NoPlagueI could write about many things today, but perhaps I should write my thoughts about COVID-19. Although, of course, if you are like me, you’d like to hear about something else. It seems we don’t here anything else from the media at the moment.

However, it’s the issue we are facing and therefore we must take it seriously. But even as we use wisdom and do everything we can to protect ourselves, our families, and all those around us, we should never panic. It seems that people are prone to fear, and fear leads to panic. But why do we do this when “God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a SOUND MIND” (2 Timothy 1:7).

Do you notice that? He has given us a sound mind. That means a mind that is self-controlled and doesn’t give way to panic. 1 Peter 3:6 exhorts us to be “Sarah’s daughters.” And how do we become her daughters? By not giving way to fear. The Moffat's translation says that “Sarah’s daughters do not yield to panic!”

When I discovered this Scripture years ago (still living in New Zealand and raising my family) I shared it with the mothers in my Bible Study. We took up this affirmation and whenever we faced a trauma or difficulty we would confess: “SARAH’S DAUGHTERS DON’T PANIC!” We would encourage each other with these words, and they helped us through many heartaches.

Therefore, while we live in a state of rest in Christ and do not fear or panic, what should we do? Here are a few things I’d love to share, and you may have others to add.

1. TRUST IN GOD. That certainly is No. 1., isn’t it? God is bigger than this plague. God is bigger than anything we face individually or as a nation. We can trust Him. The greatest way to eliminate fear is to TRUST IN GOD. One of my favorite Scriptures is Isaiah 26:3, 4: “”Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD forever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.”

2. CLAIM THE PROMISES OF GOD. Open Psalm 91 and read it daily. Read it together as a family, out loud, each day. Of course, as we embrace the wonderful promises, we must accept the command as well. The promises are to those who dwell in the secret place of the most High, who abide in Him. To those who confess that God is their refuge and fortress and that they trust in Him.

3. PRAY. Yes, we pray for our families, but we must pray for our nation, and for our president, and against this virus. We have authority in the powerful name of Jesus. The most powerful weapon against this whole scenario is PRAYER. Are you praying? Make time to pray with your families together every morning and evening. Many people are no longer at their jobs and have more time to pray!

4. LIVE IN DIVINE HEALTH. This is God’s perfect will for you. Confess it over your life and each member of your family. God is Jehovah Rapha, “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” That’s who He is! Nothing less. My daughter Pearl shared on Sunday Proverbs 18:10: “The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.”

The name of the Lord is also HEALER and we can run into Him. As we run into Him and abide in Him, we receive His healing.

5. ENJOY FAMILY TIME TOGETHER. Don’t waste the opportunity to enjoy more family time together. One of my daughters-in-law was sharing with me yesterday how her husband is no longer out on the road (he manages the Newsboys and there will be no more concerts until June) so she is enjoying him home with her. Her youngest son is home from his Christian school. Her older daughter is doing her college course on-line and her married daughter and son-in-law are both in fields where they cannot currently go to work. So they are all home enjoying life together.

6. SPEAK POSITIVELY. Just because we are facing a few challenges, don’t speak negative words. They only bring destruction. Positive words heal. Proverbs 16:24 says: “Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, AND HEALTH TO THE BONES.” My dear husband, who will be 80 years in a couple of weeks, says with a huge smile on his face, “The worse this thing gets, the better I feel!” He loves making positive statements!

7. UPGRADE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. In fact, we need to supercharge it! Eat healthily and eliminate all sugar and every food product with sugar in it as it weakens your immune system and makes you more susceptible to colds at any time, let alone now. Take extra vitamins. Take big doses of Vitamin C. Some may also like to add Olive Leaf Extract, elderberry tincture, L-Lysine, etc. Others suggest mullein for lung health.

8. WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY. That’s what we are reminded to do, and it is common sense. One person told me that he is washing his hands frequently with chlorine! Ouch! I would hate to do that to my hands. We are encouraged to use hand sanitizers and I am sure most of you will do this. However, I don’t even like chemical hand sanitizers. I am making my own home-made sanitizer with handmade soap which I grate and simmer to the right consistency and add coconut oil and lots of drops of Thieves. It’s gentle and healing on my hands.

9. KEEP YOUR HANDS FROM YOUR FACE. Isn’t this the hardest thing to do? We do it subconsciously. Ooops! I just put my elbow up to my chin and then over my mouth as I was re-reading this sentence! I didn’t even realize I was doing it. We must make new habits!

10. KEEP YOUR MOUTH AND THROAT MOIST. A good idea is to sip water or a supercharged drink all throughout the day (about every 15 minutes). Trim Healthy Mama ladies will enjoy their Singing Canary or Good Girl Moonshine and other THM healthy drinks. I am currently making hibiscus tea and adding Baobab, ginger, cayenne, and loads of other goodies! Scrumptious and healing.

You can order Baobab from Trim Healthy Mama. As it says on their packet, “Baobab has five times the fiber of oats, more antioxidants than any other food on the planet, more than twice the calcium of milk, double the magnesium and iron of spinach, six times more potassium than bananas, and the best way to boost your vitamin C levels:”

A Japanese doctor who is treating this virus says that if the virus gets into your mouth, drinking water or other liquids will wash it down through your throat and into the stomach. Once there, your stomach acid will kill all the virus. If you don't drink regularly, the virus can enter your windpipe and into the lungs.

11. KEEP SURFACES AND DOOR HANDLES SPRAYED WITH DISINFECTANT. It’s a good idea to do this every few days.

12. WHAT ABOUT BUYING UP EXTRA FOOD AND PRODUCTS? I think it is a good idea to get basic foodstuffs that you know you will definitely use. But I think many people panic. Some people must have purchased toilet paper for a year! By the time we got to the store, we couldn’t find any! Can’t even find any on-line. But I am sure more will come in soon. Although my husband says we always have the grass! Just joking!

There is still plenty of food on the shelves. My main storage foods are my rye and spelt grains to make my sour dough bread. And plenty of dried beans, etc. Most people don’t have the funds to purchase loads of extra food. Even if you can get some extra, that’s good. Springtime is coming and we’ll plants gardens.

The above are a few thoughts for you. Hopefully this shut down will finish soon. But remember, the most important thing we can do, especially as mothers who are the heart of the family, is to put our trust in the Lord, and DON’T PANIC. Just keep praying and praising the Lord.

Many blessings,

Nancy Campbell


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