“But now, O LORD, thou art our father;
we are clay, and thou our potter;
and we all are the work of thy hand.”
(Isaiah 64:8).


“When are you too old to have a baby?”

No woman is too old to have a baby if God grants conception! Fruitfulness belongs in God’s hands.

Women are in their childbearing years until they reach menopause, until they can no longer conceive. Most women reach menopause at the average age of 50 years—some sooner, some later.

However, even though you are in your childbearing years until you go through menopause, your fertility decreases as you get older. The current statistics are that most women are infertile by the time they are 45 years and 80 percent of women are infertile in their forties.

Your years of visitation disappear very soon. And you never know when it will happen. My daughter, Evangeline (who is blessed with 10 children) was hoping for more! But her last baby at 43 years was her last! She couldn’t believe it! She and her husband were hoping for five more!

Be open to God for His perfect will for your life. If He gives you more babies, they are His perfect and intended will for your life. If He doesn’t, you are still in His will. It takes away all the stress and frustration when you give the matter to God.

You may say, “Wow, I’ve never heard this before.” True. We live in a society that is educated beyond their intelligence. Most women want to stop childbearing in their early thirties (or even before), but we only need to look at our bodies to see the way God created us. If God wanted women to stop childbearing at that age, he would have planned for them to go through menopause at that age. But that’s not now He created us.

When you think about it, the age is perfect. If a woman starts having children when she is in her early twenties, by the time she gets to her mid and late forties, she has children who are marrying or ready to marry. She never has to go through the empty nest syndrome which most modern women of our age do. God never intended this.

He intends women to keep mothering all through their lives. This is what we were born to do. This keeps us maternal. This keeps us feminine. This keeps us in the will of God. This keeps us home. This keeps us beautiful. As our children grow, then the grandchildren start coming on, and so we are always mothering. God’s design is so wonderful.

And think about this: When God blesses us with a larger family and our older daughter is married. She has loads of eager baby sitters of younger siblings. They are desperate to hold the baby and love on the baby. It relives the stress of first-time mothering.

And as the baby grows, instead of being lonely, and the mother having to be the 24/7 entertainer of the baby, the baby has loads of uncles and aunties waiting to keep the little one entertained. Each generation is a blessing to the other.

My beautiful granddaughter, Meadow, recently experienced a second miscarriage. While she was going through this painful time, her younger sister, Autumn (14 years) was able to come and stay with her and care for her little one-year-old. Such a blessing.

Isn’t it sad that we have turned so far away from His perfect design for us?

Put your fertility in God’s hands. Relax. If God gives you more children, you will be blessed beyond measure. You are never too old to be pregnant and give birth to children until you go through menopause. Many mothers testify that they enjoy their best pregnancies and best births in their forties.

1 Corinthians 6:19: “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and YE ARE NOT YOUR OWN? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


“Thank you, dear Father, that I can trust the way You created me. You are the Potter. I am the clay. I thank You that You are a good God. You want the very best for me. I put my life into Your hands. I trust You because I know that Your plan is always the best. Amen.”


By planning my own life, I could miss out on unexpected blessings that I would have never dreamed about. I am going to trust God for His plan and submit to His ultimate sovereignty.