CoronaIsn’t it amazing how one single virus can literally collapse the whole world in so many ways?

Caleb was a man who had a breakthrough spirit. Joshua and Caleb are mentioned together in Numbers 14:6 as the only two spies who refused to join in with the “evil report” concerning the land of Canaan (Numbers 13;32).

It is worth noting that it is Caleb whose name is singled out as the greatest hero in this story. Caleb, on his own, first seeks to silence the people before Moses: Numbers 13:30 tells us: “And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.”

God honors Caleb in Numbers 14:24: “But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereunto he went; and his seed shall possess it.”

Things have been going so well in our country with a president who is, without fail, fulfilling all his campaign promises. He has already delivered us from so many flawed and restricting policies from the past administrations. The stock market was at all-time high and the list of so many blessings could fill this page.

However, the power of one “evil report” of a single virus has brought almost everything in the nation to a screeching halt. President Trump is now urging all gatherings over 10 people to cancel for the next 15 days. Cruises are canceled. Workplaces and schools are fast becoming locked down and under quarantine regulations. Whole nations and cities are closing. Travel to overseas countries is almost over (for maybe the next eight weeks).

Fear is one of the devil’s main advocates and even when things are going well fear is often so close to the surface that it doesn’t take much to trip the wire and we have a whopping explosion. This is what happened in Numbers, chapters 13 and 14. Read the story again.

Instead of talking fear, all of us who call ourselves Christians should pray. Really? Yes, start praying. Pray individually. Pray as families. Currently, and in the immediate future, you can’t be involved in so many things that have taken your time. You now have time to pray with your families. Maybe God is giving us this time.

Caleb stood in the gap and was soon joined by Joshua. These two men had the right message. But when fear takes over it takes more than words to overcome it.

Numbers 14:10 says: “And all the congregation bade stone them with stones. And the glory of the LORD appeared in the tabernacle of the congregation before all the children of Israel.” Yes, Joshua and Caleb could have been wiped out by the stoning of the people if it wasn’t for the glory of the Lod showing up before all the people and Moses standing in the gap and interceding for the nation.

Our current situation began with one deadly virus that has the potential to kill older people (especially in their eighties and those with already existing health problems). I turn 80 years myself in a couple of weeks, but I do not fear this virus because I believe that my God answers prayer and preserves those who fear the Lord and hold onto Psalm 91.

• Fear brings panic and destruction.
• Fear is destructive and binding.
• Fear stops progress.
• Fear shuts us down as it did God’s people who had just been blessed with a powerful deliverance from Egypt. If it hadn’t been for Moses standing in the gap with prayer God would have destroyed them all.
• Fear turns us away from our miracle-working God who wants to take His people into a land flowing with milk and honey.
• Fear will destroy more than the virus. It destroys the economy, jobs, income, and prosperity.
• Fear keeps us from the joy of the Lod.
• Fear is the opposite of faith. Faith keeps our eyes on God and His promises.

It’s time for all of us who call ourselves Christians to stand in the gap before God in prayer. Print out and pin up Psalm 91 and place it in prominent areas of your home. Read it aloud with your family each day.

Men, gather your families together daily in humble prayer and bind the spirit of fear and panic.

How do we break through the current coronavirus? By staying in a place of faith and by earnest prayer and calling upon God.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell