ImportantOrdinancesIn an earlier post, THE LAW OF THE HOUSE, we read Ezekiel 44:5 where we are told to give close attention to all the regulations and instructions regarding the house of the Lord. God established many statutes for His house, but one of them was the Morning and Evening principle.

God asked the priests to attend to the fire upon the altar every morning and every evening. He commanded them to trim the wicks and pour in oil for the light of the golden candlestick every morning and every evening. He commanded them to light the incense on the golden altar of incense (which speak of praise, worship, and prayer) every morning and every evening. He commanded them to sacrifice the lamb every morning and every evening. And every morning and every evening, the Levites who were appointed as singers and worshippers, sang and worshipped the Lord.

Although this was part of the tabernacle and later the temple worship, it is still a type for us today (1 Corinthians 5:1-12 and 10:11). It speaks of the morning and evening altar we must establish in our home. As we gather as a family morning and evening to meet with the Lord (our altar unto the Lord) we keep the fire burning in our hearts. It’s where we ignite to keep the light shining from our lives. It’s where we commit to pray and be filled with God’s Word. It’s where we take time to remember our salvation and the precious blood of Jesus. It’s where we acknowledge that Christ is LORD of our home.

All these ordinances looked forward to Christ, the Lamb of God, who was scarified for us. We now look back in thankfulness and worship for our great salvation. We need our daily altar to strengthen us to be burning lights in this dark world of deception.

Let’s keep the ordinances of the house.


To read more about establishing ordinances in your home, go to this link:
Establishing Ordinances

To find out more and read the Scriptures regarding the Morning and Evening Principle, go to:


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