GreatBuildingIn my last post to you I write about our great purpose to build a home for God’s name. What a vision! We are not building to our own name, but to the name of the Lord—the holy, glorious, awesome name of God.

After seven years of building, Solomon finished the house of the Lord and at the prayer of dedication he mentioned the name of the Lord 14 times (1 Kings 8:12-53)! He wanted God’s glorious name to be known in the city of Jerusalem, in Israel, and in the whole of the earth (1 Kings 8:60). Are your neighbors aware that you are building a home to the name of the Lord God?

As in all building projects, you’ll face insurmountable problems and challenges as you build your home and family. But never give up. Never lag. When you have a passion and a purpose, nothing will deter you. No matter how many friends and family members ridicule you or what setbacks you face, you keep on faithfully building.

What does it mean to build? The Hebrew word is “banah” and has three meanings in the Hebrew.

1. To build. You constantly build up and strengthen your marriage and each one of your children. You build into your home each day, making it stronger and more unified.

Every decision you make, you make with the intention to build up your family, not fragment it. You determine to speak words to build up your husband and children and never to tear down (Proverbs 14:1).

2. To repair. Unless we constantly repair and renew, our house will deteriorate around us. We must repaint, fix broken things, renew floors and so on. It is the same with our family relationships. Because we are human, they will never be perfect. We must constantly repair--to forgive, bless, encourage, renew, and heal relationships.

3. To bring forth children. This is part of the Hebrew word “banah.” Check the Strong’s concordance. Ruth 4:11 speaks of Ruth and says: “The LORD make the woman that is come into thine house like Rachel and like Leah, which two did build the house of Israel.” How did Rachel and Leah build the house of Israel Not with hammer and nails? No. They laid the foundation and built it by bringing children into the world. Every child you bring into your family helps to build up your family.

Sadly, many families don’t have all the children God intends for them and don’t complete the building of their home!

And be reminded that your children are involved in building too. The most common Hebrew name for children is “ben” and comes from this word “banah.” This word children means “the builder of the family name.” Remind your children that they each one helps to build the family, not only to your family name, but ultimately to build a family to honor and glorify the name of the Lord.

Have a great family building day,

In His love,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Rudolf Epp (1834 – 1910, German)


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