Family Prayer"For the Lord will not forsake his people for his great name's sake . . . Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you " (1 Samuel 12:22, 23).

I heard last night that the city of Falusia in Iraq has been taken by the terrorist group, ISIS. We must continue pray that these ruthless terrorists will be stopped dead in their tracks. I was so pleased to hear that last night people all over the world prayed for the persecuted church between 7.00 - 8.00 pm. Some of our grandsons were returning home from a basketball practice and were eating in Taco Bell. At 8.00 pm the stopped what they were doing and prayed for the Christians in Iraq right there in front of everyone. May God bless these boys for being so bold.

I think that many Christians would not regard it is as a sin against the Lord when we cease to pray for one another. Some may feel that Samuel had a special calling upon his life as a priest and therefore was obliged to pray, and this is true. However, as New Testament priests we also have the same obligation to pray for one another that Samuel had.

Fathers, you are the priests of your home and you are raising children to be priests. Our children will be greatly blessed by fathers and mothers who will educate their children in the priestly art of prayer. Through this education the kingdom of God will be greatly advanced.

Prayer has the power to change the world. Without it the world has the power to change us! This would be a sin against the Lord whose help to His people is reliant on prayer.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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