DeceptionWe live in a deceived society. There are many antichrists and false prophets around. And one day there will come The Antichrist and The False Prophet. Even now, we get little glimpses towards that day. Just recently we read where Pope Francis warned 33,000 Catholics in Rome to avoid a “personal relationship with Jesus Christ” which he said could be “dangerous and harmful.” He also advocates for a New World Order. This leaves many of his followers confused, especially when he led Islamic prayers in the Vatican.

He also made statements to the Italian newspaper La Repubblica in which he claimed that Americans have a distorted view of the world and put forward the idea that the people of the United States need to be ruled by a world government “for their own good.”

The Pope also believes that guarding America with the full muscle and might of a governmental oversight will be good for all humanity. In conversation with reporters from Ecuador’s El Universo newspaper, he said that it was essential to do so in order to formulate a cohesive, international stance against climate change. Can you believe what you are reading?

You can read and watch this and much more on this link:…/popes_latest_warning_relati…/139720

Does this not grieve your spirit? I personally know many born again Catholics who love Jesus and walk godly lives. I hope they will stand up against this deception. But I think of so many who don’t know Jesus personally and how they will be so easily deceived.

It is false and reveals an antichrist spirit. As we see more of this, it is so important to ingrain our children in the truth of God’s Word. Are you daily implanting God’s Word into your children’s hearts? It’s only God’s Word that will keep them from being deceived, even by Christian leaders. The Bible is the great lie detector!

If you want your children to stand strong for Christ in this end time, fill them with the Word. It is imperative that you and your husband make this a priority in your life.

Matthew 24:24 says: “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

Will your children know how to discern? Will they stand strong for truth even when Satan comes as an angel of light and with signs and wonders? Will they see through the lies? Will they will be willing to be persecuted or even face death for the sake of truth?

We must be preparing them now. We have a big task on our hands.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell


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