
FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell


I share my thoughts in answer to the question: ”What should we be doing during this time, apart from praying, and preparing our children to be spiritually strong?” There's lots you can do. Check it out.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, From Our Home to Yours, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies. Today I'm going to talk with you a little bit about this corona virus we have been going through. I haven't been speaking about it with you on the podcast, although I've been writing about it on my Facebook.

Actually, Serene, of Serene and Pearl with Trim and Healthy Mama, she did a very good podcast. It was called, you can go back and check it, ”The Eye of the Poddy.” It was nicknamed “Serene's Sermon.” Rather, instead of their bantering back and forth as they usually do, she got anointed, and she actually gave a sermon. It was very encouraging. That's something I think you would enjoy listening to.

After listening to her, I thought, “Oh, my, I don't think I need to do one myself.” But I had another question come in and I thought, “Yes, I'll just take one session on it.”

Now let me pull this up and give you this question here. “Nancy, can you please share what you believe we ought to be doing during this time? I've seen your posts about freedoms being taken away. But what are we supposed to be doing outside of praying and preparing our children to be spiritually strong?”

Well, I think that mother had a good answer herself. She mentions, what can we do, apart from praying? And she mentioned praying FIRST. That's where I would put prayer, NUMBER ONE on the list. And so I have a few points about things that I believe that we should be doing.

Now, of course, we are going into a different time. I believe this virus is easing. So many thousands of Christians have been praying, that by the end of the month of April, it would be just about over. And I believe that is happening.

I believe God has been answering our prayers  because God is a prayer-answering God. We don't come to Him not believing. We come in faith, believing. I do believe that prayer is the greatest thing we can do, as many of you have already been doing.

I'm sure you have been gathering together as a family, as we do every day. We've been praying for this end, praying for healing, and praying for this whole thing to be ended, in our nation, and in the world.

Also, praying for our President, who needs such prayer at this time, because he is bombarded with everything around him. He has people around him. I'm sure he has so many good people around him. But he also has the influence of very negative people. We're praying, as I'm sure you are, that he will have the mind of God, to know what this country should do.

I love that Scripture in the Word of God which speaks about the children of Issachar, one of the tribes of Israel. It says that the children of Issachar had “understanding of the times, to know what Israel should do” (1 Chronicles 12:32). I've always loved that Scripture. I've prayed that Scripture, I pray it for ourselves, that we will have true understanding, and know what we should be doing. I pray it for our President, that he will have understanding, and know what we should be doing.

So yes, dear friend, who wrote in this question, number one is prayer, and should be for all of us. We should not be lessening in prayer. We should be intensifying because this is a very, very strategic time in the world.

I believe we should be praying as a family, morning and evening. We should also have extra time for prayer. We've always had a prayer meeting in our home. It's just been part of our lives, right throughout our married life.

Currently, we have a prayer meeting for everybody around this area, once a week. We usually have it at our home, but we are currently having it at Serene's house. Over the winter we do it at Serene’s, so she doesn't have to bring all her little ones out and carry them home in the cold. But gathering a few extra people and pray together.

My husband and I have also felt lately that we need to pray three times a day, just as David did, as Daniel did even in the face of persecution, and being thrown in the lions' den. The Bible says that he prayed and bowed his knees before the Lord three times a day, as he always did, even though the decree of the king said if he was to do that, that he would be thrown into the lions' den.

We noticed that he not only prayed three times a day, but he BOWED before the Lord. So we're now doing that. Instead of just praying, sitting on our chairs, we are getting down on our knees, and bowing before the Lord. Showing our earnestness before Him. You just might want to do that too. I think there's a very powerful thing in kneeling before the Lord.

The other thing this lovely mother said was, “What else do we do but pray and raise godly children?” Wow! That is NUMBER TWO point, yes! In this hour, we need to be raising children who know the truth. Raising children who have Godly and Biblical convictions.  And raising children who know the Constitution, for those of us who live in America. Many of you are listening in other parts of the world. And also raising children who know how to live without fear.

Now I think this has been one of the most drastic things that has happened because of this corona virus. To me, it has not been the virus that has been the most scary but the fear that has come upon people. And even the fear that has come upon Christian people. I have been grieved to see so many Christians in fear.

Dear precious wives and mothers, we are not meant to walk in fear! God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, and of power, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Fear does not come from God! Fear is Satan's weapon. This is the weapon that he uses.

In fact, those in witchcraft say that this is their greatest weapon, the weapon of fear. I believe that whatever is the origin of this thing, there's so many ideas and we don't truly know. But the greatest origin of it is fear which comes from the enemy. I believe we have to rise up against fear.

We're talking about raising godly children. Look, dear parents, dear moms and dads, if we are in fear, what are we teaching our children? If we are believers, and we are in fear, we're walking hypocritically. I believe we teach our children far more by our own attitudes, by our lifestyles, than anything else.

Our children should not see us in fear of this virus because God is bigger than this virus! Even though it is now waning, even in the peak time, God was BIGGER!

The sad thing is, is that the fear, the fear was actually often lies, because we were programmed and brainwashed by the media with all these projections that were horrific. That millions were going to die. But they were only projections! They were not reality.

That's the thing about fear. Fear is NOT reality. Fear is believing something that just might happen. You see, faith is powerful—Both fear and faith are powerful. They both are putting our belief in someone, and in trusting someone or something.

When we have faith, we are putting our trust in God, Who is bigger than any situation and bigger than any virus and bigger than anything we face! We put our trust in Him, and we can trust Him!

When we fear, we're putting our trust in the enemy. And we're putting our trust in lies. We're putting our trust in something, well it just might happen. It is not reality!

Let me give you a few Scriptures here, because I believe this is something very important, that we should talk about. Let's see here . . . yes, I wanted to give you Job 3:25. I have it written down here, but let me go straight to the Word, and I'll read it to you from there. This is a powerful Scripture. Job 3:25: “And Job said, for the thing,” actually that is the word fear, pachad, there, “which I greatly feared,” pachad again, “is come upon me. That which I was afraid of has come unto me.”

See, there's the power of fear. What you fear will often happen. Therefore, we do not want to fear! This is the sad thing. Many have feared, and that's, it's not a healthy thing, to fear at all.

In Job 15:21 it says: “The sound of fear is in his ears.” Now isn't that interesting? The sound of fear. Did you know that fear has sound waves? Yes, and we have been hearing the sound waves of fear through the government, through the CDC, through the media, and through leftist governors. We've been receiving the sound of fear. They have been wanting to put fear in us. This has been the plan.

Isaiah 24:18 says: “Whoever flees at the sound of panic will fall into a pit.” Do you know that just the sound (no reality), it's just a sound!

Psalm 53:5 says: “There they were, in great fear, where no fear was.” Now, did you ever read that Scripture before? This Scripture is a picture of what's happened in our nation. There they were! In great fear! The whole of our nation, and the nations of the world, were put into fear and panic. They thought they were going to die! Even if they went outside!

But it goes on to say: “where no fear was.” And that is the truth of the matter, especially now that we come to the waning of this virus as all viruses wane, they mutate and weaken. That's what happens. It happens with the flu every year.  They are now finding out, with all the numbers, that this flu is less, there have been less than one percent deaths worldwide.

Now, we grieve at every death. No one wants anyone to die. No loved ones to die. We don't want to die. It's amazing how God has put this thing of life within us. We want to hold onto life! And you've seen this during this panic time. You've seen how people have been scared of death.

I remember my precious father, who when he passed away, throughout his life and as he got older . . . he just, he was so healthy all his life. He was the fittest man you could ever meet. I mean, he would run, because he lived in New Zealand. He was the entertainer at the Agrodome, the big shearing place where they show the sheep, and do the shearing demonstrations.

Where he lived, which was, I guess, a couple miles, maybe not quite that, he would run to work each day, and he would jump the fences, even as he got older. He was just so fit, and so healthy. He never went to a doctor, and never went to a hospital. Never took an aspirin in his whole life.

Then in his later life, he got prostate cancer, which turned to bone cancer, unfortunately. But he would always say, “Hey, if ever I get bedridden, just get me out of here!” He just wouldn't know how to be bedridden because he was so fit.

But when that time came, and he was bedridden, he wasn't saying, “Get me out of here.” No, he was still hanging onto life, until that very moment that God took him. Because that's what God has put in us, to hold onto life. That is good. That is a great thing.

But even so, even in that holding onto life, we dare not fear death, we dare not fear, because God is in control. He is bigger. Fear is not reality. Fear is something that might happen! It's not definite at all! And so why do we put our faith in fear? Because it's putting our faith in something that is negative, into that which is not reality.

Isaiah 8:11-14 says: “For the Lord spoke to me with a strong hand and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying 'Say ye not a confederacy. Neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid. Sanctify the Lord of Hosts Himself and let Him be your fear and let Him be your dread.' And He shall be for a sanctuary.”

So I've just been so concerned about the fear. Well, I think I would have to say that I have not feared this virus at all, but I guess I do fear something. Because I'm talking about not fearing, so it's not that I'm in a state of panic about it. But I, what could I call it? I'm in a state of great concern about it.

That is, that this, there's more to this virus. I am concerned about the control that government, and even state governments, are wanting to take over their people, not only in this nation, but all over the world. There is a thing behind this of taking control of our God-given freedoms.

Precious ladies, I believe we have to watch that. You see, this virus is proof that yes, it was horrific for many people, but so is the flu, when people get very ill. The statistics are that there have not been more to die of this corona than have of the flu in the couple of past years.

So it's something we face in life. We never want to face these things. But never before has the world shut down because of a flu epidemic or pandemic. This time it happened. But there is more to it.

There is this wanting to take over and control our lives. This is what we must be concerned about. This is what we must stand up against. This is what we must teach our children to stand up against. And they must know what the Constitution says.

Now the First Amendment that we see, I can't say it from memory, so I'd better just look where I wrote it here. I have it right here! OK. We all know it, but let's read it so we get it straight.

“The first Amendment to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws which regulate an establishment of religion. Did you hear that? Which regulate an establishment of religion, that prohibits the free exercise of religion, or abridges the freedom of speech. The freedom of the press. The right to peaceably assemble, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.

So that's the First Amendment, which gives us great freedoms, which we must not let go. Because these freedoms are being taken from us. We already know, all of us, of how many crazy things are happening, you know, with governments taking control, more or less in different states.

We know the democrat in Michigan, Governor Whitmer, how she limited, people could only go like, say, to Lowe's, or places like that. They could only have four people per 1000 square foot of customer floor space. They were not allowed to buy flooring, furniture, garden, or have garden centers open with plants, or they could not buy paint.

Now that is, what is that? That's nothing to do with corona virus. Nothing! When people are told to stay home, can men, men who are not, they're not programmed to sit around home. “OK, if I'm home, well, let me do something in the house! Let me fix up the house that needs fixing. So let me just go and get some new flooring, and get some new tools, and fix up some . . . ” No, they weren't allowed to do that!

“Well, here I am, stuck at home. OK, let's do some painting!” No, not even allowed to buy paint. Now that is ridiculous. They weren't allowed to go and buy seeds to put in their garden.

Of course, she even stopped the use of hydroxychloroquine. Some other states have stopped that too. Some are even going, taking those states to court now, because our President, he is always wanting to find out that which will bless and help our nation. He found out about hydroxychloroquine, and he made it known, and got it passed, and got Bayer and other places manufacturing it.

It is a drug that is been around for 70 years. It is being proved to help with this corona virus. If they get it early enough, they get well so quickly. In fact, there were testimonies of people, even on TV. One guy, he was in the very last stages. He didn't even think he'd last the night. He pleaded with them that they would give him hydroxychloroquine. They did, and he revived in an hour and a half, and was so well. But there are some states that will not allow it. That's allowing people to die.

Then today I read, Birmingham, Alabama. OK, we're going into the new phase. OK, some people can start getting back to work! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!

But Birmingham city, Alabama, are now putting on more laws and overkill. Everyone from two years of age and up must wear a mask if they go outside their door, or outside their car. That is totally ridiculous!

Dear ladies, are we going to be victims to such petty little things as this? I mean, even the World Health Organization has revealed that masks don't help people. It's not going to stop you getting the virus if you were going to get it.

If you did get it, well, it wouldn't be too much of a worry anyway, if you're healthy. So many have been tested that didn't even know they had it. For many, they haven't had hardly any symptoms at all. It is good to get that herd mentality (laughing) Not mentality, but IMMUNITY!

That's important with a virus. The more people who are out and about, and the immunity, they gain their immunity by . . . they just sort of pick up things. Their immune system gets stronger. But hiding away in your house and hiding away behind a mask, you're breathing in your own carbon dioxide, and it's really not helping you at all. That's not helping. That's weakening your immune system.

I mean, yes, I think my husband and me. I think we've had the flu just about every year of our lives. When, you know, it's always at this time that it goes around, and you get it. Sometimes it's not so bad, and other times it's really bad. I've had it really bad. The amazing thing is, this year, neither of us have had even the flu or corona, because I think we have been on the offensive about it. I'll get on to that point in a moment, too.

Then I also heard today that California is now stating that churches cannot meet together for another three months! Now I don't agree with that. I never even agreed with it throughout this time of the lockdown.

Now I'm sorry, ladies. I guess some of you could not agree with me, and that's fine. We don't always have to agree. Like even my husband says often, I mean we have the most glorious marriage in the world, but we don't always agree on everything. But he always says, “Darling, we don't have to agree on everything, but we just have to love one another.” Isn't that wonderful? That's how it should be.

But you know, when I first heard that churches were giving in to this lockdown, I couldn't believe it! Oh yes, I know the motive of the many was that “Yes, we don't want to spread it and we want to care for our fellow believers.” But who are we? Are we the people of God or not?

Surely, if we are the people of God, can you imagine the people of God getting together, maybe not to have a normal service, but to cry out to God together in prayer! To cry out to Him to bring a hope to this thing, to bring healing! And the power of God is in our midst. Isn't that what we are meant to be as the people of God?

Of course, we are not going to expect the sick to come in, unless they come and ask to be healed. But those who would have infections or flu or corona, they would stay away. That's how it's meant to be.

Yes, there is quarantine. We quarantine the sick and the infectious. That is important. And that has always been what we do. Even in Bible times, they quarantined, they quarantined the lepers. But you know, they had lepers around them all the time. If they went near a leper, the leper was required to call out, “Unclean! Unclean!” so they would not come near. That was good. They had to stay that infection.

I think that would be a far worse thing to have lepers around than to have even the corona, which has been like a flu. Of course, when you have the flu, you're not going to go out and spread your germs! I don't want to get near anybody spreading their germs on me, thank you! And so that's etiquette. You will not spread your germs if you are even slightly sick, and think, “Oh, maybe I could spread them.” You'll stay home.

But if you are perfectly healthy, you should not have to be quarantined. Healthy people shouldn't be quarantined. Back in Bible times, they didn't stop society, or quarantine the healthy because there were lepers. No, they quarantined those who were infectious. And that is so important.

But can you imagine healthy believers coming together and praying? The power of God is there when we get together to pray. What did Jesus say? “When two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst” (Matthew 18:20).

And I often think of this Scripture in Romans chapter eight. Let me go, I just had my Bible upside down for a minute. Romans, chapter eight. It says here, in verse 11: “But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken [make alive] your mortal body by His Spirit that dwelleth in you.”

That is so powerful! If the Spirit of God that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in me, imagine a gathering of God's people who have indwelling in them the Spirit of the living God Who raised Jesus from the dead! How can they spread sickness to one another? Oh my, let's be who we are meant to be as the people of God!

Oh wow, yes, let me just give you this. Now where did that go? I had that piece of paper there, which was very important, about the Constitution. It's disappeared. You gave it to me before, and here it is. I've got it. Ha-ha. Too many pieces of paper here!

OK. Now, this is the United States Department of Justice. “Law enforcement may not arrest, threaten, or intimidate citizens exercising their rights to peaceably assemble.”  Title 18, Section 242 of the Constitution says, “It is a crime for a law enforcement officer acting under color of any law, to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitutional laws of the United States.”

The Constitution specifically names the right to peaceably assemble as a right given to all citizens by the Constitution. This offense, that is to, you know, come after people who are doing that, who are peaceably assembling to do that, the offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime.

Wow! Goodness me. Well, here we have the First Amendment that we have the right to peaceably assemble. Churches peaceably assemble. They're not protesting. They're not rising up against the government. They are peaceably assembling to worship God and pray for their nation. Pray for their city. There is nothing that they are doing wrong. They have the right under the Constitution to peaceably assemble together. If there is an offense, it is on those who are stopping them doing it.

So we need to know our rights, don't we? And learn to, it's time to stand up. So we not only raise our children to live without fear, but instead to stand on their convictions and trust in God. We teach them to be those who trust God.

But we teach them to know what is right, and what is true. I think, you see, why I am talking to you today. Sadly, my yes, I'm running out of time. But anyway, it's because I think of my children, well, my children are grown now, but my grandchildren, and my great-grandchildren who are all coming along. What kind of, what kind of a nation, what kind of a situation are they going to live in if we are having all these rights taken from us?!

I mean, we dare not, ladies, we have got to stand up, precious ladies. Oh, I hope that you will do . . . I could go on and on with all the things that have been taking place, where people have been arrested for just, oh, being, walking alone at the beach, or walking alone at the park. I mean, this has got beyond a joke. And it's time we stood up.

Anyway, time is going, so I've got to just quickly talk about one or two other points. Yes, live in divine health. I believe this is what we should be doing. I mean, if we have, as I have just given you this Scripture, we have the Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, living in us. So we can claim His health. Our God is Jehovah Jireh, “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” We claim that promise. We live under the Power of the precious Blood of Jesus.

Right over this time, because it was Passover, but also it was . . . I had it as an emblem of protection. I had a beautiful red, sort of scarf, just flowing over my door, over the top and the sides, of course, where they put the Blood upon the door, as an emblem. We can do actual things like that. But I do believe.

OK, we do not fear, but we do live wisely. We live in divine health. We claim the healing that is available to us in God. And we boost our immune system. Now we should always be living healthily, and always casting out sugar from our homes. I hope you don't have any sugar in your pantry, or any foods filled with sugar. They weaken your immune system.

Now, we should do it any time, but if there is a pandemic, a virus that's serious, and it's going around, you're going to, if you are wise, you will boost your immune system, and the immune system of your children. And that's the greatest thing you can do.

Look, it's not wearing a mask. Did I tell you about how Birmingham, now Birmingham city wants everybody to wear a mask, from two years of age and upwards. I mean, that is totally ridiculous. Look, it's not wearing a mask. It's not hiding away in your home. No! IT IS LIVING FREE and boosting your immune system. In fact, your immune system will boost more by just getting out and about.

But eat a healthy diet and take extra supplements. At a time like this, you will take extra vitamin C. You can take 1000 milligrams in the morning and 1000 at night if you want to. And give extra to your children. This how to do it wisely.

I mean, I have seen precious mothers in the supermarket. Sadly, they are overweight, which is another thing to watch. So they're overweight, they don't look healthy, and they've got masks on, and all their little children have got masks on. They're putting into their shopping cart Coke, and packets of cereal filled with sugar, and all this refined junk! Oh, my heart wants to cry!

Now, if our governments were acting wisely, and our state governments, they would be telling people this. They wouldn't say, “Oh go around wearing a mask.” They would say, “Now people, this is the time to boost your immune system.”

Take extra vitamins, and the things that are so good to help you with coming against a virus. Vitamin C, and I listed a few others here that I want to tell you about. Yes, let me see here . . . goodness me, I've listed that down too because I wanted to list all the ones that I think are good. Here we go, all my pages . . . where did I put them all?

Yes, OK. Vitamin C. Now you don't have to take all of these, of course, but these are some that you could get. I would take at least two or three of some these that I'm listing for you. Vitamin C, yes, up to 2000 a day.

Vitamin D3, which is so important. Although now that we're moving into springtime, you're going to be getting out more, and in the sunlight. The sun will give you more vitamin D than you can get through a tablet.

And that's another thing. This hiding away in homes is not healthy. Get out in the light! Get out in the sunlight. The sunlight is healing. It kills germs! Oh yes, do you remember wonderful Florence Nightingale who ministered to the soldiers?

Oh, she found that the soldiers that they would put out in the sun healed much quicker than those who were in hospital. That was about the time where they were beginning to discover antibiotics. Then, of course, as we got onto antibiotics, well, sunlight got forgotten about. But sunlight is a great healer. It kills germs.

Anyway, garlic, olive leaf extract, elderberry tincture, L-lysine, zinc (zinc is really wonderful. oregano, Echinacea, all those things are marvelous for boosting your immune system. Decide which ones you want to take. Take at least two or three of them.

And of course, baobab. If you belong to Trim Healthy Mama, well, you don't belong, but you know about it. You may have already ordered baobab. That is the most highest form of vitamin C. It's marvelous if you can take that.

I think Serene and Pearl have just put out a new drink. Take every morning a cup of water with a tablespoon full of baobab and tablespoonful of whey protein. Whisk it around and drink it. Drink it three times a day. You will boost your immune system.

So, oh dear, time has gone, my precious ladies! But anyway, I didn't talk to you about half the things. I will just end with this one thing. Think positively. I have been, again, so grieved by all the doom and gloom, and people talking about death. Oh goodness, we've got to, we are the people of hope!

What does it say, Romans 15:13: “Now the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing, that ye may ABOUND IN HOPE by the power of the Holy Ghost, who lives within you.” We are meant to be walking in hope. Hope means to believe that God is going to do good things. We believe that He is going to keep us in health as we do our part and live wisely and not on all the junk food that God didn't create, butut on the wholesome original food that God created.

We speak health, and we speak hope, and we speak faith, and we speak the Word of God. We get the promises of the Word of God, and even those Scriptures I was giving you at the beginning about fear, give them to your children. Make them memory verses.

And the Scriptures about hope and the wonderful promises of God. Make them memory verses for your children so they know them. That your home becomes a home of speaking health, speaking hope, speaking joy.

And even in the midst of this scary time, because I believe that even as we're now getting back to work, but so many governors are taking it so slowly, and wanting people to still have all these controls put on them, and wear masks, and all the vaccines. Oh, help!

That's one of the sinister things about this thing that those behind the scenes, the powers that be, have been wanting this to be something by which they can bring in a vaccination to vaccinate everybody. Bill Gates says there will be, and this is his exact quote, “There will be no mass gatherings until there are mass vaccinations.”

Although it's going to take about two years to get one. By that time, of course, and even now, the whole thing is mutating and weakening, and that's what it does. Maybe next year, there'll be a different strain.

So we have to be ready, in faith, and with a boosted immune system, to face these things. But we're going to do it in faith and not come under all the doom and gloom. And not give in to all these things they want to do.

Don't ever take that vaccination, even if it comes out. I think that would be the worst thing you could ever do. In fact, they found that people who take the flu vaccination, that many of them got corona. Even only 50% of people who take the flu vaccination, it helps them anyway.

But I do have to stop, ladies. I could go on for so long. But the Lord bless you. Let's pray.

Oh Father, we thank You so much that we can trust You wholly. Oh, we thank You for the words of that hymn, “Those who trust You wholly, find Your holy true.” And Lord, we thank You, we praise You. We thank You that You are in control. We thank You that You are bigger than anything we face.

And Lord, as we move on into these next few months, and as we seek in faith, and as our President seeks to get this nation back to work, we pray, Lord God, that this will happen. And that those who are trying to continue to control people, that, Lord, this power and authority that they are taking, which is not theirs, will be broken, Lord God, and they will not have that authority.

We pray that Your people will rise up into the freedoms that You have given them, and the freedoms we have in this nation, in our Constitution. And the freedom to peaceably assemble as the people of God.

Oh, Father, we ask You that Your people will not be victims, that they will not be afraid, but they will rise up in truth, and what is right. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.”

Transcribed by Darlene Norris.