EveryThoughtGod has given us weapons. They have the power to demolish all strongholds. We have these weapons constantly available to us and yet how often do we use them?

* We have the weapon of “It is written.” The powerful and living Word of God which overcomes the devil (Matthew 4:2-11).
* We have the weapon of consistent, never-giving-up, importunate prayer (Ephesians 6:18 and James 5:16-18).
* The have the weapon of the precious blood of Jesus Christ (Revelation 12:11).
* The weapon of the powerful name of Jesus Christ, the name which is above every name and the name to which every knee will bow, including the devil (Philippians 2:10, 11 and 1 John 3:8).
* We have the powerful weapon of our confession of the truth against the lies of the enemy (1 Timothy 6:12 and Hebrew 10:23).

However, we read in 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 four requirements to effectively use these weapons.

1. Tear down false arguments and reasonings
When we fight the battle with God’s weapons, we must do it God’s way. We must think like God thinks. We must get our minds aligned with God’s Word, His infallible truth. If our thinking is humanistic or worldly, the devil laughs at us.

2. Tear down every arrogant thought that raises itself against the knowledge of God
One of the biggest preparations for fighting the battle is to allow the Holy Spirit to expose every high-minded thought in our brains. We must renew our minds in the God’s Word. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Who are we to doubt the knowledge of God? “Let God be true, but every man a liar” (Romans 3:4).

3. Take every thought captive that does not obey Christ.
When an army takes captives in battle, he takes them ruthlessly. We must be ruthless against disobedience. This works out in the nitty gritty of life. We can’t experience victory in the battle if we do not have a submissive spirit to our husband. If children do not learn to obey their parents, they won’t learn to obey Christ, and will never be victorious in battle. If we have a willful spirit, forget about winning the battle.

4. Be ready to avenge every disobedience.
To win the battle, we must wipe out every vestige of disobedience. It gives Satan a foothold and hinders the victory.

Take hold of your weapons today, dear mother, and demolish every stronghold of the enemy in your home.

~ Nancy Campbell


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PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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