DontLeaveGod’s Word is not an ordinary book. Every line is alive with the power of God. Every story of a Bible character is not only a story about their lives but written for our example. 1 Corinthians 10:11 says: “Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.”
I was reading the story of Ruth the other day and God spoke a powerful word to my heart. Ruth had come from Moab with her mother-in-law, Naomi, to the land of Israel. She went down to the fields to glean after the reapers and God sovereignly directed her to the field of Boaz.
I love the words Boaz spoke to her in Ruth 2:8: “Listen carefully my daughter, Do not go to glean in another field or leave this one, but stay here close by my maids.”
Although this was spoken directly to Ruth, I believe God also speaks His word to every mother through this Scripture. He says to us: “Don’t go and glean in another field. I have given you your field in which to glean. It is my perfect and best will for you. Don’t leave it. Stay close.”
If God has given you children, then this is the field He has given to you. He doesn’t give you children to give to someone else to look after. He gives them to you to love, nurture, train, and prepare for the future and for eternity.
Ruth could have looked over at other fields and thought, “Oh, there is so much more to glean over there but I’m stuck in this boring field.” Instead, she submitted to Boaz’ words and ultimately received incredible blessings. She was blessed to marry Boaz. She became the great-grandmother of King David and experienced the privilege of being in the Messianic line of the birth of Jesus.
Be content in your home. Be content in your great calling to mother the children God has given to you. Don’t yearn for other fields. This is the field God has given to you. Embrace it with all your heart.
Love from Nancy Campbell

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PO Box 681687
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