please, can I urge you with all my heart, father, mother, every child, 18 and over. We must all call, email, and write, do the three, to every one of your senators and your congressmen. Just put in your zip code on the internet, and say, “Senators and congressmen for this zip code.” You get their name. You get their phone number. You get their address.

We must contact them. We must say, “Please, you are my representative. I ask you to stand against mandatory vaccination. And please fight against vaccine passports. Please, I will never vote for you again if you do not do this. Please, and I'm telling all my friends to do the same.”

Tell all your friends to do the same. There has to be a rising up. This is our only last chance to save this nation. It's coming to that. We are, I don't know whether everybody realizes where we are. But vaccine passports end our lifestyle.

So please, please, please, we've got to call, write, email, every senator and every congressman. And our governors as well. Amen.

Nancy W:  Amen. You know, that sounds really scary if that all comes to pass.

Nancy: Oh it's beyond us.

Nancy W:  It's very possible, and definitely we've got to do our part, but no matter what, you go back to where you started at that whole fear thing. Even if we wind up there, and this is why I think your most important job as a mom is to be sure that you and your family, your children, really have a really strong relationship with the Lord, to totally believe that He's capable of doing miracles.

Of feeding you when you can't go to the store, of healing you when you get sick, and all of that stuff. Because that's what can give you courage. I think that everybody needs to believe it. That's your most important job, way more important than keeping your house clean, or teaching math and writing. (laughing)


Nancy: Yes. We're in a moment now in our nation where we, as mothers, we have got to be not only instilling truth in the ways of God into our children, but instilling courage to stand up for truth. We've got to raise brave and courageous sons and daughters. This is an hour for courage and bravery.

Even if you have been feeling fearful, dear ones, then perhaps you have listened to all this propaganda. It is propaganda, and even all these words, how that if you don't wear a mask, and social distance, and don't get your vaccine, you are not being a friend to all your family, and people around you.

That is the biggest lie in history! It's all to continue to put fear upon you and bring you under tyranny. Please, let your eyes be opened. Begin to research like you never have before. Not all the top stories (at the top of the list of links) which are all the propaganda, but you've got to research.

Go to Telegram, Rumble, Signal, all these others, and some of the ones we've mentioned today, to look up. That will get you on to many, many others. Begin to stand up. Your children too, encourage them to be a voice. As a family, be a voice. Begin to resist.

Even the fact of wherever you go, you take off your mask and you don't wear it. You're standing on the side of freedom. When you wear it, you're standing on the side of tyranny, or giving into tyranny. Bringing down our nation.

The same with vaccination. Resist vaccinations. And also stand up against them as well, and especially against this vaccination passport.

Nancy W: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

Nancy: That is the thing! Do you know, that is so true? Yes, James 4:7: “Resist the devil, and he will flee.” Imagine, if every believer, who says they're a believer (not a believer in fear and lies), but a believer in God. Yes, but if every believer who says they're a believer had never stopped going to church and instead we had packed the churches, what could they have done? Nothing.

The devil would have had to flee because God's people stood up! But God's people didn't stand up. And even now, God's people are giving in to this lie of vaccination which is all for the purpose of the depopulation of this world. They want to get rid of people. They think we have too many.

They just want to filter them out. It's unbelievable, because you see, when these people take God out of their brain and lives and hearts, well, the Bible says He gives them over to a reprobate mind. It's a mind that is void of understanding.

I often think, these people are supposed to be intelligent, well-educated, degrees after their name. And they can't even think straight. I mean if you think about it, everything is the opposite to common sense. Everything is the opposite to truth. And they're expecting us to believe it.

Here is says, where is it here? It's Romans 1:28: “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind” (that means a mind void of understanding) to do those things which are not convenient.” And this is the thing. We've got to trust God and His Word.

Let me read you a quote from an article I was reading recently. It was an article, where does it start? It was an article, actually, written by, yes, Mike Whitney of the UNZ Review. He ends his writing by a :2010 article by Andrew Marshall. “We just see, it just gives a little understanding of what has been happening, leading up to what is happening now. There are many other articles that will give you the same information. But he says:

 “Francis Galton coined the term 'eugenics' to describe this emerging field. His followers believed that the ‘genetically unfit’ would have to be wiped away, using tactics such as segregation, deportation, castration, marriage prohibition, compulsory sterilization, passive euthanasia, and ultimately extermination.

“Sir Julian Huxley was also a life trustee of the British Eugenics Society from 1925 to 1962. Huxley believed that eugenics would one day be seen as the way forward for the human race, and that a catastrophic event may be needed for evolution to move at an accelerated pace.”

Now this was written way back in 2010, but now we, they are bringing this into being. Quoting again:

“The 21st century technologies are so powerful that they can form whole new classes of accidents and abuses. Most dangerously, for the first time, these accidents and abuses are widely within the reach of individuals or small groups.

“I think it is no exaggeration to say that we are on the cusp of the further perfection of extreme evil, and evil whose possibility spreads well beyond that which weapons of mass destruction bequeathed to the nation states, on to a surprising and terrible empowerment of extreme individuals.”

Nancy W: Like covid.

Nancy: Exactly.

“Due to improved techniques, the elite will have greater control over the masses, and because human work will no longer be necessary, the masses will be superfluous, a useless burden on the system. If the elite is ruthless, they may simply decide to exterminate the mass of humanity. If they are humane, they may use propaganda, and other psychological or biological techniques to reduce the birth rate, until the mass of humanity becomes extinct, leaving the world to the elite.”

Nancy W: Infertility is one of the huge side effects. Miscarriage and infertility, and not just for the mommies who are getting the shots, but also now, if you've heard of this shedding. And because this weird spike protein thing isn't normal, apparently after someone's been vaccinated, they start shedding.

Well, I think you do from any vaccine, but especially from this. People who have not been vaccinated who were near vaccinated people, especially recently vaccinated people . . . women who were in menopause, or having their period, people were having weird bleeding, and miscarriages, and other strange things to do with their fertility, or their reproductive system. That's what this is saying.

Nancy: This is what this guy Bossche, I gave you his information to look up, who was originally with Bill Gates. This is what is scaring him. This shedding, and that vaccinated people are going to be a danger to unvaccinated people. So this is very scary. I'll just end, we're going beyond time.

“A horrifying vision indeed, but one which builds upon the ideas of Huxley, Russel, Brezinski, who envisioned a people  - who through biological and psychological means, are made to love their own servitude.”

. I'm talking now, this is amazing, people now are loving masks and junk like this. This is servitude. Servitude! No one in the history of the world was ever intended to live by masking. God never intended that! He doesn't intend the people He created to go round with masks on, which is a sign of tyranny. That we have come into servitude to this elite who are putting this upon us for no reason at all, only for tyranny.

Nancy W: It's “Whatever you say, oh great ones. We will do it.”

Nancy: It's unbelievable! No wonder the Bible says in Revelation, at the top of the list of those who will enter the lake of fire, is “the fearful.” Most translations say: “the cowards.” The Amplified says, “the cowardly submissive.” That's servitude.

Anyway, quoting again, “Huxley saw the emergence of a world in which humanity is domesticated, where only the elite remain wild and have freedom to make decisions, while the masses are domesticated like pets. Huxley opined that ‘men and women will grow up to love their servitude and never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown.’”

This was written about eleven years ago. This article ends, “We must ask ourselves whether the current mask and vaccination campaign is a science-based effort to relieve sickness and disease, or a fast-track to a dark and frightening dystopia conjured up by evil men seeking to tighten their grip on all humanity.”

Darling ladies, please beware of what's happening. You as a mother, who are the watchdog of your home, the lioness of your home, protecting your home and your children, rise up, stand for truth, stand against vaccination. Stand against vaccination passports and raise your children to be brave and courageous in this hour. Anything you want to say?

Nancy W: Amen! That's good.

Nancy: Amen. Amen. Well, let's pray, shall we?

Oh dear Father, we are aware we are in a time of gross darkness and gross deception across this nation. Father, we pray for an awakening of minds and hearts to what is being planned by the elite, to bring the masses, to domesticate them, and bring them into tyranny. Father, open their eyes.

We pray for a new arising, Lord God, a new arising, Father, against the tyranny, against all this evil and deception. And that people will rise against all these things. And against vaccinations, and they will stand against this vaccine passport.

I pray for courage and bravery in myself and in everyone who is listening. We ask it in the Name of Jesus! Amen”.

Ladies, please share this podcast with everyone you know. This is so important. It is life and death. It is whether this nation survives or not. Please pass on truth.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Would you like to email Darlene and thank her so much for faithfully and freely transcribing these podcasts every week for your benefit? That would be so lovely.


The following are just a few samples of the hundreds of articles and videos that are available on this subject:

Everything you every wanted to know about vaccines in general, & especially about all aspects of Covid.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. provides great info about vaccine dangers. Get on their list for it to come to your email.

General conservative news, including informative articles about the Covid vaccine.

Another excellent news site.

Get free email updates or subscribe to their premium readership program.

VERY WORTH WATCHING! Each part is between 20-35 minutes long:

"Fall of the Cabal" (10 parts) World history tracing roots of Covid agenda.

"Fall of the Cabal SEQUEL" (11 parts) Continued history of depopulation agenda, with much focus on Bill Gates in later parts.

Latest CDC Data Show Reports of Adverse Events After COVID Vaccines Surpass 200,000, Including 943 Among 12- to 17-Year-Olds • Children's Health Defense (

35-Year-Old Woman Dies of Brain Hemorrhage 11 Days After Receiving J&J Vaccine • Children's Health Defense (

The Great Vaccine Scam - LewRockwell

The VACCINE DEEP STATE is spreading spike protein particles in acts of terrorism to perpetuate the plandemic –

"Maafa 21" is an excellent movie/documentary exposing the history of eugenics and specifically eugenics in the African American population in the 21st century. You can watch the whole movie free on Youtube. Here is the link:


This is a MUST watch:

These people post frequently and are loaded with up-to-date information.

Look up Lew Rockwell. He has so many articles on this subject and other current subjects that are well worth reading.

The Great Vaccine Scam - LewRockwell

Bio-warfare & Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid - The New American


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