Keepers2Today we continue our word study about this phrase that is an offense to many women. However, if we are Bible believers, we need to understand what it is all about.

The second word from which this phrase is translated is “oikouros.” It is also from two Greek words: “oikos” meaning “a home, a dwelling, or by metonymy--a household or family” and “ouros” meaning “to guard, to watch, to keep, to have the oversight and responsibility for something.”

It means we are HOME-GUARDERS! It’s the picture of a “keeper of the castle” who guards it from any intruder.

Because this word is not used anywhere else in the New Testament we must look to similar words in the Greek language to fully understand its meaning. This word and all derivatives of this word were used in the context of a woman who stayed at home to manage her household. In the language of the day this same word referred to a watch dog who guarded the house. It was also used of men who stayed home from war to avoid military service. They were called “stay-at-home” men.

Therefore, this word means a “stay-at-home” mother, which is the exact meaning from the Strong’s concordance--“a stayer at home.” This sounds like a negative phrase, doesn’t it? But that is far from the truth.


The mother of children does not stay home for the sake of staying home. She is in her home to guard it. She is a Watch Dog. She watches over her marriage. She watches over her children. She conscientiously manages her home. She keeps everything in order (Proverbs 31:27 and 1 Timothy 5:14).

The AMPLIFIED version says: “makers of a home (where God is honored).”

J. B. PHILLLIPS translates it “home-lovers.” It is sad that many women do not love home. They want to get out of the home. I believe the reason for this is that most women have been brainwashed to look negatively on the home. They have been educated to think that the home is a boring place, an insignificant place, and a demeaning place. No one has told them the truth about the power of their home. School and college never taught them that home is not only a place to nurture and train our precious children, but it is the place where we can truly fulfil all the creative and productive dreams God gives to us.

I often say to women: “All mothers love their children, but not all mothers love motherhood! It’s when we love and embrace motherhood that we enter into the joy and fulfillment of motherhood.”

I believe it is also true of the home. God created mothers for the home, but they have been taught to despise it. When they acknowledge the truth, and begin to embrace and love their home, they find how they have been cheated and lied to. They begin to see that the home is their greatest place of fulfillment.

WAY’S translation tells the older women to teach the younger women “to recognize that their sphere is home.” This is God’s ultimate and wonderful plan for their lives. What a privilege to have a home. What an honor to have a dominion where we are QUEEN and where we rule and reign. What a privilege to make a sanctuary for the living God and for our husband and children.

There is no greater power we wield than when we are nurturing, loving, and training our children in our home who will one day go forth to bless the nation and the nations of the world with God’s truth and love.

What opportunity to influence the lives of hundreds of people as we open our doors in hospitality and invite in the needy and those who need encouragement and friendship. It’s not only the poor who are lonely and devastated; it’s often the rich. Every person is desperate to feel the love of God. And you can show them God’s love in your home.

Of course, over all, you are GUARDING. Your beady eyes (physically and spiritually) are watching and you are ready to bark at any entrance of the enemy. What’s the use of a Watch Dog who is not at home?

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. The following versions translate this phrase as “home-keepers”: KJV, WEBSTER’S, YOUNG’S LITERAL TRANSLATION, 1599 GENEVA BIBLE, BERKELEY, WILLIAMS, and BEREAN LITERAL BIBLE.


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