2WayStrObedience is a proof of love. A child shows his love to his parents by obeying them. A wife shows her love to her husband by lovingly submitting to him. God says we show our love to Him when we obey His commandments (John 14:15, 21, 23; 1 John 2:5; 5:2, 3;

On the other hand, God says that when we obey Him that He will love us. He will also reveal Himself to us and be our friend (John 14:23 and 15:14). But there are more blessings yet. God loves to bless those who obey Him.

Let’s check all the blessings God says He will pour out upon you when you “obey his voice.” He will “have compassion on you . . . prosper you . . . multiply you . . . abundantly prosper the work of your hand . . . and the fruit of your womb . . . and the increase your livestock . . . and the fruit of your ground . . . you will live and multiply . . . and God will bless you (Deuteronomy 30:2-20).

Do you notice how God shows His love to us by blessing us with the fruit of the womb? We see this again in Deuteronomy 28, the blessing chapter. I am not sure why I call it the blessing chapter as there are 53 verses of cursings and only 14 verses of blessing. I don’t like reading the cursings as much as the blessings.

Two times in the few blessing verses, God says He will bless the fruit of our womb and then continues with all the blessings of provision to provide for the fruit of the womb. Check them out.

I know there are many who don’t want to be blessed with the fruit of the womb. We are so far removed from the truth of God’s Word and the reality of His heart for us, aren’t we? And yet this is how God wants to pour out His love upon us.

It is only the deception of Satan in our hearts that makes us think that children are not a blessing. And yet what material blessings can even compare with one life created in the image of God, let along many? I felt so blessed at our table the other night. Ten of our lovely grandchildren sat around our table and at the end of our family devotions we got out our hymn sheets to sing a hymn. But they wouldn’t stop at one. They wanted to keep singing. And oh, what a beautiful choir as they sang with all their hearts. What joy.

May you be blessed with all the blessings of God,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Johann Georg Meyer von Bremen (1813 – 1886).


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