PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 302: Another January 6 Victim, Part 2

LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 302Epi302picAnother January 6 Victim, Part 2

Rebecca Lavrenz continues her story today, and now we wait to hear her outcome.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello ladies, and young people, and children, and maybe even some of the fathers. Here I am again, with Rebecca Lavrenz. She is continuing to tell her January 6 story. So, where did we get up to last time, Rebecca? I think you had been arrested and put in chains. What happened after that?

Rebecca: I think when we left off, I was sitting in a prison cell. My ankles were shackled, and I was experiencing the love of God. After about an hour and half, after they shackled me on my ankles, the US marshal came up and escorted me up to the courtroom, where I was going to be read my charges and be arraigned. Of course, I had to shuffle with those shackles on my ankles.

The gentleman who was the US marshal who escorted me upstairs was very stern, angry looking. He was like, “Make sure you stay at least six feet away from me and follow the rules.” I felt like I was really being intimidated. Or they tried to intimidate me, make me feel like a criminal.

I got up there and saw all my patriot friends, about 30 or so patriot friends, and my son sitting in the gallery, waiting for me. That was really encouraging. They read me my charges. Not eventful. They said, “Do you agree to these?” I had to agree to turn my passport in. I had to agree to some probationary rules.

Nancy: Have you got your passport?

Rebecca: No.

Nancy: They still have it?

Rebecca: They still have it.

Nancy: So, you can’t leave the country.

Rebecca: No, I can’t leave the country.  Whenever I go from one state to the other, I have to let a probation officer know where I am, all the time.

Nancy: Oh, really? Wow! And you’ve even had trouble flying, haven’t you?

Rebecca: Yes.

Nancy: Oh, wow! What happens when you try to fly? When you did try to fly?

Rebecca: When I did try to fly, they wouldn’t print me out a boarding pass because it has a big red, it’s not a red-flag thing, so to speak. But it’s a big red security thing comes up, like I’m a security risk to the country. I didn’t get a boarding pass.

Nancy: Wow!

Rebecca: I have been able to get on when I wanted to go to something special, which was just one event in Virginia Beach about a year ago today. I went to the 1607 First Landing Project. It was a miracle that got me there. I had to go through a lot of different things with the help of my daughter.

Jennifer helped me get there. I made it, but I love to travel by car anyway, and have an adventure meeting different people along the way, like you. So, it’s fun. But I didn’t get a boarding pass. They treat us like we’re criminals. They want to intimidate us.

Nancy: I know! It’s unbelievable!

Rebecca: It’s awful to see this happening in our country.

Nancy: Yes. And, you know, they made this out to be such an insurrection. A lot of it was lies. In fact, it’s just come out now. It’s been proven that Liz Cheney, who was on the January 6 Committee, had suppressed information on how Donald Trump had asked for 10,000 National Guard troops to be assigned to protect the US Capitol on that January 6 day. But they suppressed all that information and put forth their lies instead.

And yet the year before, Black Lives Matter and Antifa had destroyed cities, and overturned cars, and set buildings on fire, and looted. Nothing happened to them at all. And here, innocent victims like you, just a beautiful, peaceful grandmother, being treated as criminals! It’s just amazing, isn’t it?

Rebecca: Yes. They call us “insurrectionists.” They call it “the breach,” but I believe they’ve already breached it when they broke the covenant that we have with America. We’re called to repair the breach. “A repairer of the breach”. That’s what I call myself. Isaiah 58:12 says that you’re going to be called “the repairer of the breach.” That’s what I believe I’m doing.

Nancy: “And the restorer of paths to dwell in.” It’s a wonderful Scripture, isn’t it?

Rebecca: It is, isn’t it?

Nancy: You were saying something to me about how you felt that we have broken covenant, really, with the original covenants that were made for this country. We talked about the Mayflower Compact covenant that was made when the Pilgrims came. They, of course, covenanted.

I have it written here. “In the Name of God, Amen!” That’s how they started off. I like that. Don’t you? “We whose names are underwritten,” and it goes on, “having undertaken for the glory of God, and the advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of our king and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern part of Virginia.” It goes on.

But there was another covenant, even before that, wasn’t there? 1607. You’ve got that covenant there. I think, ladies, you would love to hear this covenant. This was actually the very first covenant that was made for America. You read it, Rebecca. I think it’s amazing myself.

Rebecca: Yes, I was privileged to attend the rededication of the first landing covenant, which was in 1607, the first landing at Cape Henry in Virginia.

Nancy: And those people came on three ships, didn’t they? The Susan Constance, the Godspeed, and the Discovery. Three ships. We don’t hear about them so much. We hear about the Mayflower, but these three came first.

Rebecca: Exactly. They landed on the outermost part of our eastern coast at that time. That was Cape Henry. There were 144 men on those three ships, men and boys. There was a pastor on that ship named Robert Hunt. This was his declaration. He set up a cross on Cape Henry. They still have a cross there. It’s not the same one because that was a wooden cross. I believe they carried that cross on the ship. This is their declaration that they made, which I just love:

“We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World. May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled. On these very shores, the Gospel shall go forth, not only to this new world, but the entire world.”

There’s a reference that goes with it in Psalm 22:27-28: “All the ends of the world shall remember, and turn to the Lord. And all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee, for the kingdom is the LORD’S, and He rules all the nations.”

Nancy: I just love that! That is the very first covenant declaration over this country. It wasn’t just for them. Two times in this declaration it says: “For the generations to come.” That’s us now. That was their vision, not just for them, but for now--That it would be a country where the gospel would go forth, not only in this country, but out to the whole world.

Isn’t it sad to see where our country is, at this present time? But we have hope. We could just feel like, OK, this is the end. America is the last bastion of freedom in this world. We’ve got to hang onto it, and believe for it, and pray. I don’t believe God is finished with America yet. I believe it was set up to be a shining light on a hill. I think that if God’s people will get a vision to pray, because God has promised . . .

We know 2 Chronicles 7:14. Well, I hope we know it. I think every Christian should know this Scripture by heart: “If My people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” My vision, my longing, is that families everywhere will begin to pray for this land, and to pray for a great revival, and to pray for a great turning back to God.

I think it starts with families. It doesn’t start with the church. Yes, the church should be a praying church, but the first institution that God ordained was the family—marriage and family. That was the very first institution. Then came church. Then came the government. Now we’ve got it all the wrong way around. Government is becoming tyrannical, trying to put their thing upon us, and make us conform.

But in God’s economy the family comes first. The family has given over too much to the government. We are meant to take responsibility for the government in the family. I believe prayer starts in the family. But there are too few praying families.

There was a time when what was known as the “family altar” was part of every godly home, where they would come as a family, and listen to the Word of God as the father read God’s Word. Then they would pray. They did that morning and evening. That was typical. That was normal for godly families. That is rare today.

I know many of you have the family altar. You do family devotions together as a family. That’s so wonderful. Keep it up. Don’t let it go, because every time you let other things come in, and “Oh, this is happening. OK, well, we’ll do this.” And then you miss that time of prayer! Well, the devil’s really happy, because he doesn’t want prayer! When you’re praying against the works of the enemy, and you’re praying against the works of the devil, wow, he doesn’t like that. He’s going to try and stop you from gathering your family to pray.

Don’t you worry. He’ll bring every excuse. He’ll make everything happen that you can’t do it. But you can do it. You have to make it happen. That’s what we do in our family. We make it happen. It is the most important part of every single day, because it is the most important thing we can do. I believe our nation depends on it.

Look, can you imagine, if every Christian family gathered their family every morning and every evening to pray for the nation? God would answer those prayers. He said if we will pray and cry out to Him, He will hear us, and heal our land. We’re desperate for the healing of our land, aren’t we? I believe it starts with families.

Rebecca: I’ve got to say something. I missed a part that I should have said about that. The day that they arrested me was a Monday at 10 o’clock in the morning. That day was the very time that I have had a prayer meeting with a few other ladies, every morning for five years now. That’s the day they wanted to arrest me. The enemy doesn’t want, like Nancy says, for us to pray.

Nancy: Oh, that’s interesting, isn’t it?

Rebecca: Yes, it is. And the other thing that one of my favorite verses for my calling is that I believe God wants to restore families.  In Ephesians 3:15, it talks about: Of whom every family on the earth is named.”

Nancy: I know.

Rebecca: He has named every one of our families. We have a generational calling. We have an assignment that’s on each of our lives. I have a daughter who works for the Trump campaign. That’s the calling that our family has, to be involved in the governmental arena, and with leadership, to really raise up our godly nation. I think we need to take that very seriously. Whatever your family calling is, you need to find that out from God, and really walk in it. Listen and obey.

Nancy: Amen! Because this covenant declaration is for the generations. I love that.

Rebecca: God has a multi-generational calling for us. He’s not forgotten about the nations. He’s called every nation for a specific assignment and purpose in our country. As it says in that covenant, in the 1607 Covenant, it says that we will be evangelists to the world. That’s why the enemy hates us. He doesn’t want the Word of God and the gospel to go out to all the nations. If he can do anything to stop it, he’s going to do that. That’s why he’s trying to shut our voices up. But Nancy and I won’t be quiet! [laughter]

Nancy: We will not be silent.

Rebecca: No, we won’t be silent.

Nancy: So, you were also talking to me about how we began this nation on covenants. But really, we’ve become a covenant-breaking nation, haven’t we?

Rebecca: Yes, we have, Nancy. For several years I’ve been involved with a ministry, and some dear friends of mine, with Family Foundations International. One of the basic tenets of their ministry is marriage covenants. I remember telling Craig not too long ago, probably five years ago, “I just want God to give me a platform to share the importance of marriage covenants.”

The reason I bring that up is because ever since I was a child, I always knew that if you got married, it was until death do you part. I know in 1 Corinthians 7, Paul says that you should be married until death do you part. It’s a covenant broken only by death.

I married my high school sweetheart, loved him very dearly. He loved me, but there were some things and issues in his life that he could never really get right with God and take care of them. I had a very troubled marriage. There was a lot of adultery and things like that. I knew though, that I would always remain faithful to my husband, no matter what. We did have to separate for a while because of the adultery, but we never were divorced, and I remained faithful because God says He hates divorce and remarriage.

This may sound contrary to a lot of people, but my belief is that covenant is what our country was based on. Marriage covenants are also are covenants, and God takes covenants very seriously. I have to share this story. I shared it with Nancy this morning, and she said, “Say whatever you want today.”

A couple of weeks ago, it was on a Sunday. I was getting ready. I was going to do a radio interview in a few days. I think that was probably on my heart. “OK, God, what do You want me to share?” I had gone to bed, probably late. I usually try to get to bed a little earlier than that. I was up late, so I didn’t think I’d sleep.

I thought I might sleep in, but all of a sudden, at 5:30 I heard this knock at the door. I live out in country, and I have a door knocker on my door. I have a large house, and all of a sudden I woke up. Somebody is knocking on my door knocker at 5:30 in the morning. I thought, “Who in the world would be here?” I looked out my window, and I didn’t see anybody there. I sat up abruptly.

All of a sudden I realized that this is not Eli calling me, like in the Bible. This is not somebody. God’s calling me! I woke up, and immediately God was starting to share with me. “The reason your country has so much turmoil, and why your covenant through your country is falling down, is because you’ve broken my marriage covenant.”

It’s not just the covenants we have, the two covenants that Nancy and I read about and talked about just a few minutes ago. It’s the covenant of marriage. We have broken that, because not just the world, but we have taken on the world’s ways. If we don’t feel good about our husband, or if we feel like he’s betrayed us, or he’s committed adultery, we need to break that covenant. God’s not happy with that.

Just like we have so many people crossing the broken-down barriers around  our border, I believe that our country has been broken down. The enemy is coming and can steal because we have broken our marriage covenant. I felt like God was saying that to me very clearly when I woke up that Sunday morning about two weeks ago. I feel like part of my voice is to say that.

We, as a nation, like Nancy has said in 2 Chronicles, “If My people will humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways . . .” I believe part of that wicked way is accepting divorce and remarriage in the body of Christ as normal. We have said it’s OK, and because we have said that, and done that, we have grieved the heart of God. Because I do spend a lot of time with God, I do spend a lot of time. The cry of my heart is to know Him and to know His ways. I believe He will speak to us if we listen to Him carefully.

As a nation, I think we need to repent of breaking covenants with our marriages. Then God will restore our land, because when God says to repent and turn from our ways, it’s because we’ve put other. . . When He said that in 2 Chronicles, He was saying that we have left our first love. We have not obeyed God. Even in Ephesians 5, it says our marriages and our families should represent Christ and the church.

If we can’t love somebody, does God not love us when we mess up? Yes, my husband messed up. I haven’t done everything right. I haven’t loved him the way I should. But is He going to say, “Time’s up! X out. You’re out of my life. I can’t take you back”? No, He will take us back, and He’s always faithful to us. We need to repent and say, “God, will You forgive me?”

This is not meant as a condemnation to anyone who has been divorced, but it’s to acknowledge what God really says about that; repent and receive His forgiveness, but don’t pass it on to the next generation. That’s part of my message, to repent from that, and God will repair the breach if we repent first. That’s important.

God has done wonderful things in my life as I stayed faithful to my covenant marriage. My husband passed away eight years ago. God is faithful. We need to be faithful. If we repent, I think He will repair our country and give us those paths to dwell, and the streets where we can walk freely, without being stolen from—and stolen elections. As a people, we’re the ones who are called to return to a godly nation.

Nancy: Yes, amen. I guess you know, as you look back, and your husband has now passed away, you must feel so glad that you didn’t divorce.

Rebecca: Yes. There was a time when I felt that we were divorced. The records in the county say that we’re not. I’m very pleased and happy that God is always faithful, even when we haven’t been faithful to Him.

Nancy: You were sharing with me about something a friend of yours shared. What was that now?

Rebecca: This is really a confirmation to me. About a year ago, I was talking to a new friend of mine at a meeting I was at. It was a Republican meeting. She’d been married to a high official in our government. She said to me this statement I’ll never forget. “Every time there is a divorce, a little piece of America dies.”

That didn’t come from my mouth. That was from another believer in God. I believe that is true. America is dying because of that. If we will repent, just like 2 Chronicles 7 says, we will restore our country, and God will heal our land. That’s my message.

Nancy: I think there are so many areas where we need to turn back to Him. What does the Word say? “Judgement begins at the house of God.” It starts with the believers repenting and turning back, and crying out to God. How I long to see this, because I want to see this nation healed. I want to see this vision fulfilled a godly nation. Yes, because I believe that is God’s intention.

Ungodly laws, and OK, this is a free nation. People can come to this nation who have all kinds of beliefs. They can be atheists. That doesn’t matter. They’re welcome to come. But we still want it to be founded on godly principles. They are erasing. What does it say? “If the foundations,” the Psalmist cried out, “if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3).

Well, what can we do? We have to build them again. We have to pray them back in. We have to build them back in. Of course, that starts with families again. It starts with families. Their hearts being turned back to families. Fathers, the hearts of the fathers being turned to their children, the hearts of the mothers being turned back to their homes.

We have become a generation, even in the church, where there are more mothers out in the workforce than there are at home. That’s not God’s intention. God gave His plan for the male and the female. The male was meant to be the one who got out there and earned the bread; who protected and provided for his family, and was the priest of his home. God has always intended the mother to be there in the heart of the home, raising the children, embracing children, training the children, making the home the most wonderful place on earth. That is the plan.

Even in the church, there are people who reject that plan. But that’s the biblical plan. That’s there in the Word. That’s what we see. We’ve got to get back to God’s ways, because the family is fragmenting because of women leaving the home. The Bible says that the fathers’ hearts will turn back to the children. I think that includes the mothers’ hearts too. We need a turning back to God’s original plan. Amen?

Rebecca: Amen! I remember my father saying that back in the 1960’s. He said the breakdown of our country started when women thought they had to work outside the home.

Nancy: Yes, that’s so true, because that’s when the devil can get ahold of our children’s hearts  if the mother is not there. A mother needs to be there for her children. Today I think another thing, of course, is the humanists, and the socialists, and the liberals have taken over our education system.

There was a time, many, many years ago, when you could send your children to school and know they’ve been taught the basic things they need to be taught, instead of all this sex education, and transgender; everything that’s against God and His Word.

I was reading on the internet the other day of some of the horrific things that are happening in some of the schools. I can’t even imagine how any godly parents can allow their children to be there! There was a time when we didn’t face such things. But we are today. We have to be aware of the times.

As it says about the tribe of Issachar, “They had understanding of the times, to know what Israel should do.” I think we have to have understanding of the times now, to know what we should do. There was a time when maybe you could send your children to school, and they would receive a basic, good education. Now, even the education is failing as they are being taught all this terrible stuff. It’s been pushed on our children. How can we even send them to those places? Wow! We’ve got to pull them out.

I often think of how David, before he went and killed Goliath, he had some practice. He had even killed lions who had come to get his little lambs. He said how he even put his hand in the mouth of the lion, and pulled out his lamb. I think that’s what some parents have to do today. They’ve got to go in and pull their little lambs, and their children, out of this evil system! Imagine if every Christian did this, and pulled them out? Well, goodness me, their system would economically fall flat. Then they’d have to change.

Christians have such power to influence the nation, if we would only stand up! Just think of when they took prayer out of schools, and when they took the Word of God out of schools. Then what happened? Christian parents did nothing. Imagine if they’d all pulled their children out of schools? Well, they’d soon have to change their ways, wouldn’t they? We have to act, don’t we? We have to speak up, and act up.

Was there anything else on your heart that you want to share, as we’re getting to the end of this session?

Rebecca: This one thing came to mind. I was thinking of Martin Luther, and of course that is attributed to him. I don’t know if it is, in fact. But I don’t know how to quote it all exactly. But he said that if you, as a Christian, are not fighting against what the devil is fighting for the most, then you’re not really professing Christianity at that moment.

And I believe the danger that our country is in, especially since we do have Covenants and a Constitution. Many, many countries don’t have a covenant like we have. I don’t think any do, other than Israel. God made a covenant with Israel, but we made a covenant in 1607 and 1620 with God.

That covenant has been broken, and it’s broken because we have broken it. Not only that covenant, but marriage covenants. We’ve been flippantly saying that those covenants are not OK. The enemy is fighting us so strongly because of that. I think that if we repent, then God will restore. He will close those borders up, and we’ll get back our godly country.

Nancy: Yes. Oh, how we need those borders closed!

Rebecca: Amen!

Nancy: Oh, wow! Yes! Are you praying, lovely ladies? I’m often asking you this question, aren’t I? We often talk about this, but, oh, I can’t really talk about it enough, because I find that so few are still doing it. We’ve got to get back, as families, to pray together, and cry out to God for this nation. And cry out for great revival, and turning back, because let’s believe that this nation will turn around! Amen?

Rebecca: America will arise. It will rise again, and we’ll come back because God is God.

Nancy: I’d like to close by reading this again. This 1607 Covenant on the very first landing, when they came to the States. We always think of the Mayflower and the Pilgrims coming but these were the first people who came. Let’s read this dedication again, because it’s for us today. It was for the generations.

“We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us.” This is what we are doing now, lovely mothers. We’re not only raising children for today. We’re raising generations to come.

Well, we don’t know how long it will be until the Lord comes. I know we’re always taught that we’ve got to be ready. He could come at any moment. But as I read the Word of God, and I read promises that have yet to be fulfilled in Israel, many things that are yet to be fulfilled, I wonder when will the Lord come? I’ve always wanted to be one of those who goes out when the Lord comes.

I remember that was the dream of my mother, that she wanted to go up with the shout, and the voice of the archangel. But she didn’t. I sometimes wonder whether I even will. It may be the next generation, or the next. But in the meantime, we keep building and raising godly generations. Amen?

Rebecca: Amen!

Nancy: “And with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World. May all who see this Cross,” and it’s still there today. Well, not the original, but there’s still a cross right there on Cape Henry to remind us.

“And to remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled. On these very shores, the Gospel shall go forth, not only to this new world, but the entire world.” Amen and amen.

Let’s believe for this to take place. Especially the greatest thing that we can do in this nation, dear mothers, is to raise godly generations, to raise children who are godly children, who will come forth from our homes to bear witness to the revelation of who God is, and be His Image in the earth, and to take out His truth His gospel.

I think of Malachi 2, where it’s talking about marriage. God says: “I hate divorce.” Well, he loves divorced people, but He hates the spirit of divorce, because it touches the godly seed. He says, “What do I want from your marriage?” Then we read, and the answer comes forth from God Himself. “I want a godly offspring.”

That’s what God is looking for in our children. That word “godly” in the Hebrew is Elohim. I never fail to be in awe as I read this, because Elohim is the Name of God. It’s the first name we read in the Bible. “In the beginning, Elohim.” This Scripture says: “I want Elohim children. I want children who bear My Image, who reveal who I am.”

Precious mothers, we have the greatest career in this nation. We have the highest career. There is nothing more powerful than pouring into our children His truth from the Scriptures, and His ways, and praying into their lives, that they will become these godly children. Godly offspring. Elohim offspring. As we raise these children, that is going to change the nation, because the nation will be what the next generation will be. Amen?

Rebecca: That’s why I would suggest, go to my website, https://restoringgodlyculture.com/.

Nancy: Amen. Did you get that? https://restoringgodlyculture.com/. There you’ll be able to keep up with Rebecca and her story. Now you’re getting this podcast. She will already have done her court case. We’ll be waiting to hear. You’ll be able to find out what is happening by going to that website. Amen.

Rebecca: Thank you, Nancy.

Nancy: The Lord bless you all.

“I pray, Father, for each one listening today. I pray that You’ll bless their lives. I pray that You’ll give them a vision for this nation, and where they’re living in all their nations around the world. Many are listening in different nations. I pray that God will give you such a burden for your nation, and to pray for your nation. Let’s all become praying families. Lord, I pray that you’ll put the spirit of prayer upon every family listening. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris

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You’ll be wanting to know what happened to Rebecca as she spent nine days in court in Washington DC. I’ll share some writings from her and others.


“My client, Rebecca Lavrenz, a 71-year-old great-grandmother and nurse, followed a peaceful group into the Capitol on January 6th. She didn't speak a word while inside the building for 10 minutes. She prayed in silence and walked with the group.

Two years later, Rebecca turned herself in to Federal Marshals after the FBI came to her home. She was treated like a violent and dangerous criminal: handcuffed with a belly chain around her waist and placed in ankle chains.

Through my organization, the National Constitutional Law Union (NCLU), I represented her to the best of my ability, returning to my Harvard Law roots. Still, the verdict would have been the same regardless of my effort.

This was a disgusting show trial. The Department of Justice followed the same playbook as the other J6 trials. They obstructed, deceived, and placed Capitol Hill Police on the stand to literally shed tears about their fear on January 6th of the “Praying Grandma.”

We cannot give up the fight for Rebecca and must move on to the appeal process.

Rebecca will be sentenced on August 12th. She faces a sentence of up to three years in federal prison and fines of up to $210,000.

My job before then is to pour myself and NCLU's staff into defending Rebecca's character. She has never been in any type of trouble and has no criminal history. On January 6th, she damaged nothing inside the Capitol—she didn't even make a sound!

Regardless of the sentencing, the guilty verdict imposed on Mrs. Lavrenz is nothing more than political payback by Biden and the Deep State bureaucrats in the federal government who believe their job is to control the American people, not SERVE the American people!

We must appeal ANY sentence imposed on Rebecca, but it will cost us tens of thousands of dollars.

John M. Pierce
Chairman and Founder
National Constitutional Law Union


Don’t forget to go to Rebecca’s webpage and sign up for her daily email. You will love receiving this and will be able to keep up with what is happening:


April 2nd

“This pretty well sums up the day from my daughter Laura, "Mom, when this is all over, we're going to write a book and go to law school TOGETHER!!!"

It's interesting how it feels being in a trial where I'm accused of criminal activity and called a "rioter" by the United States of America. . . "my country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty" while being shown on a screen 1/2 the day, along with 14 jurors, video footage of thousands of people waving their American flags and shouting U.S.A.! 

April 4th

“I am in utter disbelief by today's verdict. Never in my life did I imagine that my own government would charge me as a criminal for exercising my religious liberties and rights to free speech, which are guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. They are trying to stop our voices, put fear in our hearts and take away the inalienable rights given to us by God.

But I will not let that happen to this praying great-grandma as long as I have breath. I've never considered myself a victim and I'm not about to start now. I'm taking a deep breath, finding a place to rest for the night as we head back to Colorado, then will spend some extra time with God to find out His plan for what's next.

I had thousands of people around the world who know how to pray, praying on this case, and because of that I believe my Father wanted it to turn out this way so my voice for Him and our country could be amplified LOUDER! All that has transpired over the last 9 days gave me a first- hand experience that the situation in our country is worse than many people realize, and they need to be alerted. I will be that VOICE!

Thanks for all your prayers and support these last nine days. God does have a plan and we WILL "Make America Godly Again!

Sentencing is August 12, and I will be appealing my case.”

April 7th

“Now, officially a federal criminal, no longer "alleged," after the verdict of "GUILTY " by the U.S. Government, I will be in a probationary period until August 12 when I will be back in our nation's Capitol to be sentenced. During this period I'll be watched and examined for what kind of a citizen I am, in order to determine the severity of the punishment I should receive for my crimes. 

More tears as I consider how far our country has fallen . . . not for what could happen to me but for the blindness that covers the eyes of those who are trying their best to offend with words like the following in an email I received today: "I'm really happy that you were found guilty. I hope you serve the full year, traitor. I hope the other inmates beat you daily. If it was up to me, you would have been tried for treason and punished accordingly. May you rot."  I will forgive this person and pray for him.”


I shared this little bit of our personal story at the end of transcript 301. I am sharing it again in case you didn’t read it because most of the nation was brainwashed about January 6. My husband and I experienced it as one of the most wonderful days of our lives, and although we were all around the Capitol for over three hours, we never saw anything except peaceful patriots enjoying this wonderful day.

“My husband, Colin and I were very blessed to attend the STOP THE STEAL Rally on January 6. After the rally we walked up Pennsylvania Avenue with thousands of others to the Capitol. We must have spent two or three hours around the capital, mingling with thousands of others. The amazing thing was that we never saw any violence at all. Those who entered the Capitol (and the doors were opened by the Capitol police, and you will have seen videos of them welcoming people in!) must have done so from another door or at a different time as we never noticed anything untoward.

At one time we saw about 40 – 50 police walk out of the Capitol, two abreast. They walked right in front of us, close to us. But not one of them said one word to us. They never told anyone to leave. They never said, “There has been an insurrection. All people must leave.” They never opened their mouths.

In the late afternoon, we thought we had better walk back to our hotel after a wonderful and joyful time. Then we began to get phone calls from our grandchildren. “Nana and Granddad, are you alright? They are telling us on TV that terrible things have been happening!” We had no idea what they were talking about and yet we were right there with thousands of others and hadn’t seen a thing!

~ Nancy