BeginWithGodToday is the beginning of a New Year. Beginnings are so important. They are the foundation.

“In the beginning GOD” (Genesis 1:1). Everything begins with God. And this is how we should live our lives. Every decision we make and every belief we have must all begin with God. We don’t start with man and try and bring it back to God. It never works. We start with God and everything works down to us. Then it works the right way. Because God’s way is always right. It’s the only way. Every other way is misleading.

Because we continually keep getting away from God’s way, God reminds us in Jeremiah 6:16: “Thus saith the LORD, stand in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” Do you want to live in rest and peace this year? Get back to the old ways. To the very beginning. To God’s principles He gave in the beginning. To the very first words He said in the beginning.

Now that’s challenge, isn’t it? The very first words God ever spoke into the ears of man were: “Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth” (Genesis 1:28). Many people have their own idea about this. They don’t like God’s mandate. However, if we want to walk in a straight path that leads to life we must accept the beginning (Matthew 7:13,14). The first words. The first establishment of God’s plan for marriage and family. Anything else is devious.

May we not be like those who responded to the words in Jeremiah 6:16 with “We will not.”

Let’s begin everything in our lives with God. Let’s take every thought and every decision to God.

Happy New Year,

Nancy Campbell


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