Dear Above Rubies reader,

It's time I got another mini-Above Rubies out to you. I know it's hard to wait between magazines, but these mini e-magazines can keep you going until you get the real thing.



I have just completed eight Above Rubies weekend retreats, mostly in a row. It is wonderful to be home for a few weekends before our next Family Retreat in Missouri.

You'll have heard about the floods in Tennessee. We bucketed hundreds of gallons of water out of our downstairs room. Fortunately we have a concrete floor. Serene and Sam didn't fare so well. Sam had put in beautiful wooden floors in their home. Their down stairs living area is now the funniest site you could ever see! You walk in to see waves of the sea, some three feet high as the floor has buckled! They came down a couple of days after the flood to find all their furniture upside down and falling over because the floor had grown into waves! It is hilarious. They have now had to move upstairs to live.

As soon as I returned from Colorado, I got to work preparing for Colin's 70th birthday. He actually turned 70 years on the 1st April (he reckons he has a good excuse in life!) but we didn't have time to have it until the 18th May. We re-painted our downstairs social room. It is actually our Above Rubies packaging room, but we use it for church on Sundays and for loads of wonderful celebrations. Our Above Rubies office, packaging room and store room are downstairs and we live upstairs.

Colin's birthday celebration was a wonderful time of yummy food and great fellowship with friends and family-about 130 folks. We enjoyed food and fellowship outside on the lawn around white round tables with canopies overhead. God was so good to give us such a beautiful evening. After floods and continual rain we had one fine night - and now it is raining again!

As it got dark, we all came inside for the program. We Campbells can never have a function without a program of items and lots of speeches! Evangeline did a skit for her father while she sat on a tractor. Yes, Howard actually made a make-shift tractor out of tractor parts and they even had the tractor noise coming through the sound system! And she was dressed in her father's suit! Colin loves to wear suits-and has even been seen driving his tractor down the road in his black suit!

For a joke Colin will often say, "Did my million dollars come today?" He's been saying this for our 47 years of marriage now, although it still hasn't arrived! And so for a laugh, Evangeline wrote...

Just Around the Corner!

A million bucks is coming my way, just don't you fellas worry,

I know it's true the bills are due but it's coming in a hurry.

Is that the phone? Quick, grab it Nance, you know I bet it's them,

To say the pay is on its way, don't question, just ask them when?

Now everyone just calm your horses, I'll be the head cashier,

Submit your mission, your plan, your vision, I've a feeling my million is near!


CHORUS: Sung by Evangeline's children!

A million, a million, a million bucks today,

A million trucks with a million bucks is coming Granddad's way!


Hey, a million bucks is coming my way-our water system may annoy us,

But chances are the money's not far and then we'll all be joyous!

I'll need to lay a mile of pipe, I'm not afraid of the toil,

But oh holy night when I get it done right by striking it rich in oil.


CHORUS: Away the children sang again with gusto...

A million, a million, a million bucks today,

A million trucks with a million bucks is coming Granddad's way.


A million bucks is coming my way, there's nothing we cannot do,

We'll build an expansion or maybe a mansion and help an orphanage too!

Now don't let it out or spread it around, but Pearl, I just got a letter,

They say it will come in a huge lump sum, oh how could life be better?

My food will be contraband, the nectar of heaven, lose the health diet book,

I'll eat out every night, now Darling, don't fight! It's a God-send, you won't have to cook!




No more broken down tractors, no more broken down cars,

No more broken down, back-breaking labor,

I'll buy it all new! And say "How dee doo!"

You'll all want me as your neighbor!

No more school for the children, no more tension or strife,

No more dirt or noise from the mice,

It'll be peace like in heaven when my money starts revvin',

All will be Paradise!


So pray for my million, have faith for a billion, just get out if you're a scorner,

It's about to come, a really large sum, it's just around the corner!




Serene and Pearl also sang which is always wonderful. They sang, ‘Pity the man" which is the song Colin always sang when asked to sing a solo in his younger days. Smoochie McTwain entertained us with her southern accent, aka our daughter-in-law Monique. She wrote two songs about Colin which tell a little more about his life...

Colin got the name of Mr. C in the very early days of the Newsboys when they lived with us in Australia. They didn't like to be disrespectful and call him Colin and he was too familiar to them to call him Mr. Campbell so they began to call him Mr. C. It has continued to this day. When we first came to the States Colin drove the Newsboys bus across the country and he got known as Mr. C in the music industry.

Mr. C's on his Way!

Have you heard about the man, way yonder in Primm Springs

Making clanging sounds from the old shed  where he sings?

Even though the sun is down, he keeps a-working late,

You can tell he's been fasting and its days since he ate.



You can see him driving in his Cadillac

Up big Primmridge hill,

Hell do anything to help somebody out,

Don't matter if his coffee spills,

He's coming to help and he's coming to pray,

Mr. C's on his way!


And you may have seen him with the sun upon his back

On his rusty tractor in his white singlet and hat,

If you cannot find him, then he'll be down at the creek

Fixing all the water pipes that had broken that same week!




He's on his way,

Mr. C's on his way,

He's on his way!


If you have ever met Colin you will know he loves to pray and exhorts everyone else to pray too! His passion in life is to pray for the nation and encourage other people to also get to prayer. I think Monique wrote this one out of a bit of conviction, but with tongue in cheek of course...

It's Sunday Morning!

It's Sunday morning, he's done the calling,

Did he tell you that he'd love to see you there?

It's time for prayer!


On Sunday morning, you'll hear him warning

Today is not the day for sleeping in,

That'd be a sin!



On Sunday morning service starts,

Don't leave your Bible in the car

Or there'll be a lot of brimstone raining down

At Sunday morning 10 am!

Better sing those hymns and lift those hands

'Cause sitting down the back aint holy ground!


It's Sunday morning, children quit that talking,

It's time for getting serious with the Lord

And no getting bored!


It's Sunday morning, and the Spirit is falling,

Better keep on pressing through those holy gates

And lunch can wait!





Pray without ceasing in this wonderful meeting,

You won't find a service as good as this!

Don't you sit down now, stand up, no, kneel down,

If you get dizzy, that's nothng that prayer won't fix!

There were lots of other wonderful music and loads of speeches to celebrate his life.

Last week we attended a memorial funeral which was a wonderful celebration of our neighbor's life. Many people got up and shared what she meant to them and many great stories about her. Someone said, "If only she could be here to hear all these wonderful things being said about her." How true. We usually wait until someone dies to eulogize them. It is so good to make moments to speak into people's lives while they are alive. Speeches at celebrations give this opportunity.

That's why we love to celebrate Shabbat every Friday evening. After Colin has read Proverbs 31 he eulogizes me and then I do the same to him. Oh what a blessing. Then he blesses the children or grandchildren who are around our table. These moments are life-changing and special.




Talking about speeches,Charlene Witek, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. wrote...


"We recently attended the Wisconsin family camp where you spoke about the importance of birthday speeches. Our youngest son, Ephraim had his birthday party the weekend after the family camp and we decided to give it a try. Everyone seemed a bit nervous and some didn't have much more than a sentence to say but everyone did participate. It was a tremendous blessing!  It not only edified Ephraim, but gave us insight into what others were thinking and feeling.

For example, it was a surprise to learn that my father felt very blessed by something Ephraim had said over a year before. My mother had been visiting without my father and as soon as she walked in the door, Ephraim asked where Papa was. It didn't seem anything noteworthy to us, but my father mentioned it in his birthday speech to Ephraim and how it made him feel so good as a grandfather to be missed like that. We hadn't realized that those little things meant so much.

Also, before I had children I used to enjoy writing humorous poems but never seem to find the time for that type of thing anymore. Now I have an outlet for that activity! So far I've written a poem for my son's birthday and my husband's birthday. Our daughters even choreographed a little dance to perform for my husband's birthday. I am looking forward to the four remaining birthdays to come this year---each of us can't wait to hear the speeches!  I can't tell you what a blessing this has been and it will definitely be a tradition in our family from now on!  Thank you so much for encouraging us in this way."




I know that so many of our readers would love to come to our home and visit us but this is not usually feasible. However, you now have a chance to visit us via a movie! As you know, I have Above Rubies helpers come to help me in this great ministry of bringing strength and encouragement to the mothers and families of the world. These girls stay for about two months and give of their time liberally and generously. Colin and I often say to each other, and to other folks as well, that we are blessed to have the "cream of the earth" come to our home. These girls certainly are the "cream of the crop"-beautiful home-trained girls who know how to work hard in the office and in the home. We are so blessed by them. We have now had over 80 girls in our home now, and many have come for the second or third time.

We have just enjoyed having with us two sisters from Australia, Jessica and Loretta Robertson and two sisters from Michigan, Chloe and Annie Zielinksi-and of course, they became great friends while being here together. Jessica has a real interest in film-making so while here she wrote a script and starting making a movie with the "Rubies girls" and all the grandchildren as stars!

Jessica didn't have much time to put into this movie with working in the office from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm each day, but in her spare time she did it! And it turned out great.

It is called "The Great Rebellion" and takes place in the time of the Underground Railroad when people helped smuggle black slaves to freedom. It is all filmed in our home, upstairs and downstairs (downstairs is our Above Rubies packaging room) and in the woods around our home so you'll get to see where we live. And you'll get to see all the grandchildren. And you'll enjoy the story too! In fact, I'm sure you'll love it.

And the best thing of all, you can download "The Great Rebellion" for only $4.99.  Wow, what a deal! Go to the webpage, "The Great Rebellion" and it will be yours.



Michelle Vernon, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. writes...

"Would your family consider hosting an orphan in your home for five weeks this summer? New Horizons for Children connects Christian host families willing to share the love of family and the love of Christ with orphans from Latvia, Russia and Ukraine. Hosting is open to families nationwide. If you are willing to be an orphan's family for 5 weeks, contact New Horizons for Children by calling 678-574-4677 or on the web at www.newhorizonsforchildren.org

International Orphan Hosting Christian Ministry, 501(c) (3) Non-Profit
NEWSLETTER, NO. 3 2010.docx www.newhorizonsforchildren.org)



Do you remember reading the wonderful story, "Signs and Wonders" about the Waller family in Above Rubies # 68? Or you may have seen their DVD, "A Journey Home."


For those who missed, I'll put you in the picture.Tommy Waller and his wife Sherri are parents to 11 children who came out of the rat race a number of years ago in Tennessee and began to live off the land. They discovered God's plan for the return and restoration of His people and Israel and began to bless the Jewish people. Several years ago they started going to Israel as a family to volunteer with farmers and vineyard owners during the harvest seasons.

Then they started taking people from North America with them. Last year they had 100 Christians helping in the vineyards of Samaria with the harvest of grapes. As they worked in the fields, they danced and sang and worshipped the Lord. The Jewish vineyard owners love them and are so blessed to be given this gift of free labor from people who esteem them and who want nothing in return for their service. The governor of this area in Samaria has asked Tommy to raise up 10,000 harvesters this year to help them with their crops - which are growing in abundance every year!

If anyone in your family would be interested in being part of this historic event, read the following information or go to the website: www.hayovel.com.

There are three options during September 12 - October 29

Option #1 - Grape Harvest, End of grape Harvest, Feast of Tabernacles

7 weeks, September 12 - October 29


Option #2 - Olive Harvest

3 weeks, September 12 - October 3


Option #3 -Feast of Tabernacles, Olive Harvest

3 weeks, October 3 - October 24


Who should consider going? We need all ages - young and old. Physically fit, strong men and women to do the job of picking tons of grapes and preparing other vineyards to be planted. Older men and women to assist with the labor and to balance the group with maturity and wisdom. This is a family ministry. We need everyone and their unique contribution. We need intercessors. If you feel you cannot fully participate please consider coming as an intercessor. Everyone who comes will participate in the prayer shifts as well as the work force.


How long can I stay? The full seven weeks. The Feast of Tabernacles is September 22-29. We plan to be in Jerusalem and if possible you may join us. Please do not schedule your arrival or departure dates before your interview.


What about our entire family going? That would be great! Each family would be together in housing and work assignments, with parents overseeing their own children. Of course it easier to separate men and women in a dorm-like setting, but families with children will be together.


What type of mindset should a harvester have? We have ONE objective-to bring in the harvest. We have to work as a fluid team to accomplish such an awesome task. There is no room for an ‘I want' or ‘I need' mentality. Plan to be as low maintenance as possible. It will be impossible to cater to individual touring requests. God Himself has drawn you and you will receive more than you can even think or ask!


We will tour... Samaria, which includes Har Gerizim, the Mount of Blessing, the Samaritan village, Elon Moreh, Shiloh, Psagot, and other communities in the heartland of Israel and Jerusalem. You will have the opportunity to hear from native Israeli's and learn from their life experience.


What does it take? A heart to serve and bless, flexibility, perseverance, ability to follow instructions and a community spirit and a round trip ticket (about $1200 from US--check prices from your area). Estimate $300/week for food, housing and transportation plus extra spending money for eating out and souvenirs



1) Complete an application, available at www.hayovel.com

2) Submit for review

3) Interview with Hayovel staff

4) Send in $200 non-refundable deposit

5) Purchase ticket 1 month prior to departure

Tommy Waller and the HaYovel Staff, www.hayovel.com



In case you didn't get the other email I sent out about the new resources, I will mention it here again. If you did read the email, just scroll on down to other interesting information.

I don't sell a lot of other products through Above Rubies apart from our own Above Rubies material, but everyone now and then I like to make available products that I know will be a blessing to you.




This motion picture portrays the unique story of Pamela Bucklin from her birth in 1969 to her wedding day in 1991. It s a wonderful story that shows Pamela's temptations but how in the end God wondrously enabled her to keep her first kiss for the wedding day. You will love this story. It is captivating and an inspiring story. I would recommend every young person (and parents too) watching this movie.

BETROTHED ($19.95)

This is the story of Brayden and Talitha Waller's betrothal. Do you remember reading about the Waller family in Above Rubies # 68 and how they serve the Lord in Israel with their 11 children? Brayden is their eldest son. Brayden and Tali decided to go beyond courtship and experience a betrothal just like in Bible days. It is the most incredible story. You will laugh. You will cry. Colin and I were very blessed to be part of their wedding ceremony but when I saw the movie of their whole story (and what happened behind the scenes) I was awed. You will be too.



LOVE YOUR HUSBAND, LOVE YOURSELF (Embracing God's Purpose for Passion in Marriage) By Jennifer Flanders  ($14.95)

This vibrant mother of 12 children tells you how to take 10 years off your appearance, reduce your risk of heart disease, enjoy intimacy with your husband instead of making excuses to avoid it and divorce-proof your marriage! It's a knock out! You will be challenged and inspired.


This book gives up-to-date information on the 100 key cities in the world's least evangelized area, mostly Muslim countries. A marvelous resource to use with your family each day to pray for these needy cities of the world. You not only learn about new cities and countries, but as you pray together as a family you can be used of God to bring salvation and deliverance to these people.

At our evening devotions Colin reads the Scriptures from THE DAILY LIGHT. (Have you purchased one of these books yet? We wouldn't be without it! We use it night and morning in our home.) After reading THE DAILY LIGHT we read about a city from Praying Through the 100 Gateway Cities of the 10/40 Window. It gives some history and points for prayer. As we each pray around the table we pray for this city. It is such a powerful time. Many of these cities are closed to missionaries, but we are not bound at all. Through the power of prayer we can go right into these cities and intercede for God t move and bring salvation and deliverance.

It is such a blessing to hear of amazing stories of Muslims coming to the Lord in Iran and other Middle Eastern countries through seeing dreams and visions of Jesus. God is coming to these people, without the aid of missionaries, because people are praying around the world. You can join in too.

Go to www.aboverubies.org to order

or call us at 1 877 729 9861 to order by credit card.

If you can't get through on this line because we are already

taking a call, try 931 729 0537.



This email was also sent to you separately. If you received it, you can scroll down to other interesting information. I have popped it in again in case you missed it and you are wondering what to purchase for your husband or father for Father's Day.


Richest Man on Earth CD

Songs for Fathers

Professional Country/Bluegrass Music with anointed words especially for Fathers.

This makes a wonderful gift for your husband or father. They'll love it.

Order your copy of "Richest Man On Earth" for your dad, husband, or friend today and get a Special Bonus also.

The Complete "Making of a Patriarch" Teaching
by Colin Campbell in Mp3 Format

In this study God plainly reveals His plan for men and fatherhood in the Bible. Discover powerful truths and principles laid down by God for families.

Here's What You'll Receive...

You get the complete Physical CD of Richest Man on Earth for the special price of $9.99, a savings of over $5.00 off the original price. AND You also receive the "Making of a Patriarch" MP3 version (value $9.00) for immediate download at no additional cost.

Both For Only $9.99!
Save over $14.00

Special Savings Only Until MIDNIGHT June 13, 2010

Get your "Father's Day 2010 Special Bundle" by clicking on the Link below:

Father's Day 2010 Special Bundle

(NOTE: You will be able to download the complete "Making of a Patriarch" MP3 version directly to your computer and not have to wait for postal delivery. Details for downloading will be in your confirmation receipt email.)

You may also call 1-877-729-9861 or 931 720 0537 to order by phone.



So amazing to me are the things I will do,

‘Cause somebody said, "you're eating for two."

Others don't care about stretch marks or not

Because they aren't pregnant, they could've forgot.

Wherever there's food, "you get double" they say,

But I must be careful 'cause fat likes to stay.

But I pile high my plate, the excuse is so great,

Then later I wonder why I over-ate!

Well, baby arrives and what a surprise,

Just as tiny and small as can be;

A glance in the mirror, it's all gettin' clearer,

The "eating-for-two" joke's on me!

SHELLY TOWNSEND who has successfully lost all the baby weight!

Humble, Texas, USA  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mark and Shelly have three blessings--Maren Chapel (3), London Christopher (2), and Baby Mark (1).



Jeannette Hansen, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. writes...


"I have been using the Daily Light (Bagster, copyright 1901) since my grandmother gave it to me in about 1982, the year after my grandfather went to be with the Lord.  Inscribed in the front cover is a handwritten note from my paternal great-great grandmother, giving the book to my grandparents on their wedding day, January 7, 1928.  It never fails to meet whatever the need for the day, showing again that the eternal living Word never changes."

Keep checking the web page, www.aboverubies.org and go to PRAYER IN THE HOME and BIBLE IN THE HOME as more articles are continually posted to encourage you in these two most foundational anchors of family l8ife.



I  would also recommend a little book called, "How to Have a Family Altar" by Norman V. Williams. It is no longer in print, but you can purchase a copy from Amazon.com

This book is an absolute treasure. I'll give you a few quotes to think about...

"Your home is a Christian home only if God's Word is exalted within the home as God commands that it shall be."

"God didn't make the course and destiny of nations and of individuals dependent on the decisions of Congresses and Parliaments, nor did He lay this power in the hands of rulers and kings; but God placed it in the praying family! This is why the devil cannot ruin nations of men until he has destroyed the homes of prayer! That why Satan hates the family altar."

"The greatest Bible institute in the world is a father reading the open Bible to his family."

"The home is God's greatest agency for the transmission of His Word from one generation to another. This responsibility cannot be passed on to any other person, or persons, or to any other agency. It cannot be shirked except at painful loss to the never dying souls of the children and all concerned."

"One vibrant, pulsating and faithful family altar home will stir a whole community for God! And not only a community but the whole world!"

"A family on its knees, agreeing as touching anything, has power to claim anything within the will of God for nations, or individuals, or for the Church."


"It used to be that fifty percent of professing Christians had a daily family altar of worship and prayer. When these praying families came together in church it was like "adding power to power"... Nowadays it is estimated that only five percent (that was back in 1951!) of professing Christians maintain daily family worship. It isn't enough that the churches we go to exalt Christ and teach the Word; the homes we come from must likewise exalt Christ and teach the Word. Families which ignore God and His Word six days a week will not be likely to know God in "the power of his resurrection" on the seventh day of the week!"



Two more Downloads are now available of my speaking sessions.


LOVELY HOMES - 4 sessions




Natalie Norris, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. from New Zealand writes, [

"I too had a Glory Box from the age of 13 and I just loved getting it together. By the time I was 23 and got married I had 72 tea towels! Some of those were given as gifts over the years when people knew I enjoyed getting gifts to make a home. It was not until not too many years ago that I needed to buy a tea towel! By the way I turned 70 years in February!

"I had lovely crockery including a cup, saucer and plate that my Dad gave me when I was 16. I still have it and when I have friends I use my nice things that I collected in my younger days. Floods of memories keep coming back as to where I got some of the things that were given as gifts for my Glory Box. That glory box has given me many hours of pleasure and when our daughter had her two babies she used it for the children's toys. But they grew up knowing it first belonged to Gran. We have had to buy very few towels or household things over the years."



Dawn Herring, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. writes...

"I felt prompted to email you a response to your The Secret of Praying devotional. I am so heartily in agreement with you on this issue. I began to pray verbally about eight years ago, having been a pray-er all my life. Verbal prayer is now my passion, and my desire is to encourage others to verbally pray. Many probably feel odd or insecure, feeling like they don't really know how or are too embarrassed to try. I know I had felt that way in my younger years. But now, I so enjoy and benefit from verbal prayer."

Others write...

"This was an on- time message that speaks directly to my heart and spirit. Ouch and Amen is all I have to say. I know how to "go forth" without a shadow of any doubt and will no longer let fear of sounding this way and not that way hinder me any longer."

"I've been so burdened lately about prayer. I am more earnest and praying often. I also found the power in praying God's Word. God wants to bless us, but we need to ask in prayer. He has so much spiritual blessing for us when we come to Him in prayer.  Thanks for encouragement and useful ideas."

For more articles about praying, go to the website, www.aboverubies.org, click on ARTICLES AND STORIES, then click on PRAYER IN THE HOME. Also check out BIBLE IN THE HOME.



An Above Rubies reader sent this quote they found on a website about children in a Jewish Temple. I love this attitude. Wouldn't it be good if we had this attitude in our churches? "

"A special note about young children. We want them and need them in the Sanctuary. Not only does their involvement add to the spirit of our prayers, it provides them with experiences and memories that will be with them for the rest of their lives. For many of us, being with our families in the Sanctuary are among our fondest childhood memories, something we'd like our own children to have."

To read an article I have written called SHOULD CHILDREN BE IN CHURCH, go to www.aboverubies.org and click on ARTICLES AND STORIES, then FAMILY LIFE and then click on  SHOULD CHILDREN BE IN CHURCH.



I receive hundreds of testimonies, but I thought I would share just a few with you...

Jamie Melensky writes...

"I want to let you know that I had an incredible weekend at the retreat! I was so inspired and also incredibly encouraged!  To know that other women feel the same way I do about Godly Womanhood is such a blessing!  Sometimes I think that I am all alone!  But now I know that I am not!"

"Your messages were straight from the Bible and the truth resonated within my soul.  Yet, they were practical as well and easily implemented.  Keep doing what you are doing."

"I was both challenged and encouraged at the retreat. Thank you for taking God's command seriously to teach us younger women. We need it desperately. Thank you also for the grace with which you do it. I don't come away from Above Rubies feeling condemned or judged, just loved and challenged."

"It was a life changing weekend!!  I have more joy in taking care of my home and family than I have had in a long time--preparing healthy meals, maintaining a clean and pretty atmosphere, setting a mood of peace and joy. Plus - I ENJOY being home so much again that I don't ever want to leave!"



Michelle Rodman, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. writes...

"Thank you so much for your Above Rubies website and magazine. They have been an encouragement to me for many years. But thank you most of all for your book, Be Fruitful and Multiply. I bought it at the age of 37. I had three wonderful children, a husband ready for a vasectomy, and a heart longing for more children. Your book, patience, and lots and lots of prayer have brought me to being eight weeks pregnant at the age of 40. I cannot thank you enough for the Bible verses that God was able to use to soften my husband's heart and to encourage me to keep taking the matter to the Lord. We are all so happy."

From the Solomon Islands...

"I have a very low self esteem for the last four weeks, but when I read the Above Rubies, I can smile again and have sunshine in my life."

"Thank you very much for the e-mails. I don't like to spend much time at the computer and am always trying to get done and back to "real life", but when I see your e-mails I make a special effort to read (and re-read) them. I have been deeply blessed by them."

"My children like to watch Serene in her DVD, "REJUVENATE with Serene." They think it is sooo funny how she attacks the baby coconut."

"I grew up in a home with a mother who was a die-hard feminist. She did not clean or cook or mother me at all!  Now how am I supposed to mother the beautiful daughters I have been given? I prayed for God to find someone to speak LIFE into my mothering and he sent you and your CDs. My life is different because of your words. I can hear you throughout the day saying "You are doing a GREAT Work."

"I listened to Evangeline's CD about Adventurous Mothering and WOW! It really changed my life. It's like a refreshing river every time I hear it. I've listened to it many times as there is a powerful anointing upon it."

"I ordered the FLOURISHING MOTHER CD set and I am FLOURISHING once again"

I have been listening to your CD sets and have been so encouraged and blessed. My husband and children thank you too."

"I have been encouraged and personally helped across many a difficult moment through the conviction, encouragement and peace God has bestowed on me using your texts. I am especially thinking about the Devotionals, Sowing Seeds of Peace and the ones about Home Destroyers. There is nothing else that can set you right in your mind than God's words. When I cried out to the Lord in my time of distress during a stressful family trip earlier this month, He helped me by leading me to your texts on a public computer in a ski resort in Finnish Lapland. I was the only professing Christian in the company. I was restored in my attitudes and brought to rest by these texts."


"I can't let this day pass without telling you how much I appreciate these beautiful messages that I receive from you. Each one is invaluable. Thank you for reminding me of these precious truths. My daughter is married, although not yet a mother and I often forward your messages to her because they are so inspiring and uplifting. I often send them to other mothers too and I know they are blessed by them."

"Above Rubies has changed my thinking and my heart. I keep back issues close at hand to remind me to persevere."

"Your magazine changed my life! I found your magazine in desperation when I had my

first child and had no idea what I should be doing with her or myself. I prayed and prayed, I drank down the inspiration I received from your magazine and it has changed my life and the life of my descendents forever. I now have THREE children (my husband originally wanted only one!) and am a stay at home Mama who is going to begin homeschooling (I had no idea about this before and now my husband who was against it is going to let me do it.) PRAISE THE MIGHTY LORD."

"I was raised to think the HIGHEST thing I could do was to have a high powered career. But now I KNOW the highest thing I can do is be a Wife and Mother. And my Children will know the same thing."

"My children and I get so excited when Above Rubies arrives. We read it together, cover to cover, ooing and ahhing over the pictures."

"Each issue uplifts me and calls me to a higher standard, convicts and refreshes in one fell swoop."

"Above Rubies always encourages me to be a better wife and mommy!"

"Just as I get upset and start to lose it, I get another magazine."

""Your magazines are my second Bible. My husband is also very blessed with everything I share with him."

"Above Rubies is like candy to me!"

"I keep an issue of Above Rubies in the car at all times and even read while waiting for something else. I like to leave my extra issues in doctors and dentists' offices and pray it blesses some weary mom who picks it up."




Shannon Hoskovec writes...

"I enjoy your magazine so much. This recent one was very encouraging with your teaching the children about our heritage of Biblical Liberty. I wanted to suggest another book for you that I am currently reading and learning from. It is "The 5000 Year Leap" written by W. Cleon Skousen.

I use a mixture of Classical and Principle Approach in our homeschool. The "red books" are chalk full of original writings from our founding era and works from people the founders read. The book titles are Christian History of the Constitution of the United States, two volumes. You can look them up from Foundation of American Christian Education.

This is an area that my husband and I are very passionate about. We have collaborated with a friend who is trained in the Principle Approach, to put on Lessons in Liberty Seminars here in the Albuquerque, NM area. I speak on the Biblical origins and meaning of Liberty, my husband on the Founder's thoughts of how Liberty is practiced in government, and John talks about applying that Liberty in our homes and civil government. We are hoping to reach many people this year, but all in the Lord's time."

I mentioned in my editorial in Above Rubies that I read through Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin with Mercy and some of our older grandchildren. We have now started our next book and it is "The 5000 Year Leap--the 28 Ideas that Changed the World" that Sharon mentions. It is very informative and I would recommend it heartily. Today we read and discussed the 7th Principle-The proper role of government is to protect equal rights, not provide equal things.




Vickie Matthews, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. writes...


"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the LORD your God gives you."


My mother-in-law just spent two weeks in a local rehab after three months of in and out of hospital visits. I have to say that it was clean and full of cheerful people who were trying their best for the most part to care diligently for the occupants. She came home on Saturday. On Friday she was a wreck for she didn't believe that we would come for her. Why? Because so many others there were told the same thing and they did not come back for them.

She was so relieved to be home. While the place was clean and bright, it was an artificial environment. It is NOT a family situation as the LORD created for His people. I think of what Yeshua said about the hired hand in John 10:12-13, "He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who is not the owner of the sheep, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and is not concerned about the sheep."

My mother-in-law was upset as they washed her each day. Some were so rough she felt violated. One day she was brought to the shower with several other ladies. She was mortified as they all sat there naked. The thought made me think of concentration camps. What about dignity and modesty? Each night she HAD to give up her hearing aids. They said it was to keep them from being lost or stolen. In the morning she had to wait till they could bring them to her.

These people were not mean, just doing a job. One day a young aide was trying to get them interested in "trivia". But they sat there, slumped in wheelchairs. Most devastating of all is the lack of hope. I thought of how in the beginning of Dante's Inferno (the book) the gates to Hell said "Abandon all hope ye who enter here."

I thought about how the commandment says to honor our fathers and mothers. Yet the question is, are we really when so many and in growing in numbers are being placed in homes?  We soothe our conscience by having "nursing home" ministries--go in a day here or there and go home feeling good.

I thought a friend's mom who had cared for the grandmother for years and years ‘till she died last spring. How could she do otherwise she said.  .

It is the same today with many children who are dumped into daycares. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to do such a thing!  God has no alternative but families. Has not love grown cold when we think we can shove those who need constant care into the hands of strangers?  What is the better witness for the LORD?  Which exemplifies John 15:3, "Greater love has no one than this, than one lay down his life for his friends."


The LORD doesn't ask many to physically die but He does ask us to put others first. If we put in the same effort as others do in their jobs, what a difference it would make!  I have long thought that each young woman should have practical nursing skills as part of their education.

Obama's healthcare makes provisions to ration seniors. I know that my mother-in-law has cost 10s of thousands in the past few months. So there is logic in it. Worldly logic that is! Logic, that as a cousin years ago told me, that it was best for her children to grow in daycare for she had her own life to live.

I have watched people over the years work like crazy for houses, cars, security etc.  I have rarely seen them work to have the mother return to the home to care for their own children and elderly. How can an elderly person be cared for as they should if the woman is out of the home?  When did the dollar become more valuable than family life?  It is ironic that there are those who won't care for their own family, but will care for others if paid for it.

I was taught and have taught my children that family takes care of family. Love freely does what money can't buy. I think of Yeshua who gave His mom into the care of the disciple John who took her into his own home, who said in Mark 7:11 He was also saying to them, "You are experts at setting aside the commandment of  G-d in order to keep your tradition.  For Moses said, "Honor your Father and Your Mother";  and "He who speaks evil of Father or Mother is to be put to death;  But you say, "if a man says to his father or his mother, whatever I have that would have helped you is Corban (that is to say given to G-d); You no longer permit him to do anything for his father or his mother; thus invalidating the Word of G-d by your traditions which you have handed down and you do many such as that.

I read your article about the original woman. So many times the original woman also cared for their parents or older relatives. The original woman is one who is much diversified.  She is more than what the world says. She has many abilities and she glorifies the LORD because she is doing what she was created for."




An Above Rubies reader forwarded this information...

"During a lecture on Essential Oils, they told us how the foot soles can absorb oils. Their example: Put garlic on your feet and within 20 minutes you can 'taste' it. Some of us have used Vicks Vaporub for years for everything from chapped lips to sore toes and many body parts in between. But I've never heard of this. And don't laugh, it works 100% of the time, although the scientists who discovered it aren't sure why.

To stop night time coughing in a child (or adult as we found out personally), put Vicks Vaporub generously on the bottom of the feet at bedtime, then cover with socks. Even persistent, heavy, deep coughing will stop in about 5 minutes and stay stopped for many, many hours of relief. Works 100% of the time and is more effective in children than even very strong prescription cough medicines. In addition it is extremely soothing and comforting and they will sleep soundly.

Just happened to tune in A.M. Radio and picked up this guy talking about why cough medicines in children often do more harm than good, due to the chemical makeup of these strong drugs."

I was brought up on Vicks Vapor Rub. We used it for whatever we had wrong with us! Nancy.

May you be mightily blessed and encouraged as you work in your home today. You are doing a great work as you strengthen your marriage and family life. Marriage and family are the foundation of the nation. If hey falter and fail the nation fails. If marriages and family are strong the nation will be stable and strong. We as mothers in the home are nation builders. You have a powerful job. You are in the perfect will of God.

In His great service in the home,