YouRHealerWhat do you do in your home each day? Oh my, I know you do so much, and you have so much more to do than you can fit in a day. But how do you “go about”? Let’s read about Jesus in Acts 10:38: “ God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil: for God was with him.”

Most of us “go about,” but Jesus “went about doing good, healing all that were oppressed.” If we are born again, Christ now lives in us and wants to continue going about doing good and healing. “How can I do that?” you ask, “when I am stuck in these four walls with all my children?” Dear mother, every step you take in your home, you can go about doing good. God calls the job list for wives and mothers in Titus 2:3-5 “good things” (check it out). The word is “kalodidaskalos” and it means “valuable, beautiful, and lovely things.”

Sneaking up to your husband and giving him a kiss and a cuddle is a good thing. Nursing your baby on the rocking chair, and reading stories to your little ones are good things. Mothering and training your children are good things.

But you can do even more than good things. Jesus Christ is in you to bring healing. And there is always someone who needs healing in a family. Is your husband downcast in spirit because of difficulties at work or wondering how he will pay the bills? You can bring healing to his spirit (Proverbs 12:25). Or is their estrangement between you and your husband or someone in your family? Christ is in you to bring healing and restoration.

You notice one of your children are not their usual selves. You sense something is wrong. Go to them in the power and wisdom of the Lord, pray with them, and bring healing to them.

Is one of the children sick? The first thing to do is pray. God is our source and our Healer. And He also gives healing remedies. Be a researcher to find out God’s healing herbs and ways. Antibiotics and certain drugs can be life-savers at certain times, but please don’t rely on them. They are a last resort. Seek God’s healing ways. Jesus Christ wants to go about in you as a Healer. Healing everyone that is oppressed in your family, whether in body, soul, or spirit.

And why did this happen with Jesus? Because “God was with him.” God is also in you by His Spirit. Embrace His abundant life. His healing life. And pour it out to everyone in your family. As this becomes your daily habit in your home, it will be the normal thing to do when you are out and about. When you meet someone at the supermarket who is downcast or needs healing, you’ll minister to them and pray for them. It will be automatic because it is the habit of your life at home.

Expect miracles as you bring the healing of Christ to your family today.

In His love,

Nancy Campbell


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