HatedWordWe have a word in our vocabulary that is not popular today. It’s either hated, avoided, or scoffed at. I think you’ve guessed. It’s the word submission. But it’s a Bible word so why do women hate it so much?

I think it is because it cuts across our fleshly nature. It’s the opposite to our self-nature. It’s also one of the most powerful attitudes Jesus revealed in His life. The devil has the opposite nature to Jesus. He was cast out of heaven because of his pride and independence and he continues to tempt us with his same attitude.

Let’s looks at the attitude of Jesus. When He sweat drops of blood as he faced death and taking the sin of the world upon Him, He still submitted to His Father’s will crying out: “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless, not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42). And please read Philippians 2:5-8 where the Bible exhorts us to have the same attitude as Jesus. And read also John 5:30 and 6:38 where we read of Jesus’ attitude of submission.

What does this word submission mean? The Greek word is “hupotasso” and is a combination of two words:
“hupo” – under
“tasso” – to arrange in an orderly manner, to assign to a certain position.

Why does God want the wife to come under the husband? For her blessing. For her protection. For her covering. For her provision. Isn’t this a blessing?

Can I show you some other Scriptures where the Greek word hupo is used?
When Jesus looked out of Jerusalem, He cried: “How often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathered her chickens under (hupo) her wings, and ye would not” (Matthew 23:37). Is it a bad thing for a hen to gather her chickens under her wings? No, it is a beautiful thing. Isn’t a beautiful thing to be protected under our husbands?

Do you notice that the citizens of Jerusalem did not want to be gathered? They didn’t want to come under God’s protection, just like many wives do not want to come under their husband’s covering.

Jesus talked about the little mustard seed that grows up to be a big tree “so that the fowls of the air may lodge under (hupo) the shadow of it” (Mark 4:32). Another lovely picture of protection.

1 Corinthians 10:1, 2 tells us how God protected the Israelites in the wilderness “under (hupo) the cloud.” God gave them a cloud by day to protect them from the heat and a cloud (a pillar of fire) by night to keep them warm. The testimony of God’s protection and covering. The Bible speaks of the mystery of marriage which is to reveal the relationship between Christ and the church. Christ as the Head--covering, protecting, and leading His people as they submit to Him.

It’s not always easy to submit. It’s not for the immature, but the mature. It’s three-year-old behavior to demand our own way. It takes maturity to submit.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell


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