BeginsHusband“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” How often we remind our children of The Golden Rule? What a difference it makes in our home if each one lives by this rule. It is a rule which we expect all people in society to live by. Of course, it comes from the Bible: “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matthew 7:12).

Because this saying originates from the Bible, the words of Jesus Himself, it is an eternal principle. And because it is an eternal principle it works. As I thought about these words this morning I realized that it is not much use putting them into practice towards people we meet without first putting them into practice to the one closest to us—our husbands.

Every principle begins in the home. More importantly, it begins with our marriage relationship.

There can be times when you feel dissatisfied with the way your husband treats you. You feel he forgets about you. He doesn’t treat you with love and passion. He says derogatory words to you. In fact, you just feel like forgetting about him!

But what about the golden rule? It starts with me. It starts with you. When you do to your husband the things you’d love him to do to you, you’ll be amazed how he will change. Maybe not all at once. But keep doing all the lovely things you want him to do to you and you will notice changes. Remember, it is an eternal principle that works!

Do you notice the Scripture says ALL THINGS! Not some things. Start today doing ALL the things to your husband that you want him to do to you. Where do you feel most hurt or even bitter? Begin right in this most difficult place and to do to him what you long for him to do to you.

Isn’t it wonderful how God’s Word always shows us the answer? I’ll admit it’s not easy. You won’t feel like doing it. It goes against everything in you. But you do it by faith. You do it because it will work. You do it because you are not a wimp, but strong in God’s strength.

Much love to you today,

Nancy Campbell


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