
LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 175 – The Joys of Family Life

Today you will meet Wendy Shaw, mother of ten children. Joshua, their last little boy (Down’s Syndrome) is the STAR of their family and the greatest blessing to all. The Shaw family have a musical band called SHAW--CITIZENS OF GLORY. We talk about how they fitted in homeschooling and musical practice and how they have brought up their children on the Word of God and prayer. One of their daughters is now married to Ben Crevier, one of the CHAMPIONS FOREVER family. You can look them up on the Internet.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to the Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! Well, I’m looking out the window here and it’s the most glorious fall day, still so sunny and warm. But the leaves are falling down and it’s so beautiful. And I have with me today another wonderful mother I’m going to introduce to you. Her name is Wendy Shaw. Say “Hi!”

Wendy: Hello, everybody.

Nancy: Yes, now Wendy is originally from California. Were you anywhere before that, Wendy?

Wendy: No, just California.

Nancy: Well, I met Wendy in California because she asked me to come and do an Above Rubies Day seminar in her home. That was such a wonderful day. I can’t even remember how many years ago. Can you?

Wendy: Oh, my. 2012?

Nancy: It was a long time ago. The children were all young. So that’s where I met the wonderful Shaw family. Then, just a couple of years ago, I found that they turned up here in Tennessee! They came to live in Franklin. We found out they were here and so we got together again.

We have a volleyball court on our land here, so the young people used to come out and play with our young people in the midst of their very busy lives, because you’ll get to hear more about Wendy and all their wonderful busy lives.

But anyway, I should get you, Wendy, to just start off introducing your children. I think you really only know someone when you know their children. I go to hear a speaker, and they’re up there on the platform, I’m thinking, “I wonder what they’re really like? I wonder what her husband’s like? I wonder what her children are like?” Do you think of that? Yes, I do.

Wendy: Well first, I want to thank you for having me here. I just love talking with you. You have been instrumental in our family, a big influence for more than 20 years. A lot of what we are right now is because of your encouragement and your ministry. So, I’m just completely honored to be able to talk to you and I never fail to gain an insight at any time from you, whenever personally talking to you, or listening to you, it’s always been a great lesson. Definitely so, so grateful to know you.

Nancy: Thank you.

Wendy: We have ten children, ages 28, almost 28, next week, down to seven years old.

Nancy: I can’t believe that, because Chase was just a young guy when he was there. How old was he then?

Wendy: I think he was around 12.

Nancy: Yes, he was only 12. He did all, not only the recording, the filming. You filmed that day, and then he put together the DVD, and organized it, and did everything. We sold that DVD for many, many years, until somehow, you know, things sort of have their day. Everybody’s got it.

I remember speaking on who are we, as a woman. What is our purpose, and who are we really? I can’t believe that the years have rolled on. He’s married now, isn’t he?

Wendy: He has our first grandchild, with his wife, Jaeleen. They're really excited about that. I remember that conference that you did. It was all day, and it was just thoroughly so beneficial, from young women all the way up to older women, including everybody on the benefits of being a mom.

I thank you for giving Chase that opportunity to be able to film you and do all that. That was so exciting for him to learn those skills. He was serving God very well. So, thank you.

Nancy: Tell us who comes next!

Wendy: Ok, so we have five boys and five girls total. They’re about every two years. I remember when Chase and Holly, our first boy and girl were born. It was at that time I thought, “OK, so everyone’s asking if you’re done, right? You’ve got your boy and your girl.”

About that time, I received an Above Rubies magazine, and I was thinking, “Yes, everything within me agrees with this!” At that point, we kept going. I loved being a mom. Our pregnancies were very difficult, but it’s just birth season. Then at the end, there a lifetime of blessing with the children. It’s been fun to be able to go through life with them. There’s so much to celebrate.

Nancy: And Holly is married now, too?

Wendy: Yes.

Nancy: That was recently, wasn’t it?

Wendy: It was just last month that she got married to Ben. That was a really fun wedding. They’re living in South Dakota now.

Nancy: That was another exciting Above Rubies romance, really. We’ll have to tell you this little story, because Allison and Daniel Hartman, who put on the Above Rubies retreats in Panama in Florida (Actually, the one for next year is coming up in April).

Their daughter (the Hartman daughter) met this lovely young man from the Crevier family. They got married, and of course now, the Hartmans know the Creviers. So, they asked the Crevier family to come down to the Above Rubies retreat in Panama, Laguna Beach.

They have this amazing family of 12 children, and they are also called CHAMPINS FOREVER. I wonder if you’ve ever heard of them? They are literally amazing. I mean, all these young men, and some of the girls, they ride these huge, one-wheeled cycles. Do you know how high they are?

Wendy: I can’t remember. I should know this. No, I do not.

Nancy: I can’t remember how high they are, but they are high! I know my brother was also a one-wheel cyclist. He used to ride a 14-foot high one-wheeled bike. I think these would be about the same. They’re really high.

They do amazing tricks on them. They also do all this basketball stuff. The father, Bruce Crevier, he is the world-record-holder for spinning a basketball, I think for over 22 hours. He’s in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Wendy: I think several times he’s in it.

Nancy: Yes! He’s just done so many things. I think he spun, how many balls at once? It's about 30 bowls at once, or something.

Wendy: I get nervous.

Nancy: You can actually go on the internet and look up CHAMPIONS FOREVER. You will begin to read all about them. They’re pretty amazing.

So, what happened was, of course the Shaw family came down to the Above Rubies Family Retreat too. Of course, all the young people were meeting one another. That’s where they met!

Wendy: Yes, exactly. That was so funny. We have a joke between our families, be careful of who you park your bus next to! Because as soon as he drove up, and it was Vange who had talked us into coming, because we had just gotten home from a tour, and we just needed to stay home for couple of days.

She said, “No, you’ve got to come! You’ve got to meet this family, the Crevier family!” We didn’t even know them at that point. She said, “You’ve got to meet them!” We were so thankful that we went, not only for meeting them, but the whole conference was so good. So many good families that we were able to meet there. And, of course, you and Colin.

Yeah, right when we pulled up close to them at night, the kids got up and were talking to each other, and were just instant friends. Actually, our other daughter, Ellie, is dating Ben’s brother, Micah.

Nancy: Isn’t that just too exciting? OK, so this is the CHAMPIONS FOREVER family. But the Shaw family are the CITIZ3ENS OF GLORY family. They have amongst all their children, they have the most beautiful, glorious, musical band. They are so amazing.

When the Shaws arrived in Franklin, we got to know they were here. We said, “Oh, you’ve just got to come out and play.” In our big room downstairs, where we have church, and we have all our social gatherings, we packed in everybody we could, and they put on a concert.

You’ve done three concerts for us here. And they’ve just been so special. Now, I think you also need to go onto the internet and look up CITIZENS OF GLORY. Maybe you can ask your church folk if they could invite them to come and play. They are so beautiful.

I think I have never actually heard girls play the violin like their girls. We were all with our mouths dropped open. We were screaming and cheering and clapping. We just couldn’t get over how amazing they were! We’re just so proud of your amazing family. So, tell us who they are!

Wendy: OK, yes. So, we’re Citizens of Glory. We started our family band several years ago, just wanting to teach the children music.

Nancy: Teach the children.

Wendy: The children need to get such an important tool that God uses. He invented and created it. It speaks so much, sometimes when we dance to songs and melodies. We started them early, when they were four years old. Then we went to nursing homes and retirement centers.

Nancy: So, they started learning the violin at four? Could they play loads of instruments? They started some of them at an early age too.

Wendy: Yes. They started violin. As soon as they turned four, they got this cute little mini violin. It looked like a toy. They had to stay with it and learn it well before they could go to any other instrument. Once they learned it, they had to stay in music. That was our family rule. You must stay in music. Pick out any other instrument you want, but you’ve still got to play something.

It went from there. We prayed over them, prayed a lot, that God would use music as a tool to point to Him. We weren’t sure what that would look like, so we kept thinking one step at a time and seeing where God was leading in it. It’s really exciting to see how He’s led us.

Nancy: So, you took the children to play and sing at these nursing homes. I think that’s so great. I think it’s so true, that everything starts little, doesn’t it? We have to be faithful in the little things, even the littlest things of life. I think if we’re faithful in them, God always sees that they get bigger.

Sometimes I have ladies who will send me in a poem, or something like that, and say, “Could you publish this in Above Rubies?” I may not always have room, because a poem is something you can pop in a little free spot that you have.

But I write back to those ladies and say, “Don’t wait to be published in Above Rubies. If God’s given you a beautiful poem, or even something that He’s given you to write, share it with someone who you know will be blessed. Write it out beautifully, or type it, and send it to them or give it to them or make it into a plaque. Do something, but use what God gives you to the people around you, and then it grows from there.

Wendy: Absolutely, because God gives within all of us everything that we need to be able to bless and serve Him. Everything that to us, it might seem that we don’t know much, or it’s not that big, or who would want to know? But there is someone out there who needs that, who needs that encouragement, that would be blessed by it.

Whatever it is, whatever talent or gift that God’s given us, they’re there for a purpose. And those are to please Him. So as soon as you serve with them, it might seem little to us, but it would be very big, possibly, for the person receiving it. So, we always want to encourage everyone to never think that they don’t have anything to share. There’s always something.

Nancy: God obviously gave those beautiful gifts of music to your family, but when I listen to them, and their skills, you know that they must have practiced for hours and hours and hours and hours, the skills that they have. So, we can have gifts, and yet not really use them. You have to actually work at gifts too, don’t you? Did you have to make them practice, or did they just do it? Tell me about that!

Wendy: Yes, of course, they didn’t always want to do it. Nothing in life that is well worth, or of high quality, comes easy or free. We always need to instill in our children that you need to work, and so diligently, and give all, whatever we’re doing. Sometimes serving others is not always convenient or fun but it should be at the top of the list.

But when we know we’re practicing with a purpose in mind, a goal in mind, it did not make things a lot easier. When we’re asked about how to get the children to practice when they’re not wanting to, at least they’ve put that goal out there. Give them a vision outside of themselves, bigger than themselves. They see where it’s going. They can see, this is the end result of what it can go for. It’s not just for nothing. It’s got, there’s got to be something we can aim for.

Nancy: Yes. So, even in the early days, when they were still young, you weren’t just saying, “You must practice your music!” But no, “You’ve got to practice because we’re going to go out to these nursing homes, and you’ve got to be ready!” So, they were working towards something, even if it was smaller than what they’re doing now. That's a very good thing.

It’s a very difficult thing to get children to practice, just for the sake of practicing, isn’t it? Really, that’s just about, that gets a bit difficult. But I think that’s very important, that there was something that they were doing it for. Did they mostly do it because they wanted to?

Wendy: That’s a good question. We tend to bring personalities and dynamics and strengths and weaknesses. There were sometimes others really wanted to have that practice, and others didn’t. Sometimes it rotated. Sometimes there were concerts we gave. We’d have to pull one aside, “You know, you weren’t smiling during that concert.”

It's just something that we learned as we were doing, how what we’re reflecting, we’re reflecting Christ. People will reflect also, us. So, we want to make sure that, if we’re smiling, then people will smile back. If we are, whatever we’re doing, we’re doing well, and we’re excited and passionate about it, then it can get other people excited and passionate as well.

We want to be passionate about Christ and about what He is excited for. And then that breeds the synergy that gets everyone else involved and excited with it.

Nancy: Did you incorporate their music with your homeschooling or was that separate? How did that all work?

Wendy: Yes. The music was definitely. . . There is a lot of practice, and it was every day. A couple of hours. There’s individual practice and there’s also the group practice. It did take some time. We had some lessons also in that. A lot of our family meetings and talks were centered around music. It was a lifestyle. It was not just a subject, separated out, but it really included everything that we did.

When we did go out on the road, it was something that was natural. This is what we do.

Nancy: I guess they learned so many skills, apart from music and sound, and all this stuff. Recording and everything. It’s got bigger and bigger.

Wendy: Absolutely. So, everyone that had different talents outside the band also got to use them for putting the CDs together, for contacting churches, for putting together different marketing tools we had. There are skills in video, the visual art of it. They all contributed. It was like a big, huge unit study of life.

And, of course, going on the road, meeting people, was huge too, because when you meet some more people, that we were able to meet, the more people we’d see. We get to see a lot of diversity, a lot of culture, a lot of ways that God has worked in people that we would have never known. We’re always quick to ask people their God stories, to see what has God done, how has He moved in your life in a miraculous way? That encourages us. We get excited to also hear those things from people.

Nancy: Now, you’re only up to Holly. Keep going down the line!

Wendy: OK. Macy, and she is 23. She has taken on most of the booking. She does a lot. But she has her own businesses. Kevin encourages the children when they’re little to be very productive. To be producers, not consumers. Start little, start young in coming up with things. Now is the time.

The window of opportunity in youth to experience things, and for older, to share with them is unlimited, because you always tell them, if you went in to see the president of a corporation, it would be very difficult. But a little young child, like ten, they might be more well-received and shared with. Take every advantage right now of the youth to explore and find out what interests are. Macy has done that when she was young. She’s ventured out in some things that she’s doing.

And then we have Justus. He had a drone business for a while for real estate. He would do drone footage. He’s now getting into some other things that he’s finding interesting. But it’s great that they can make their trial and error now. We can support and invest in them as they’re young. It gives them a great head start when they do go out on their own,

And then we’ve got Ellie. She’s the one that is dating Ben’s brother, Micah. They are a fantastic family. I’m so excited. I’ve only been able to tour with them a couple times.

Nancy: That would be so wonderful, having both the Champions Forever and Citizens of Glory. It must have been wonderful!

Wendy: Yes, it was just a blast. It was so fun. We couldn’t believe we got to do this for work! Actually, I have to say, Citizens of Glory was the name we have still going, but we changed to SHAW.

Nancy: Oh, you just called it SHAW, because that’s your family name. Well, I like that!

Wendy: That’s what people were calling us anyway.

Nancy: Yes, I know. We call you “Shaw.” “The Shaw Family is coming out!” We never really used Citizens of Glory. But you could have Shaw and then in smaller letters The Citizens of Glory.

Wendy: Yes. Yes. That's what it looks like on all our marketing material, yes. It’s been exciting to see what God does.

Nancy: So, when they look up, what do they look up next?

Wendy: Either. OK, so we’re down to Amy and Lilly. They're both very gifted musically. Their ages are, Amy is 16, and Lilly is 14. We make sure to remind our children that when we’re faithful in little, then more will be given, like we mentioned earlier.

Every time they use their skills, they can count on God increasing that, as long as they’re using that in the right way for Him. So, they’re going in a great direction. They’ve got lots of talent in their areas.

Then we’ve got the three little boys, Peter, Daniel, and Joshua. Our youngest, Joshua, has Down’s Syndrome.

Nancy: Before you get to him, even. Peter, oh! He’s so, he’s young, but he gets up there and sings as though he’s just been a star for twenty years! I mean, he’s just amazing!

Wendy: Yes, I think you’re thinking of Daniel.

Nancy: I am?

Wendy: Yes, Peter’s the drummer.

Nancy: Oh, That’s right! But they’re both . . .

Wendy: People get them mixed up.

Nancy: How old is Daniel?

Wendy: Daniel is nine.

Nancy: Nine! Yes, this nine-year-old, this nine-year-old sings like, well, as though he’s been a pro for years! He’s just unbelievable.

Wendy: He grew up on the road singing, so he doesn’t know. He thinks, “This is what I do. Doesn't every nine-year-old do this?” He does really love it. He loves people.

Nancy: He’s not just singing because his momma and daddy say, “You’ve got to be part of it.” No! He loves every second of it, doesn’t he?

Wendy: He absolutely does. He puts his whole heart and soul into every song. He really loves being up there and interacting with the audience.

Peter is a fantastic drummer for our band. He’s only 11, and he keeps the beat for us. It’s amazing what he can do at his age. He’s great.

And then Joshua.

Nancy: And before she tells us about Joshua, I have to tell you, of all their beautiful family, he is the star of the show. Definitely the star of the show. I mean, he has certain times when he comes up, and oh! The whole place melts.

Wendy: Yes. Every one of us in our family, when we think of Joshua, we get this huge smile on our faces. He has so much personality. He really does have a way with people. He sees a lot of people. Those with Down’s Syndrome do. They have their . . . I once heard this term. They’re love generators. They seem to bring out love and they love unconditionally.

Of course, their human nature comes out too, but just the sense of caring, and nothing to hold them back from showing it. No inhibitions. So, yeah, Joshua touches people. One is that they see someone up there who has a disability who is fine with it. He has so much to offer, without being, quote-unquote, perfect in the world’s eyes, because he was fearfully and wonderfully made how he is. And God does have a reason and a purpose for him.

We share that message with others. We have seen grown men cry, because they’re so touched by that message that’s so contrary to what the world tells us in aborting for that very condition that he has. The high rate of abortion for children diagnosed with that is so sad. They are very special in God’s eyes, and He made them. Like anybody else, they have a soul like anybody else.

He gets up there and he is amazing. He loves it. Kevin says, my husband says he has stage fright. He’s afraid of not being on the stage! He has a special song that Macy wrote for him called “You Are Perfect.” He goes up there with his ukulele and he sings alongside her. He takes a little bow afterwards and he’s just glowing.

After the concert, he’ll usually go back up to the stage. He has a lot of people who come up and watch him and talk to him because he is prime, all by himself up there. He likes that. Yeah, he’s really special.

We were surprised about his Down’s Syndrome. I didn’t know. I’m glad I didn’t because I probably would have worried. God took care of everything. He knew exactly what our family needed. Joshua has made our family better. I’m very thankful for him, for all our children. Everything that we are is because God has enabled us all to do what He has given us to do.

Nancy: Little Joshua, he has a special something with everyone in his family. It's been a blessing. He is a blessing, not only to you and Kevin, but everyone in the family. Can you share a little bit more about that?

Wendy: Yeah, sure. He actually gets the most hugs out of everybody. He does have a special relationship with everyone. Everyone is his favorite. He’s everyone’s favorite. He makes coffee with Ellie. He’s got his little thing with everyone.

Daniel is someone that he’s always copying the most. Whatever Daniel says, Joshua, very specific details, will do. He imitates him a lot. That's a big responsibility for Daniel, he’s done a great job.

Nancy: It’s just so wonderful to see how, I think in many ways he adds an extra sparkle to your whole family, doesn’t he? It's like a sparkle, you know? It actually is. His eyes sparkle, don’t they?

Wendy: They do. And he does the craziest things that catch us off guard. A lot that we’re not expecting. He keeps us on our toes all the time. Because of the mental side of Down’s Syndrome where he’s a little bit slower, he’s not slower physically. So, he’s capable of doing things, but not really thinking about what he’s doing.

We found him in our car in the driveway waiting to go somewhere. We were asking, “Where’s Joshua? Where’s Joshua?” Then, “Oh, he’s in the car waiting for us!” He can do things like that. We had to, just a couple of years ago, we had to put knobs on all our doors so that he wouldn’t go out on his own, because he can.

He would just say, “Bye!” He’d get all his extra change of clothes with him for some reason. He would just say, “Bye!” He’d make sure he said “Bye” to everybody, and then walk out. So, we watched him a lot more.

Nancy: How far would he go?

Wendy: Oh, he went down the street one time. When we were in California, our neighbors brought him home. He was trying to find Justus. But he hasn’t done that in a long time. He pretty much stays close to home. He gets well-prepared for leaving.

Nancy: He likes going out on the road, does he?

Wendy: Oh, yes, he loves it. He has a little bowtie that he wears for shows. When it’s time to change, he makes sure that he’s warming up with everyone. And changing at the same time everyone else is. All his brothers and sisters get stands, and he’ll sit in the back and sing along with them, really loud something, and clap. He’s the first to clap and stand for them. He’s very much a part of everything that we do.

Nancy: I know your Instagram account is The Prayerful Mom. Yes, if you’re on Instagram, you can look up Wendy, The Prayerful Mom. Choosing that name, has prayer been a big part of raising your children?

Wendy: Oh, it’s been central. It’s like breathing. Yes. Yes. Daily, we have things that we pray for them, every single day and every night.

Nancy: You have a list of twenty things to pray for your children. Did you write those? Did you?

Wendy: Tom Harmon, who is a pastor from Michigan, came up with 16 things to pray for your children and I loved them. I took those, and I thought, “Well, I need to combine these two, and add my own. Just make it my own thing.” So, I came up with those 20 things I’ve been praying for many years.

I did make a list of those, and I put it on my Instagram account to share with others. If that is helpful for others, not to pray exactly, but as a jumping-off point, to pray for whatever their specific needs are. It gives you areas. Sometimes, if I don’t have everything written in front of me, I forget something, and I don’t want to forget anything.

Nancy: Will you go through the whole 20?

Wendy: I do. Yes, I do, and beyond.

Nancy: That’s amazing. How do you do it? Do you read them, or do you know them by heart?

Wendy: The first one, is I pray for their salvation. I pray for the ones who have already been saved, that they would continue in that, and that they would show the fruit of that. The ones that haven’t yet, that they will, at an early age start serving the Lord, and know Who He is, personally.

Then I also pray for, going down the list, some things that really pop into my mind, is that they’re protected from evil. Because we are in a huge spiritual battle right now in our world. It's not hidden as much as it was. Culture is always giving us messages through the media, through movies, and music, and books. I want to make sure that their hearts are filtering all that out.

I pray that they would find the right mate. And then, once they find the mate, that they would both be able to be better together for the Lord. That they would continue in that, in their own home, to raise their children in the ways of the Lord.

I pray for them to . . . Now my mind’s going blank! [laughter]

Nancy: I think that is so wonderful, Wendy. If you’re on Instagram, they can find it there somewhere, can they?

Wendy: Yes, it’s on my account on the page.

Nancy: But if you’re not on Instagram, because I know a lot of you aren’t, I’m going to get Wendy to email it to me. Then you can always email into me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I’ll send you her 20 points.

I also have a list, too. I actually have 23 points on mine. I was looking at your list today and noticed that a lot of them are very, very similar. It seems as though all those cries we have as mothers seem to be the same.

So, OK, Wendy’s got a list, and I’ve got a list. You can write in for Wendy’s list. You can write in for my list. I actually had my list for many years. Just recently (I actually had Scriptures beside each point, too) I also did one copy with all the Scriptures written out so that you don’t have to look them up.

Of course, that takes a long, long time. I could never get through that in one day. But what you can do is you can take maybe one, only one point, for a day. Or a couple, and look up the Scriptures, and pray those Scriptures over your children.

There’s something very powerful about praying the Word. The Word is alive and active. It’s God’s living Word, and we can pray it back to the Father.

Yes, lovely ladies, you can write in for Wendy’s list. If you want to have one with Scriptures as well, you can write in for mine. You can write in for both. You can get everything you can get, because I think that’s great. Get everything you can get!

Of course, then you can make your own list. Maybe out of these, you’ll find that you’ll make your own very personalized list. But I do think it is very good to have a list, because, as you say, you forget. We’re talking, and we forget. I can’t remember everything that’s on my list right now. But then, that’s why I’ve got a list! So, I’ve got it there.

I would encourage you. You can use our lists, but you could even make a personalized one yourself. I do believe it’s the responsibility of parents to pray for their children. Because if we’re not praying, who else will? Maybe grandparents, but then, grandparents go on to be with the Lord, and then we’re the only ones left.

That’s the case with me now. My husband comes from a wonderful praying family. His great-great-grandmother was a mighty intercessor, who not only prayed for the family and people around her, but she prayed for the coming generations. They believe that their family of nine children, who are all serving the Lord, only happened because of the prayers of this great-great-grandmother who prayed for coming generations.

Then the grandparents pray, but they have gone too. On my side of the family, my parents prayed. They prayed for their grandchildren, our children. But they’re gone. They’re with the Lord. So, it’s up to Colin and me. We’re the last ones left to be praying over this family—children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and generations to come. It’s so powerful. I encourage you in that.

Well, time is gone. So, let’s pray, shall we?

“Lord, we thank You. It’s such a joy to be talking about family together. Lord, this is where our hearts are. I know every precious family who are listening, mothers, and young people, Lord, it’s because we love family.

“I pray, Lord, that You will put in every heart a longing, and a desire, and a passion to pray. To pray for their families, to pray for their children and grandchildren, and the coming generations. Lord, to pray for our nation. Let’s become, Lord God, praying families. I ask it in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell * www.aboverubies.org

Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Here are the Prayer lists for you.






