
LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 174 –  Is God Faithful to His Word?

Today you will meet Charity Jenkins. Charity had no intention of having a big family, but today she has eight children. What changed? How can you trust God for more than two children? How can you trust God when your husband has no job? How can you trust God when you leave family and friends to move across country? Charity shares the answers to these questions.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! Well, it’s so great! I have another friend with me today, who I’m going to introduce to you. Her name is Charity, and Charity actually comes from Oregon, but now she’s living in Tennessee. Great to have you here, Charity.

Just the other weekend, Charity and I were together. We actually flew up to Oregon together for the Above Rubies Ladies Retreat in Oregon, which Charity and her friends have been organizing for the last ten years. It’s amazing! Say “Hi,” Charity.

Charity: Hi, everybody!

Nancy: So, she and her friends have been so faithful in organizing the Above Rubies Ladies Retreat up there. We’ve had so many wonderful times. We thought this was going to be the last one. We thought, “Well, everyone will be saying goodbye to one another, because Charity has come to Tennessee with all their family. Her friend Sonya and her husband and family are on their way to Tennessee, when they get here, they’ve already bought a house.

And Pam, who was part of the organizing, they’ve already moved to Tennessee. And Julie is moving to Idaho, aren’t they? So, they’re all clearing out of Oregon, away from all the mandates and lockdowns of Oregon! So many are actually fleeing from these liberal states. Maybe some of you are trying to do the same thing.

Charity and her husband Ken are blessed with eight children. Maybe you could tell us about them from top to bottom.

Charity: OK, well, we have eight kiddos. Ethan is our oldest. He’s 17. Then Belle is our first girl. She’s 15 and a half, almost 16. Then Faith is almost 13. She’ll be 13 in November. Eva is ten, Jubilee is eight, Corban is five, and Mercy is three. And then Isaiah is five months.

Nancy: How wonderful! You are so blessed. And yet, I remember you sharing a testimony many years ago of how you didn’t really even want children! Goodness me! You'll have to tell us; how does this happen? Now, you’re here with eight! Goodness me!

Charity: Oh, my goodness. Yeah. I did not ever plan to have kids at all.

Nancy: Children.

Charity: Children. Sorry, I know. Kids are goats! [laughter] Right? Children. I did not plan to have children. I was a career girl, and I was working my way up the corporate ladder. I was plenty happy to do that. I never planned on having children. I had all my reasons.

Of course, all my reasons, as I look back, were very selfish. They all centered around my convenience and the things I wanted, or whatever. God kind of got ahold of my heart, finally, and I don’t know exactly what prompted it. But I think probably part of it had do with the fact that my mom was sick with cancer. She was not doing well, and I started realizing that my getting into heaven wasn’t going to be based on her love for God. It had to be based on my relationship with Him.

I felt really far away from Him. Even though I had been baptized as a kid – a child, a younger child, sorry. I had not been walking with Christ. I remember heading out to work one morning, and it was a beautiful day. I started praying, which was odd, because I was not in the practice of praying and everything.

I just said, “You know what, Lord, if You want me, You’re going to have to bring me to my knees.” And He did. I have learned to pray more carefully now because He will do those things. Over the course of the next year, year and a half, I got pregnant. My husband and I got pregnant. It was quite the shock.

Of course, I felt like my life was over. I was quite upset about it for about the first three months of the pregnancy. And then, over the course of the full pregnancy, I went from being so upset about it to being determined that I was going to be the best mom that there ever was. I was going to homeschool him, and I was going to stay at home. I was going to do all these things.

It was funny, though, because even in my mind, as I was thinking these things, I think that God probably knew that I needed a bit of a push. Because I was making plans to go back to work after he was born for a short time, so that I could finish up things my way, and then quit when I was ready.

I think I probably knew I wouldn’t have done it. So, He pushed me out. I ended up actually being fired from my job for something that I did not do. I was wrongly accused of something, and it was devastating to me, because I had built for myself a really good reputation, and it all got destroyed, and for something that I didn’t even do. I was so upset about the whole thing.

But God pushed me out, pushed me into the home. I ended up losing my job about two weeks before Ethan was born. It was amazing to see how God worked through the whole thing. He provided for everything that we needed. I mean, there were definitely difficult times. There were times when I had to sell my wedding ring and other jewelry that I had, because I worked in jewelry. I had to sell things that I owned in order to pay for diapers, or baby food, or formula, whatever, things like that.


So, we definitely went through some very tough times. But, over the course of the years, God was faithful to provide every step of the way. He just kept turning my heart more and more to loving my children, loving being a mother, loving being a wife, loving being in my home and making it a place that was enjoyable, which was not ever the picture that I had. That was just not what I had wanted to do. But now I love it! I look back at my old life and think, “Oh, my word! It was so self-seeking, and so just blah!”


Nancy: I know. I think that is the testimony of so many women. They come into marriage; they’ve still got their career. Of course, they’ve been brainwashed by our society, and by our education system, that motherhood is way low down on the system. I think they’ve been brainwashed. So, they keep living this kind of life.

But eventually, something happens, and that innate anointing that God has put within us begins to slowly emerge. Well, some push it right down altogether. But for many, it begins to emerge. Because it is so true.

I was thinking about this again this morning, how that God, in His Word, always speaks about two or three witnesses. Jesus Himself spoke about it. Paul spoke about it. Deuteronomy 19:15: “One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any inequity or sin that he commits. By the mouth of two or three witness the matter shall be established.”

Jesus said in Matthew 18:16: “By the mouth of two or three witness, every word may be established.” He quoted from the Old Testament.

And then Paul says in 2 Corinthians 13:1: “By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established.” It’s repeated other times, too.

It’s amazing, ladies, that even in motherhood, God has given us, not two, but three witnesses! You see, God wants to establish His truth. Even though we live in a society of delusion, and deception, and brainwashing about motherhood, these witnesses begin to emerge.

OK, what is the first witness? The first witness to us is that God created us physically for the task of mothering. It’s amazing, isn’t it, how that women today are so brainwashed that they hardly even know who they are! Here God created us with a womb, and with breasts, that are for the purpose of bringing forth children and nurturing and mothering them. And yet, they deny who they are actually created to be.

That is unbelievable! That is absolute delusion, because here we are, the womb is our most distinguishing characteristic as a woman. I mean, there are only two types of people in this world, a male, without a womb. That’s a man. And a man with a womb, which is a woman! We are a womb-man.

Then we have breasts, which are to nurse and nourish our little babe. Here we are, created physically for this part. But that’s not enough. I don’t think it’s enough for many women because they’re so brainwashed.

But then God has given us another witness. That is that He has put it innately within us. Not only are we created physically, but we have in us, by divine creation, a nurturing, mothering anointing. That is part of every female. You can’t get away from it. It’s there, even though women may refuse children, they still can’t get away from this nurturing anointing. Because, if they don’t have children, they’ll have a pet.

I remember talking about this to a lady down in Texas once. And she said, “Nancy, that answers my question! I can’t believe it. I live near this community of where all these gay people are living.” She said, “I could never understand why they all had so many dogs! Every time you went past us, it was nothing but yipping dogs!” They had chosen animals to replace children.

Can you believe it? But you see, they could not get away from this nurturing instinct! It is in us! God even created this to reveal who He is, because as female, we are to reveal what God is like. So, the womb, the womb reveals the beautiful mercy and compassion of God.

It’s amazing how we read in the Bible, and we read the word, “womb.” Of course, we go back to the Hebrew. There’s four different words for “womb” in the Hebrew. But you’ll read one word, and it will be talking the literal womb of a woman. The next time you read it, it’s talking about God’s compassion, and His love, and His mercy. So, the womb reveals the mercy of God.

Then, our breasts! Wow! They are not only to physically nurse a baby, but God has put innately in us this nurturing instinct that is there. It’s in every woman, even a woman who doesn’t give birth, who has not had the privilege to give birth, or even to nurse a baby at her breast. She still has this nurturing instinct within her.

You think of great women, I think some of the greatest women, who we think of as mothers, in our past centuries, they were women who never even married or gave birth. We think of Mother Teresa. I mean, yes, Mother Teresa. I mean she mothered more children than most mothers will ever mother because she was releasing that nurturing instinct within her.

We think of Gladys Aylward. She was called “The Small Woman,” that little woman who took all these precious children to safety, over in China. We think of so many other great women. They never gave birth. They never nursed from their breasts, but they had that nurturing instinct within them.

Then, of course, we have the Word of God, our third witness. It’s all there in the Scriptures! So, we haven’t any excuses, have we? Eventually it comes out because it’s there. Yes, it’s this longing to mother is there.

So, you began your mothering journey. OK, I guess there were many things, I mean, OK, you were set to help provide for the family, and now you’re home with these little children. What did you do?


Charity: There was a lot of sacrificing. There was a lot of making choices, as far as what was necessary, and what was a want. And learning to differentiate between the two. It’s OK for us to not have everything that our little heart desires all the time.

My husband and I had lived a very lavish life prior to children. It was a big shift in thinking for us, reining it in, and learning to live within a budget, things like that. That was huge. But it was, I think it was good training for us, because we’re able to teach our children how, when God talks about being a good steward, He wants us to be wise with the gifts that He has given us. How to use them, not for our own constant satisfaction, or whatever, but to bring glory to His name, and to further the kingdom for Him.

I think that was a big part of it. It took several years, even after our first. We had our first child, and he was so great and easy-going, just such a good baby. Man, we thought we had it down. We thought, “We rock at this parenting thing.” So, we thought we should have a second.

We did, and she was much more of a challenge. She was super-stubborn and just strong-willed. She still is. She's amazing, but she definitely has that strong spirit. I’m sure God chuckled at our pride there.

But then, even through that, we were like, “OK, we’re done. We’ve got our boy. We’ve got our girl. We’re good. That’ll be enough.” And God kept working on my heart. A friend of mine kept challenging me with, “Well, who are you to decide these things? Do you know the future?” And blah, blah, blah, all these things.

I’m like, “Oh, my word! Stop!” Over the course of a year or so, I was very challenged about the whole thing. Studying God’s Word, finally I had to come to the point where I submitted my will to whatever God wanted. It was funny, too, because actually I didn’t. . .

We’re doing a VSS study right now, and we’re studying the book of Matthew. When the angel comes to Mary, and he says, “You’re highly favored by the Lord, and you’re going to have this child, and it’s going to be of the Holy Spirit,” and so on and so forth. Her response was, “Let it be to me as the Lord wishes.” Basically saying, whatever God wants, I’m willing to be His servant.

I had to come to that point where I was willing to say, “OK, Lord, whatever you want is what I will do.” That was really hard. I remember driving home from some people. I worked for these people part-time. I had Ethan, and I had Belle. But on part-time, I would do their bookkeeping for them.

I remember talking to them about this concept of just letting God have control over how many children we have. He was a police officer, and they both were like, I remember his words exactly. He said, “That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”

I was shocked, because I always felt like, when I come to an understanding of something that the Bible is telling me, I always assume I’m slow to the game. Like everybody else has already figured this out, and I’m the one who’s finally just getting it.

So, when he said that I was like, “What? What do you mean?” And he was looking at it from the standpoint of a police officer. He was like, “I’ve seen so many children who are in poverty, whose parents do drugs, do this, that, and the other. You can’t tell me that people should just have however many kids that God wants.”

I was like, “Well, hang on a second now.” I had to think this through. I was like, “To look at it the way that you’re looking at it, number one, you would have to be for abortion. I know you’re not for that. I know you would not advocate for these people to go and kill their babies.

“But second of all, you're forgetting that God is the God of the impossible. It doesn’t matter their circumstance. It doesn’t matter where they came from. He can use anybody, and every single life that He has created, He has a purpose for. It’s not up to us to decide which life is more or less valuable, simply because of the circumstances that they come from.”

I remember driving home that day, and that was the day that I decided, “I think I’m on to something here. If there is that much opposition, Satan does not want this kind of a calling to be fulfilled.” I was driving home, and I was crying so hard, praying, and saying, “OK, Lord, whatever You want, I’ll do it. Fine, just take my life.”

And I was crying so hard I could barely see the road. I was also praying that He’d get me home safe! When I got home and talked to my husband . . . actually I prayed about it first for about a day or so. But then I talked to him, and I was like, I just didn’t want to come at him head-first, and be like, “We’re having as many children as God wants!” Because he would have been like, “What are you talking about?”


Instead, I approached him from a different angle and asked him some questions. I said, “To what extent of your life do you trust God?” He said, “Well, I trust Him completely.” I said, “You need to really think about that.” He’s like, “I do. I trust Him completely.”

I’m like, “OK, well, do you believe that God knows the future, and we do not?” He’s like, “Yeah. . .” I said, “OK, do you believe that He knows what we can handle, and if He gives us something, He’s going to provide for it? He’s not going to give us more than what we can do in His strength. He’s going to always provide for that.”

He thought I was talking about a financial issue that we were having. He was like, he started to say something like, “Well now, wait a--,” and I said, “No, no, no, no. You don’t have any idea where I’m going with this, so just stay on . . .” He was like, “Oh yeah?”

I said, “OK, do you believe God when He says that He is the creator of life, and that children are a blessing from Him?” He’s like, “Yeeaaahh?” He’s starting get a little suspicious now. I said, “OK, well, here’s where I’m at. I believe that just because we know how God creates life does not mean that we all of a sudden have the wisdom to know when He should create it.

I believe that if we’re really truly going to submit our lives to God, we need to be willing to say, ‘Whatever You want for us to do, or have, or whatever. It’s all up to You, and we’re going to lay our life down, and say You take it, and You do what You want. So, however many children you want us to have is what we’ll do.’”

And as much as people would say to me, “Oh, well, if I did that, I’d have a hundred children!” I’m like, “That’s such nonsense!” It’s such ridiculous excuse. But anyway, I said, “God can decide to give us one.” There are a lot of examples in the Bible where He gave somebody one child. That was the one! But it was the one child that He needed them to have to further His kingdom. There is nothing saying we were going to have a whole bunch.

I said, “This is where I’m at. I believe we need that we need to let God take control of this.” I said, “I’m not looking for an answer right now. Just pray about it, study it. Get back to me in a week.”


He did! A week later, it was killing me not to ask him. But I didn’t. I was like, “OK, I said I’d give him a week, and I’ll give him a week.” A week later, I was like, “So, have you thought about it?” He was like, “Yeah.”

I said, “Did you pray about it and study it?” He’s like, “Yeah.” I said, “What did you come to?” He says, “I have decided I don’t like you.” [laughter] I said, “Is it because I’m right?” And he said, “No, because God’s right.”

I was like, “OK, so are we doing this?” And he goes, “Yeah.” So, here we are. That was almost 13 years ago now. It has been amazing to watch how every single baby that He has given us came at, not a convenient time for us at all, but at exactly the time they were supposed to.

And how Ethan, we had just had a baby, and then my husband lost his job and was out of work for two-and-a-half years! I mean, he did odd jobs wherever he could get them, but not a steady, full-time income. And yet, God knew. He gave us that baby, and then He gave us another one in that time period. Every step of the way, He was the One who was faithful to provide.

So, throughout all these years, He has proven His faithfulness. He’s strengthened our faith. He’s helped us to lean on Him, to trust Him more. So now, when things come, that maybe we start to shake our, not shake our faith, but shake our feeling of safety, or whatever, we can look back and say, “Look at all these years that God has been faithful! Why would we doubt that He would continue to be that same God now?” So, it’s been huge.

Nancy: That is the most beautiful testimony, Charity. I think, coming to that place of trusting God, giving, yielding our bodies to Him, because He owns them. He created them. Puts us in a place of learning to trust Him like no other, doesn’t it?

As you said, you see that you can trust Him, and He does come through. That makes you stronger, to trust Him in other things. If we cannot trust Him for the very basic thing of how He created us, well, how can we trust Him at all?

Charity: I’ll say really quickly that the whole thing about trusting Him was a huge deal when we were trying to decide whether or not to move out to Tennessee and leave Oregon. I mean, all of our family and all of our friends are out there. This is huge. We just didn’t pick up and move east, either way. We moved the whole country away from everything that we knew.

Every step of the way, we were praying and asking God, “OK, if this is what You want, these are the doors that have to be opened.” And He would open them. Every step of the way, I’m praying that He’ll close them. And He wasn’t! I’m like, “Well, OK, well, I guess I’ll walk through that door.”

I’d pray for the next door to be closed, and it would just swing wide open. I’m like, “Dang it! OK.” So, we’d walk through that door. Every step, and even as I’m here, and I’m, part of me is homesick and missing my friends and my family. I keep seeing Him opening doors and blessing us here and making it very clear that for whatever purpose, and I don’t even know what it is yet.

For whatever purpose, He has planted us right where He wants us, here. And in the midst of all the crazy that’s happening in the world right now, and in our nation, I can sit and rest, knowing that He’s got it. None of this is taking Him by surprise. He’s not caught off-guard. He's got a plan. He’s making a way for His people.

Even in my study of Matthew, what I was noticing was that Herod, He knew Herod was going to go crazy and kill all the baby boys. He had already made a way for them to go to Egypt and escape it. Then, when it was time for them to come back, He had already made plans. It was foretold thousands of years before, that Jesus would be called a Nazarene. He already knew that Archelaus was going to reign in his father’s place and that he would send His son there.

So, just knowing that He’s not caught off-guard by things, He’s providing.


Nancy: No, He’s omniscient. He knows all things. He knows who He’s purposed to bring forth from our wombs. He knows it. It’s so sad, I think, when God’s purposes are actually stopped, because people stop the purposes of God. I often think of that Scripture in Hebrews. It’s talking about how Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek when he came back from the battle. He won the battle, and he meets this guy, Melchizedek, and he pays tithes to him.

But Hebrews tells us that not only he paid tithes, but Levi paid tithes, while he was yet in the loins of Abraham! Now, he was not going to be a son or a grandson, but a great-grandson down the line. Not even a twinkle of thought in Abraham’s brain, but God knew. And God said he, Levi, literally paid tithes, and he wasn’t yet born (Hebrews 7:9, 10)!

It's amazing how God sees, and His plan. It's so incredible. I think too, maybe some of you are, maybe you’re grappling with this whole issue at the moment. “Oh, how can I trust God for another baby? Oh, we can hardly survive now. We’re just making ends meet!” But can I encourage you, lovely ladies, that God doesn’t provide for a baby before He brings this baby to you. No, He provides when He brings the baby. I love that Scripture in Psalm 37:25: “I have been young, and now I am old, but I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his children begging bread.”


I love those Scriptures over in Deuteronomy 28. That's the blessing chapter. Isn’t it such a wonderful chapter of the Bible? Deuteronomy 28:4: “Blessed shall be the fruit of your womb.” That is the very first blessing God gives! That’s His first blessing. But then it goes on to say: “And the fruit of your ground, and the fruit of your cattle, and the increase of your herds, and the young of your flock. Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl.”

But the amazing thing is that we see all these wonderful blessings, they come after the blessing of the fruit of the womb! They come to provide. Why would God give them? There’s no point in giving them unless He’s giving them to provide for the fruit of the womb. So, that’s the whole point. He blesses the fruit of the womb. Then He blesses all that we need to provide for that fruit of the womb.

Isn’t it so wonderful? God is so good. It's amazing how often you were saying there were times where you hardly knew how you were going to survive. But you did survive! I look back on our lives, and there were times when we didn’t even know where our next cent was coming from, but we survived! Here we are today! I mean, we survived!

We don’t have to have everything we think we need. I was just thinking, as you were talking before, about Nehemiah, chapter nine. He was talking about all that God did for them. Nehemiah 9:21: “Yea, forty years didst Thou sustain them in the wilderness, so that they lacked nothing; their clothes waxed not old, and their feet swelled not.”

But imagine, dear ladies, would you have really loved to be there in that wilderness for forty years? They were just living in tents. They didn’t have any permanent houses. They had to mainly trust God for each day. God miraculously provided them manna that they would go out and gather each day. But there was no shop down the corner. It wasn’t a great variety of food. They couldn’t, if they ran out of milk, just pop down to the corner and get some. No, they had nothing, but He said, well, we think they had nothing. We think they had nothing according to what we’re used to.

But God said they lacked nothing! They lacked nothing. God will always provide what we need. When He gives the fruit of the womb, He will provide for that fruit of the womb. Amen. Have you got any testimonies about that?

Charity: Oh, my goodness. Well, I was, as you were talking, the only thing that I was thinking was that the Bible says that without faith, it is impossible to please God. This life is the only opportunity we have to live by that faith, and to please Him through our faith. Because once we see Him in heaven we’ll be living by sight. It won’t be through faith anymore.

So, this is our opportunity to please Him that way. We take the steps in faith, and we watch and expect for Him to act on our behalf, because He has promised that He will. He is faithful.

Nancy: Amen. And this morning, in my reading of the Word, I was just looking up some of the promises about trusting God. Actually, in my King James version, the word “trust” is used 188 times, about trusting God. But actually, that’s not all of them. Because when I looked up the Hebrew word batach, it actually has about ten other English words that are translated in the Word of God for that same word, “trust.” It’s amazing. So, there’s loads more.

But as we’re closing, I thought I’d give you a few of them, just a few. We never have time for all of them.

If we’re trusting in the Lord, we’ll be rejoicing. Psalm 5:11: “Let those that put their trust in Thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because Thou defendest them: let them also that love Thy Name be joyful in Thee.”

I love Psalm 9:10: “They that know Thy Name will put their trust in Thee: for Thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek Thee.” I think we find it hard to trust the Lord if we don’t know Him. The more we know Him, the more we can trust Him. Then, of course, the more we trust Him, the more we get to know Him. So, seek to know Him, to know Him in His Word.

Psalm 119:42: “I trust in thy Word.” I think this is where we get our trust. I believe this is where I’ve got my trust, is being in the Word, seeing the character of God in the Word, acknowledging that this who He is, and putting all my trust in that attribute of His. But we only know it through the Word. As we put our trust in knowing Who He is, then we actually get to experientially know Him. It’s so wonderful.

Psalm 26:1: “I have trusted in the Lord: therefore, I shall not slide.” I like that, don’t you? Because sometimes we can begin to trust, and whoo, everything around us looks the opposite. We think, “Help, I’m trusting God, and not one thing’s working out! Everything’s falling to pieces around me!”

But we keep trusting. If we keep trusting, and we say, “Oh, Lord, I do trust You! Though You slay me, yet will I trust you” we will not slide.” It’s much the same as Psalm 125:1: “They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth forever.”

I think that’s where we need to come to, is putting our trust in God, in His character, in His Word. We will not be moved, no matter what happens, what people say, or what circumstances happen, we will not be moved. And we will not be removed from our trust in His infallible Word and in Who He is. Amen.

Yes, because I guess you’ve had times when you’ve been trusting God, but wow! There are times when you think, “How can I really trust Him in this?”

Charity: When Ken was out of work for two years, I would go into my bathroom, because that was the only place I could go and lock the door and get away. I would be in there on my knees, crying and praying. I was like, “Lord, I do not understand why You have not provided a job for my husband! He wants to work, You created him to work, he’s trying to find a job. What are You doing here?”

I would get so upset and kind of be yelling a little bit at God. It would be those times where He’d kind of smack me upside the head a little bit and say, “Who do you think you are?” I’m like, “Ooh, sorry.” And I’d have to repent and remember that He would remind me of the fact that we had still been able to pay our mortgage, we had still been able to pay all of our bills, we had a refrigerator full of food, my children had clothing, they had beds. There was not a single thing that we lacked.

He would remind me, “I am the One that sustains you. I am the One who is taking care of you.” It is completely, 100%, all Him. It was not us. My husband definitely was seeking work. He was doing all the odd jobs, everything he could do, taking part-time, seasonal, whatever. But it was all by God’s grace. He provided those things, everything. It was all Him. He’s completely trustworthy.

Nancy: Amen. So He was showing you that it wasn’t even Ken who was your provider. But He was your provider.

Oh, and ladies, our time is up! Oh, why does it go so quickly? But can I just encourage you? I know there may be some of you who are still out there in that job you’ve got. And yet, you long to be home. You know this is where you’re meant to be. You don’t know how you can do it.

I want to encourage you to trust God, because this is what you have to do. It’s a big step of faith, and you think, “Oh, I’ve got to wait till I get this done, or we just manage this.” But as you found, Charity, God just plucked you out. You were just wiped from your job. But God provided!

And that’s the thing. I want to encourage you to take that step of faith, because as you do, as you put your trust in God, and you confess your trust in Him, as David did, he confessed his trust in the Lord. He said, “Blessed be the Lord, my strength, the One in Whom I trust. I trust in You, Lord.” Because it’s as you trust Him that you will find Him faithful.

“Oh, Dear Father, we thank You that You are a faithful God. You are a God in Whom we can trust. I pray that You will, Lord, build faith and build trust in every house that’s listening today, that they will know that they can trust You, no matter what.

They can trust you, Lord, to provide. They can trust You to leave their career and come home to be with their children where You want them to be, because You’re a God Who is faithful, and You will never let us down. We thank You, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell * www.aboverubies.org

Transcribed by Darlene Norris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.