PracticalIdeasIn the post below, WHAT DOES YOUR HUSBAND WANT MOST, some ask the question, “How can we practically show honor to our husbands?” In case you didn’t get time to read the thread, here are some good answers from wives:

* Allow your husband to decide things.
* Ask his advice.
* Thank him for earning money/working hard.
* Praise his good points instead of focusing on the not so good.
* Think of specific things about him that you're thankful for.
* Don't undermine him.
* Cook him his favorite food.
* Talk respectfully about him to others.
* Think of all the good things he does and focus your thoughts on them, then your thoughts will turn into respectful words and actions.
* Stop always telling him your "better way of doing things.”
* Listen without talking. Let him finish talking without interrupting.

One mother of eight children shared that her husband is disappointed in her because she finds it difficult to keep the house in order and he feels dishonored. I am sure many find this a problem.

It is important to train your children to help. When you have eight children, you have children who are getting older and quite capable of helping in the home. When I was raising our children, the house would often get in a real mess during the day. However, before my husband came home, we would always have a clean-up. I called it the ONE, TWO, THREE.

About half an hour before Daddy came home I would stop everything we were doing and say, "It's time to clean up. Let's have a ONE, TWO, THREE." I would get all the children excited and motivated and I'd say, "ONE, TWO, THREE, LET’S GO!” We would all rush around getting rid of everything in sight! There’s supposed to be a place for each item, but if there’s not time, have a place where everything can be thrown out of site! Then, when Daddy comes in, he can walk into the place! And everything looks clean and tidy. (Don’t tell him what is behind the scenes!)

And make sure the dinner is ready for him. It shows you honor him when you have the supper ready for him when he walks in the door. And he can smell the lovely aroma of the food cooking!

Love from Nancy


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