
FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell


King Rehoboam exchanged gold for brass. What are we experiencing in our lives as wives and mothers? Are we living the gold, or have we exchanged it for brass?

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, From Our Home to Yours, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies. I'm back with you again, and I'm going back to the Scriptures we were talking about last week, 1 Kings 14:26-28, and I'm going to read it again. He, the King of Egypt, took away from Rehoboam, who was the son of Solomon: “He took away the treasures of the house of the Lord, and the treasures of the king's house; he even took away all: and he took away all the shields of gold which Solomon had made. And King Rehoboam made in their stead brazen shields, and committed them unto the hands of the chief of the guard, which kept the door of the king's house. And it was so, when the King went into the house of the Lord, that the guard bare them, and brought them back into the guard chamber.”

And so we were sharing last time how that the King of Egypt came and stole from King Rehoboam, from the temple, and from his own house, the king's house, all the treasures. And he took them away. Rehoboam inherited amazing riches. Even the temple, they say, looking at it in today's value, that that temple in Jerusalem would have been worth $56 billion.

It was filled with treasures of gold and precious jewels, and also the king's house, it was filled with all treasures. They were taken away in just three generations from David to King Solomon and to Rehoboam. The riches were stolen.

But here it talks about the shields of gold which King Solomon had made. He made 500 shields, 200 large shields, all made out of hammered gold the Scripture says. And then he made 300 smaller shields, also out of hammered gold. These were also taken.


But what did Rehoboam do? He, instead, because the gold shields were gone, which were worth, one commentator says, $53 million, another says $37 million. Quite a bit of discrepancy there, but whatever, it was still millions and millions. So Rehoboam made shields of brass to take their place.

Now these were not the real thing. They were not the gold. They were counterfeit. But they looked pretty good, because you can shine up brass pretty well. Have you ever tried to do that? You can get Brasso, and you shine up the brass and it can really shine pretty well.

But it is a counterfeit. It's only brass. It's not the real gold. And sadly, Rehoboam seemed to be satisfied with the counterfeit. The Bible tells us that when he went to the temple of the Lord, he would get his guard, I'm sure guards  (plural) too, but there would be one who was particularly in charge.

And they would carry the brass shields to the temple. It was like a parade. And then when he would come back to the king's house, they would carry them back again and put them away in the king's house again. So that every now and then they would parade the shields for everyone to see.

I'm sure the guard in charge of these shields was informed that he had to keep them shined up, so they were continually clean and shined. So they were shiny, and when they went out, people would say, “Oh, look at those beautiful brass shields!”

But there would be those who remembered the gold ones. But there would be children who were growing up who didn't remember the gold ones. They would think that the brass ones were very special. You see, this is the thing with counterfeit, dear ladies. And it's something we have to really watch, because we go from the real, the real gold, to brass. And the brass is the counterfeit.


And what does counterfeit mean? I actually wrote down the dictionary meaning somewhere here. And let me see, yes, it means, “fraudulent, imitation of something else.” So it can look real, but it's not real. And we go from that to replacements. And we put something else in its place of the real.

I mean, we go back to normal. And what is the replacement? People begin to think that it's normal. And they don't know that they really haven't got the real. And this is where, in many areas of life, we have to really check it out. Are we living in the real in this area? Or are we living in the counterfeit? A substitute. A replacement. But now you're quite normal.

I'm thinking back in the days of Israel, and then Nehemiah, who came to build up the temple of the Lord that had been wiped out and ransacked by the king of Babylon. And the Jews had been in Babylon for 70 years.

God raised up King Cyrus, who was a heathen king, but an incredible king, and actually a very wonderful man. A man who was prophesied by name 150 years before he was even born. You can read about him in the last Scripture in Isaiah, chapter 44. And then in the first few verses of Isaiah 45. It talks about Cyrus, “My anointed, the one I have raised up.”

And yet he was a heathen king. But it's amazing. I have read the history of Cyrus and it's so incredible. I read Cyropedia by Xenophon. And when I was reading that book, I was getting quite convicted, like as though I was reading the Bible. And it was just about this heathen king.

But he was a special personality. When he was a child, he had this very, very generous spirit. He loved to give gifts. He was always thinking about other people. And it's amazing how God knew that He would have to raise up a personality, a man with this kind of big generous heart to fulfill His purposes. Because the people of Israel were captive in Babylon. They were slaves in Babylon. They'd been there for 70 years.

When King Cyrus came on the scene, he was used of God to release them and send them back. Now not every king would do that. In fact, as Cyrus grew in his life, and then he became a general, and then he became a king, he was an amazing king with his soldiers.

Whenever one of his soldiers would do anything that was good, he would call a meeting, and he would tell everybody about what they'd done. And he would give them a gift. And he would do this to every little thing they would do that was good. His soldiers loved him.

And even when he came to take over countries, the people wanted him to take over, because he was so good to  them. They wanted to be taken over by him. So he became the king of the four corners of the earth.

Then God raised him up. He had planned for him before he was even born. He'd even confessed his name prophetically 150 years before he was born. And God used him to release the people to go back. He said, “You can go back, and here's money to build your temple. And you can take back your treasures that were taken away from you.”

I mean, what king would do this? But that was the one that God had raised up to do it. And so they had come back to Jerusalem, and they were beginning to build up the temple again. And the foundation was laid.

Oh, so many of those had been born in Babylon. They'd never seen the old temple. And they were so thrilled, and they were shouting, rejoicing, with great shouts of joy, and they were overcome with joy. The foundation of the temple was built again!

But then there were some of the old ones who had come back. They had remembered when they were young. They remembered that beautiful temple of gold and beautiful jewels. When they saw the foundation was nothing like the foundation of that old beautiful temple. they wept. So we had some of the people weeping. And some of the people rejoicing. The rejoicing ones, they didn't know or remember the real. So they were content with that which wasn't so good, the replacement.

So here we are, back to Rehoboam. Now he is living in the days of replacement. Yes. And who came along and stole it? It was Shishak, the king of Egypt. Now Egypt in the Bible is always a type of the flesh, of the flesh and the devil and all those things that come against us. We read about it. Everything in the old has its counterpart in the new.

We go to 1 John 2:15-17: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.”

And so it's talking about here, the lust of this world. And Egypt always speaks of the flesh, and the lust of this world. It's those things that come and steal from us the real. And they stole from Rehoboam. So now he's doing the replacement business. And he's got his brass shields and he's bringing them out and parading them, but they're not for real.

And he put something instead of them. In 2 Chronicles 12:10 it's repeating the same story. And it says: Instead of which king Rehoboam made shields of brass.”

And so, lovely ladies, I thought we'd look at a few things today where we need to check our lives and see whether we are living in the real or we are living in the counterfeit. Whether we have the gold, or whether we have the brass.

I want the gold. Don't you?

The gold is God's pure truth. And it is gold. The Word of God says, I think it's in Psalms 12:6. Let's go to it: “The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.”

Now both gold and silver are tried. They are tried in a furnace. They're put in a furnace so that all the rubble and that which is not pure comes to the surface. They take it all off the top until they get the pure gold. And they do it with silver too.

In this Scripture, the Word of God says that the Word itself is purified in the furnace seven times. And it's also purified like gold, because the Word is called “gold.” There's some beautiful Scriptures about that in Psalm 19:7-11. Beautiful Scriptures about the Word of God.

And then in Psalm 19:10, it says: “The law of the Lord is more to be desired than gold, yea, than much fine gold.” David said those words, and yet David, he was the one who was filled with riches of gold. I mean, David saved up and amassed for the temple. I was telling you about that last session.

The Bible says that he got together 100,000 talents of gold, which would be worth about $45 billion  today, and 1,000,000 talents of silver, which would be worth about $10.8 million today. And he prepared all that for the temple.

So he had all that gold around him. And yet he said it was nothing compared to God's Words, His pure truth, that they were worth far more than much fine gold.

We go on to Psalm 119:72: “The law of Thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver.”

And Psalm 119:127: “Therefore I love Thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold.” And so when we're looking for gold, ladies, we're looking for God's truth in His Word.

Many times we find that we actually have brass. We are living what our culture is doing, what society is doing. Sometimes it may be gold, but many times it's brass. It's the counterfeit.


So let's start with just the basic thing of having children. Have we got the gold, or have we got the brass? I've done a few sessions on this before, so I'm not going to talk a lot about it. But we look at our culture today and we see in our society and America, the average number of children per family is 1.9.

That is more than in some European countries, where it comes down to 1.3, 1.2. Some are even less. They barely have replacements for their children. They are already dying nations. This is not what God intended. God intended His earth to be inhabited. God created us to have children. He didn't plan for us to stop having children.

God looks for the godly seed. In Malachi 2:15, it tells us how God looks for the godly seed. He wants godly children to come into this world. And there was a time when that was what happened. People had the children that God gave to them. Often that would be an average of six, seven, eight, nine, or maybe ten children.

Of course, there have always been, and still are, those who maybe can't have children. Maybe they only have one or two, because that's all God gives to them. And even the Bible never says, you must have so many children. No, no, no, that's not Bible.

But the Bible says, “Be open to the children that God loves to give us.” Yes, that He loves to give us, because every conception is from God. And when we stop conception, we are stopping a gift from God. And it's not God's plan for us to only have our 1.9 or maybe two children. “That's it!”

So what do we have? Do we have the gold? Or do we have the brass? Older ladies listening today, what are you teaching the young generation? What are you teaching them? Gold? What God says in His Word? Or brass, what our culture is doing today?

You see, the fact is that this brass, this replacement, it becomes normal. And people think, “Oh, that's normal.” And so, some people think, Oh, I mean, the normal thing today is, people have a couple of children, and they even have three.

And people will say, “Oh yeah, I guess you're done, are you?”

“Oh, yeah! We're DONE! That's it!”

I mean, that's normal talk. Normal? Really subnormal. It's really anti-normal, because it's not Bible-normal.

And so, lovely ladies, we have to be careful we're not caught up with a so-called normality that's not a normality, that's actually an unreality according to God's plan for our lives. And according to His Word.


What about mothers going to work? It's normal today. It's the absolute norm. I mean, mothers who are staying home with their children, I guess, if you're one of those, and you're listening today, and you are home with your children, did you get these snide remarks? You get these people saying things to you, making out you're a little bit absurd. When really you are the normal one.

Isn't it sad that that which is the brass, not the gold, not the real thing, it's not the Word, and yet people think it's normal? Dear ladies, dear precious mothers, dear young girls listening today, let's never be those who accept what society's doing as the normal, unless it lines up with the Word. If it lines up with the Word, praise God. If it doesn't, it's brass! OK.

You either go for the brass or you go for the gold. I want to go for the gold, don't you? Yes, that's what I'm pursuing. The gold, the pure truth of the Word of God.

And what does it say in Titus 2? This is a word for young mothers and it's a word for older mothers, because the older mothers are to teach the younger mothers. It's not only Nancy Campbell teaching the young mothers. We need an army of older mothers teaching the young mothers.

Sadly, some of the older mothers are giving the wrong impression to young mothers. It's often the older mothers and the grandmothers who are saying these words to the young mothers. “Oh, you don't need any more children.”

Like my own dear mother. I remember every time I conceived, I was too scared to tell my parents. Then I got this little lecture each time after having a baby. “Now, Nancy, dear, you've got a lovely little family. You don't need any more children.”

Now my mother was a wonderful woman of God. Oh, she was a wonderful woman of prayer. She was a godly woman. But she didn't know. She was brainwashed. There have been generations from about my mother's generation who have been brainwashed in humanist understanding, not the Word of God.

In her very last years, she actually came to hear me speak and heard the revelation from the Word. She said, “Oh, Nancy, if only I had known.” And so, as older mothers, we have to know the truth. This is the thing that really saddens me. Each time I send out a new Above Rubies, I'm sure you have received your new issue, # 98. I trust it's a blessing to you and you're passing it on to others to share with them.

But I received, each time it happens, and I'll receive emails from older ladies. They write to me and say, “Nancy, oh, thank you so much for Above Rubies over the years. It was a great blessing as I was raising my children. But they're all grown now. So I don't need it anymore, so I am going to cancel.”

And I think, “Oh, what's happened? Here these lovely precious mothers, and they've raised their children, but now, they don't want it? They have no more need? Oh, no! We have a greater need than ever! My, I'm just not with my children grown, I'm in the next children with them grown. And they are now raising their children!

And yet I still need the message of Above Rubies, which is the message of what God says to women. I'm coming to the Lord every day, searching His Word. “Lord, please, reveal to me Your truth. I'm open for more,” because there is always more in the Word of God.


And when our children grow, we are not finished with motherhood. We are only entering into a larger area of motherhood. Our motherhood is growing. It is enlarging. We never think, “OK, that season's over!”

No, motherhood is always an enlarging season. It goes on from season to season, and the seasons are different, but it's always enlarging. And so now, I don't have six children around me, and then we added four later. We added another four adopted children, so that was ten children.

But no, now I have 50 grandchildren, so I have to enlarge my heart. I have to enlarge my sphere. I have to enlarge every part of my being because my family is enlarging. But that's not all. I now have 20-plus great-grandchildren and more on the way. So my life is continually enlarging.

And then there are mothers all around me. There are the mothers of the world, who need to hear God's truth, and His Words, and His encouragement. And so I have to enlarge. Every older mother, we have to enlarge.

We have to be constantly seeking God. “Lord, what do you want me to say to these young mothers? I dare not pass on brass. I've got to pass on gold.” And what does Titus 2:3 say? “The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things.” Good things! Good things. We've got to teach good things.

And then it tells us what they are. And ladies, we have good things. "That they may teach the young women to be sober.” That doesn't literally mean to don't get drunk. It means to have a sober mind, to be able to pull your mind into gear, and not be overcome with self-pity and depression, and all these things.


No, mothers! We have no time for being wimpy. We have to be strong women of God who stand up for truth. We do not give way to deception. We do not give way to fear. We do not give way to all this silly nonsense of self-pity and junk. We've got to be women of strength with sober minds.

And to “teach the young women to love their husbands.” We've learned how to love our husbands, so we know how to teach the young women how to love their husbands.

“And to love their children. To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home.” There it is, three words.  “Keepers at home.” That's what the Bible says.

“Oh, that's not what culture says! That's not what society says! That's not what it says in the day I'm living in!”


But this is the Word of the Lord. This is up-to-date. The Word of God is not old fashioned. The Word of God is for every generation. The Word of God is alive and active and it's Word is for every mother in every generation because God knows what is best. That we are to teach young mothers to be keepers at home, to be those who are the guardians of their homes, watching over their homes. You cannot be a guardian if you're not there. You have to be there to watch over your home, to watch over your children.

“And to teach them to be good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed.”

Pretty powerful. In other words, we blaspheme the Word of God when we don't teach these truths. We blaspheme the Word of God when we don't embrace these truths.

Dear ladies, this is the pure gold of the Word of God. Which do you have? I'm sure, most of you who are listening, you've taken hold of the gold. You're home with your children, the blessed children God has given you, that you're training and preparing for Him, getting them ready to be part of His end-time army.

Oh, you have such a great career, the greatest career there is in the whole of this nation. There's no higher career. Oh goodness me. Women can go out and get their so-called high careers. But they're going to be left behind. They're not taking them into eternity with them.

But dear mothers, you're taking your career, you're taking your children, Every moment, every prayer, every time of pouring out of love, every time you sacrifice to raise godly children is eternal. And your children are eternal souls. And you're preparing them to not only impact this world but you're preparing future generations through your children.

But you are preparing them ultimately for eternity. Oh my. you have such a great career. And this is the purity, the pure gold of the Word of God. And can I tell you, anything less is brass? Counterfeit. Substitute. And how is it that now, this can be considered normal, when it's abnormal?

And so we have to defer. Oh, let's move on. Oh my. That's going to take a little bit of time. I might have to wait until next session. So just let me mention this. I have also mothers who write to me, and they say, “Nancy, you are becoming so political! Why don't you just keep to mothering?”

Well, dear ladies, I am keeping to mothering. because when I hare certain things to protect the family, it's not because I want to be political. It's because as an older mother, I am writing up to protect families, to protect the young families, to protect the future generations from being confused and taken up by that which is deception and evil.

And so I must stick to truth. All I am doing is sticking to truth. I have to be a truth-keeper. I have to be a truth-sharer. I have to be a truth-teller, because I love truth, and I do not want to be caught up in deception.

Someone wrote to me recently and said, “Oh, how dare you say we have an illegitimate president?” Oh yes, I must say that. Because the truth is that our current president is illegitimate. He did not win the election. President Trump won by far. That has been easily shown, clearly.

Of course, there are some who do not want to hear the facts, but we are living in the days of an illegitimate president. We are having to put up with nearly every day executive orders being signed that are bringing down the blessing of this nation.

We are seeing our border once again in disarray, with terrorists coming in, with sex traffickers coming in, with gang members coming in, and allowed to be brought into our states. Even here in Tennessee, in the middle of the country, our governor has allowed for these people to be brought and placed into our state.

This is beyond us. This is not what we are meant to have. We want a country that we don't want to bring evil in, for our children to live in that. And of course, yes, I have spoken against masks, and I have done podcasts on that because they are not from God.

God created us with open face to reveal His glory. He did not bring us into this world to cover our faces for a virus that has a 99.9% cure. They have cures, beautiful cures for this virus. They don't need vaccines, but of course they have come in, which is the ultimate underlying plan, which is de-population.

So therefore, I began to speak politically again, didn't I? Yes, but why? Because I want to save families. I want to save children. I mean, there is so much information coming out now of people who have been affected physically through taking the vaccine. People have died.

There are so many scientists and doctors, you can hear them on YouTube. These are not just weirdos. These are sane doctors and scientists who are revealing what is going to happen. They believe that much of the havoc will come, not just now, although it's already happening. But down the line, maybe this fall, maybe in months to come, maybe in years even, through the effects of these vaccinations.

So when I speak against them, I am trying to save lives, save precious children, save fertility, because they will affect fertility. I hope you hear my heart, dear ones, if you are listening. Maybe you have already taken the first shot. Wow. Well, it's a free world. You can do it. But from my heart to yours, I say, please, don't take the second. Don't go any further, because it won't be for your blessing.

OK, I've got to keep sharing next time. We'll get through this yet! All right!

“Father, I thank You so much, Lord God, for the darling precious ladies, children, young people listening today. And I pray that You will bless them, that you'll keep them in Your truth. You'll keep them going after gold, Lord God. And never turning to brass. I ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.”

Nancy Campbell


Transcribed by Darlene Norris.

The following are some latest information on Covid.

VAERS COVID Vaccine Data (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, USA).

329,021 reports through June 4, 2021:

  • DEATHS, 5,888
  • URGENT CARE, 43,891
  • OFFICE VISITS, 58,800
  • ANAPHYLAXIS, 1, 450
  • BEL’S PALSY, 1,737
  • DISABLED, 4,583.

Latest news:

Simone Scott (19 years) underwent a heart transplant one month after developing what her doctors believe was myocarditis following her second dose of Moderna. She received the second vaccine May 1 and died June 11.