ElimWordEach one of us know that to counteract the onslaughts of the enemy, we must daily put on our armor. Do you remember the first piece of armor that is mentioned?

Yes, it is truth. What area of our bodies do we cover with truth? The King James Bible says it is “the loins.” Let’s read it in Ephesians 6:14: “Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth.”

The Greek word for loins in this Scripture is “osphus” meaning “the hips, the strength of a man, procreative power, the seat of generative power.” The Bible talks about future progeny coming forth from the loins (c.f. Acts 2:30 and Hebrews 7:5, 9, 10). It was most important that soldiers protected their loins (their procreative power) as they went out to war.

However, I am confused. Most modern translations do not even mention the word loins. A typical translation is “Tighten the belt of truth around your waist.” The word “waist” is not mentioned in the original Greek. Nor do I find the word “belt.” I will concede that often the clothing covering the loins is attached to a belt to hold it tightly in place. So, they’ve got something there.

Men wore long robes in those days. When they did physical work, or readied themselves for action they “girded up their loins.” They picked up their robes to the knees or just above the knees and tucked them in their belt. Therefore, they could be using this metaphor.

But they eliminate the most important word, “loins.” No soldier would go to war without protecting his loins. A belt is not enough. Check the picture above. In fact, it is a shame to have the loins uncovered. When prisoners were taken captive, they often shamed them by shaving their heads and uncovering their loins!

The Bible says the loins are to be protected with truth. Are modern translators victims of the deception this Scripture exposes?

It is a fact that most of Christendom today is ignorant about the power of their loins. They are not protected with the truth of God’s Word. This area of the body has been, and is being, attacked by the enemy. Satan hates life and seeks to eliminate it every way he possibly can. He has fooled God’s people to close their wombs and cut of the power of their loins so they cannot bring forth God’s children. Satan has won a huge victory and God’s army is sorely lacking.

The loins are to be fully girded about. That means they must be protected from abortion, all the modern methods of contraception that eliminate life, and the knife that cuts off procreative power.

Not only have the loins been made lifeless, but they have become prey to sin—fornication and adultery among young people and even married couples. It’s time for a revival of strengthening the loins and bringing God’s truth and holiness back to this area of our bodies.

We must teach our young people to gird their loins with truth. It is the first piece of armor mentioned. It is the preparation for all others. If the loins are not kept pure and holy by embracing God’s truth, it’s not much use putting on any other piece of armor.

What conviction does a “belt of truth” give us? It is the loins that must be girded about.

Blessings today from Nancy Campbell

P.S. The following versions use the word “loins” which is in the original Greek: King James Version, Darby Version, Young’s Literal Translation of the Holy Bible (which I would expect it to use the correct word), Douay-Rheims, Knox, Geneva Bible 1599, and the New American Standard Bible (which is the only one I could find in the modern versions that includes the word “loins.”) If you find other versions, let me know.


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