BabylonIn my post NO LOOP HOLE, posted below, I shared with you an important word that God wants proclaimed and broadcast to the to the ends of the earth. Do you remember what it was? We find it in Isaiah 48:20 (CEB): “Go out from Babylon; flee from the Chaldeans! REPORT this with a loud shout, PROCLAIM it; BROADCAST it to the end of the earth. SAY, ‘The LORD has redeemed his servant Jacob!’”

God wanted His people out of Babylon in that day. He wants us to get out of Babylon now. In God’s Word, Babylon speaks of confusion, delusion, and deception. It also speaks of mixture.

The amazing thing about deception is that we usually don’t know we are deceived. Deception deceives us from knowing we are deceived! Satan’s deception is so subtle that he successfully deceived Eve. And yet she walked and talked with God personally every day! Help, what about us?

I believe our greatest deterrent against deception is God’s Word. We must live in it. Meditate on it. Talk about it. And of course, share it with our children. We have an awesome responsibility as mothers to not only save ourselves from deception, but save our children from the deception of this humanistic society.

Sadly, a large proportion of the church is deceived. It is filled with mixture. People love God with their hearts, but their minds are filled with the humanistic agenda. It permeates this society. Most people in the church have been educated in the humanistic, feministic (and now, increasingly influenced by alternative lifestyles and the homosexual agenda). The most popular doctrine in the church today is “tolerance.” The devil makes sure that we are silent about sin. Or look out, we’re judgmental! On the other hand, God wants it exposed loudly, like a trumpet (Isaiah 58:1). This shows up whose side we are on!

My constant prayer is that God will save me from deception and that He will fill me with discernment. I’m sure this is your prayer too. It’s so easy to be deceived by that which looks good. That’s how Eve was deceived. Satan made the temptation look “good” and “wise” (Genesis 3:6). Everything from God is good, but not everything that looks good is from God! We must have godly discernment. We’ll get it from God’s Word.

As you pray together as a family each day, pray that God will show you any mixture that has come into your lives or your home. Ask Him to expose every tiny bit of deception. Ask Him to show you the spirit of Babylon in your lives. Ask Him to give each one of you such a love for His Word that you, your husband, and all the children will love to read it.

It isn’t the people in the world that God tells to flee out of Babylon. It’s God’s people. If the spirit of this world is more important to us than God, His Word, and prayer, we’re obviously still in Babylon. Every time the word “saints” is translated in “The Scriptures” it translates it “set-apart ones.” This is who we are as the people of God. Living in this world, but liberated from the spirit of this world.

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. Further Scriptures about coming out of Babylon: Isaiah 52:11; Jeremiah 50:8; 51:6, 45; Zechariah 2:6-8; 2 Corinthians 6:17, 18; James 4:4; 1 John 2:15-17; and Revelation 18:3-5.


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