
FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell


Sharing about our day at the Trump Rally in Washington, DC, and discussing the dilemma we are currently facing in our nation.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, From Our Home to Yours, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello ladies. Well, here I am in my lounge, and I'm looking out the window. In the spring and in the summer, I look out to these beautiful green trees all around me, and, of course, in the fall, with their beautiful colors.

But right now I' m looking out to white branches. We woke up this morning to another snowfall which we are always excited about here in Tennessee because we don't live in snow in the winter. But we hope to always get three or four, or maybe more, snowfalls. Well, this is our third snowfall this year, so that's exciting.

In fact, our second snowfall was just last Thursday, and that was when Colin and I were coming home from Washington, DC from the Trump rally. We were getting home about 11 o'clock at night and driving in the snow. It was really pretty sloshy.

It was beautiful, but the trees were just covered in snow, and weighed down with the snow. I love seeing them like that. It's so beautiful. In fact, quite a number of trees had come down with the weight of the snow upon them. We were having to drive around and over trees to try and get home late at night. That's a snowfall that we still had some of that snow on the ground and then it snowed again this morning. So we are enjoying that. We always love to have some snow.

I mentioned that we were coming home from the Trump rally. That was such a wonderful privilege to be there. Just at the very last minute, Colin and I felt this real urge to go. We wondered how on earth we could do it and how we could make it happen. But at the very last minute, we were able to put it together. We went up there on Wednesday, the 6th. It was just such an amazing day.

I'm so sorry that if you weren't there, the only news you most probably got was what came over the media. “All these terrible Trump supporters, mobbing and storming the Capitol building!” But of course, that was so far from the truth. That was something, I believe, that was staged, because my husband and I, we were right there, at apparently the time it was happening, and saw nothing. (We have now found out that this storm on the capital happened toward the end of Trump’s speech before people ever began walking to the Capitol. It was staged by Antifa and Black Lives Matter and the doors were opened for them to come in by complicit police).

Of course, the day started out with the rally, which was wonderful. Some say there were thousands there, but I was talking to a lady later on. She had been at the last two Trump rallies in DC and she said that there'd been about a million at both of them. But she said this far exceeded them. She said, “I think there's about three million here.”

Well, that maybe a bit exaggerating, but I think there could have been at least two million. When I looked back to the crowd, I could not see with my little eye the end of the crowd. It was just beyond what my eye could see.

It was so amazing, just to be there, and a beautiful atmosphere of people who love this country, and many of them love God. I guess there were those who maybe weren't really Christian, but they were patriotic anyway. It was so great.

There were speeches from different ones, and then eventually Trump spoke. He spoke mainly about the fraudulent election, giving numbers and things of what had actually happened. It was very interesting.

And then the plan was for everyone to go up and just be at Capitol Hill because that day they were deciding on what they would do about this election, this very fraudulent, stolen election. And so it was a beautiful thing to be walking up there.

I remember Trump at the end of his speech saying, “You can walk up Pennsylvania Avenue.” I love the way he said, “I love Pennsylvania Avenue.” I think I loved it too. As we were walking up, there were crowds in front and behind.

And then as we passed a side road, we could see Constitution Avenue on the right, and crowds walking up that road. And then another road on the left, and crowds walking up that road. It was amazing. And people singing as they walked, it was so beautiful. Nothing like the storming, mobbing crowd. It was just so wonderful.

And then we got to the Capitol, and everybody, because there were so many people, began to surround the Capitol, even right up to the walls and the doors. We were pretty close, really. We were right up there. Of course, not storming in, or even trying to get in, or even thinking about such a thing.

But being there, just being there, there was something about the fact of being there. Yes, I was just reading, actually, was it yesterday? I never did get to see any footage on the TV, since we haven't really looked at it. Then I thought, I'd better read something of what they were saying.

I was reading this article in the Washington Post. It was saying at ten past two, these people stormed the Capitol building. So I thought, well, look at my photos. I was taking pictures, took pictures while we were up there at the Capitol.

So I have one picture at 2:09, and I was right up there. Just a picture of everybody around, not even aware of any such thing happening. So I mean, apparently it took place. We know that, because there's footage. But we were not aware of anything happening at all amongst the people.

Of course, most people now say that it was a staged thing with BLM and Antifa. So anyway, then, I have other photos, a little bit later, and a little bit later. We all, everybody happy, and just that beautiful spirit, with people singing The Star Spangled Banner just outside the Capitol building.

So obviously there was a something that happened, of course, but we were not aware of it. Never saw anything, and no mention was made of it. I mean, if something was really happening with the Trump crowd, there would have been police coming out and dispersing everyone to go. But we were there for over a couple of hours, just milling around with everybody.

So we have to. . . . Really, can we trust what we see? Can you? I think it was something, really, that was done, obviously from the inside, because apparently from many sources, police opened the doors to these people.

In fact, I saw one article where someone was speaking, on YouTube or something like that, saying the police had told him that he was to go home for the day. He wasn't needed. Then when he heard on the TV, wow, all this was happening, so he went back. But he wasn't called. No one called him.

So it was not what it was made out to be. In fact, it was interesting. We got calls from home, saying, “Oh, are you OK?” They had seen all this on the TV, and here we were there. We said, “What are you talking about? We don't even know what you are talking about!”

So  that's just coming from me, who was there. It was such an amazing historic and incredible day. Sadly, it was spoiled to most of the people around the world, I guess, by this footage, which was shown, but was not really from the Trump supporters at all.

Again, we had to walk back to our hotel. That took us quite some time. I think we were about three miles away. Colin and I, we left the hotel at 9.00 am. We actually didn't even get time . . . were so caught up with the day, we never really got time, or thought about going to the bathroom all day! I don't know how we survived, and not thinking about it, because that could never ever happen to me on a usual day! Oh, I don't know, I wouldn't get through the day! But we did!

And we didn't get back to the hotel to well after five. We just survived all day. We didn't really get a drink, and we didn't go to the bathroom. And we didn't even notice!  It was just so amazing.

But walking home down Pennsylvania Avenue, on the right, about halfway down, I saw this amazing . . . These words, I couldn't believe them. I looked up, and thought, “Hey, that's the First Amendment!” There it was, on this huge building, written in great big letters.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

And there it was, in huge letters at Number 555 Pennsylvania Avenue. I thought, “That is amazing!” I was so blessed to see it, and think, “Well, this is why we are here! Here we are, standing up for freedom, standing up against a stolen election, which in the eyes of God is an abominable thing. Here we are, standing up for all, everything that's in the First Amendment.”

There it was, written right there. And yet it's being taken away from us! When I got home, I thought, I  must check it out and that's when I found out that it was actually 555 Pennsylvania  Avenue. I also found out that it's being sold to someone else, this building. This person who's buying it wants to take that down, The First Amendment.

So there is now a petition available which I have signed myself since I found this out. You can go to the internet. Of course, don't go to Google, please. Go to Duck Duck Go. Have you changed to Duck Duck Go? That is a better one to go to. We don't really want to support Google. But you can go, and check it out, and put in “Keep the First Amendment on Pennsylvania Ave.” The petition will come up. You can sign. So there you go. That's something you can do.

Now, on this day that I'm actually sharing this now, it will go out to you in the morning. In fact, in some ways, I just can't wait to get back to talking to you about the things I need to talk to you about regarding motherhood and the home.

But I've got to talk about what's happening, because how can you go on with your life, when we are facing, at this moment, the biggest coup in the history of this nation? When now, and really perhaps as a result of the media blowing up . . . I think it was all a plan, those people who went into the Capitol building. Now Trump has been made out to be this, this dictator who incited the people to go and storm Capitol building. Those are the biggest lies in history! The biggest lies in history.

We were never . . .  there was nothing like that. It was the opposite. Most people who were there would not have known anything was going on. Here we are now, here we are.

What are we, Monday night, the 11th of January, and our President, who is still the President, is in hiding. He has been taken down. He is not allowed any free speech. He's been taken down from all internet and all social media. He's had to go into hiding.

They've been wanting to impeach him, right at this very last. I mean, this is a coup to take down our nation. These people have already stolen an election. They've stolen it off 75 - 79 million people who voted for Trump.

And over six million fraudulent votes . . . They say that there's at least six million votes that were fraudulent through different means. Through them, you know, dead people voting, and people voting more than once, and all these late votings which were back-marked to the date.

Then of course, through the Dominion machines, which they have now found out really what happened there. There was international interference, we already know from Italy and China. This is already treason. This whole thing is treason! It 's a coup which we have never seen the likes of in our nation.

Right at this moment, we don't even know what's going to happen. Maybe by tomorrow morning we might know what is happening, but there's a couple of scenarios, or maybe quite a few scenarios.

Anyway, well, number one scenario: the President stays in hiding and fades out. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris come in and are inaugurated. That would be a terrible day for this nation. From that moment, we are already influenced by China.

China has already sought to bring down this nation this last year with this virus, causing the lockdowns and the downturn of our economy, which had never been so great in the history of the US. They, of course, Joe Biden is a puppet of China. He is controlled by the Chinese. He's been bought by them.

Kamala Harris, of course, is a committed communist. We will go into communism. Dear precious ladies, are you aware, are you really aware of what's happening? I mean, when in this nation, this free nation, has a President has been taken off all social media and is not allowed to speak to the nation? This is like a communist take down already and they haven't even got in!

Big tech, which is all in this with media, big tech, and the swamp, they're  all in this together. Big tech has already taken down not only the president, but 60,000 conservative people on social media. They have already been taken down. Anybody who is a voice for conservativeness has been already taken down.

I mean, if this is happening now, well, what do you think's going to  happen if Biden and Kamala Harris get in? This would only be the beginning. And if the President of the United States is censored from free speech, do you think that you would have any free speech when this new government comes in? No. You'd have none.

And they would begin the persecution of those who are conservative and those who are Christian. We've already been seeing that in this last year, when they have been seeking to put down churches, and put down Christians, and stop people from going to church, and not allowing them to sing. To bring down our economy, which is communism, to bring it all down. Of course, the big companies, they've just got a law. But they want to bring down the middle class, and  bring down the small businesses, and  bring us to poverty so they can take control. So that they would bring in the Great Reset, and the New Economic Forum.

The first mandate they have was already posted. I've seen it on my iPhone. I've got it there.

Number one project of The Great Reset is: “You will own nothing and you will be happy.” I'm not sure how you'll be happy. But that is their plan.

Or is there still a chance in this eleventh hour for God to do something mighty and save us from this take down of our nation, this free nation which will no longer be a free nation? I'm still believing for a miracle. I don't know what's going to happen but I'm believing for a miracle. Keep praying, keep believing.

There are some people who have different YouTubes, and I guess you might listen to a load yourself. People are saying different things. Some say that Trump has already signed the Insurrection Act of 1807, which would bring in martial law, but would save us from this ultimate going down this communist route.

Some say he hasn't signed it. Maybe it's too late to sign. We don't know. We don't know yet. I think we'll know pretty soon, one way or the other. But let's keep in faith, in hope, trusting God. No matter what happens, we trust God, of course. But we do want to continue believing for the continuing of the freedom of this great nation, USA, the last bastion of freedom in this world. The whole world is looking on, because what happens here, what is going to happen here, is going to affect the whole world.

I was just listening to a YouTube just a while ago of some people sharing and believing that, yes, maybe this martial law will come in, but they believe that it will not only be here in America, but this thing will go global, because it does affect China, the communist party of China. They are so involved and they will, I don't know, somehow they've got to be pushed back too. So we'll just wait and see what is going to happen. But let's just keep trusting God.

In the meantime, many people are saying that we know that Parler has already been taken down. Parler was a new social media which was allowing free speech. And Amazon, they were using Amazon servers, has taken it down. I mean, this is no longer free America! It's hard to believe. Can you really believe what's happening? It's just about impossible.

But I was listening to one guy and he was suggesting a few sites that you could go to that may be more secure. I don't know for how long, but can I give them to you, just in case you would like to do something about it? Gab.com. They say that's a good one to go to.

They also say that you should get the app called Telegram. And you should be able to hear information through that Telegram. You can also Trumpet to 555-8888. Put that in, and text the 555-8888 to Trumpet. There's BlazingPress.com. There's Trumpet News. Another is Brighteon.com.

Now some of those, they say, could be places that you can go to get information. Anyway, I just put it out there for you. I also heard that you shouldn't, you should turn off, and I haven't even done that myself yet, I forgot about it. You should turn off the automatic thing of updating your iPhone so that they could take that away, the opportunity for you to hear news. So don't do that.

Yes. And then others are saying, well, just in case it happens, we don't know, I'm not saying anything, precious ladies, because I don't know. I haven't got a clue what is going to happen, but they say if martial law did come in, it would be good to have food for a couple of weeks, and water and cash and your car filled with gas. Just a few measures like that. So anyway, we'll just trust the Lord for what is going to happen.


Now before we were facing all that, because really, it's just come to it. Suddenly, we're facing this thing in our nation. We never believed that we would. But I was going to talk to you on a subject of, WHO ARE WE LISTENING TO?

I'll just start, as I know I'll have more to say in the next podcast. But we'll get started on it, because I think this is a very important thing in this hour. Because what we listen to is usually what we will believe and begin to live our lives by. It's how we'll live our lives according to what we listen to.

So, WHAT are you listening to? WHO are you listening to? I believe, of course, and I'm sure you will agree, that the most important thing that we can listen to is God speaking to us through His Word. We've got to get into His Word. We've got to become filled with His Word.

What does the Word of God say? That we are to be richly filled with His Word (Colossians 3:16). Not just shallowly filled, not just knowing one or two Scriptures (you know, hearing a message at church), but personally getting filled with the Word so our mind is filled with it and our heart is filled with it.

And because it's in our minds, and it's in our hearts, what's in your heart comes out in your mouth. So you're speaking it out of your mouth. That's a very important one. It's not just getting it in your head, not just getting it in your heart. No, that is not enough. You've got to be speaking it. Speaking it out, because when you speak it, that's when it becomes part of you. And it is true, you will be speaking about what's in your heart.

So just make sure, dear one, that you are in the Word. Make sure your family are in the Word, that your children are in the Word, that you are giving the Word to them. That you make time every morning, every evening, to read the Word to them. You have your family Bible time, or devotions, or whatever you like to call it in your home. But make it a priority, so you yourself are filled.

I love to have my personal time in the Word when I wake up each morning. I usually wake early, and I have my time in the Word. But then, we also, after breakfast, we have our family time. Whoever's in our home, and we have our family devotions, where we, my husband, reads the Word, and we talk about it, and then we pray together.


I'm thinking of that wonderful Scripture in Isaiah 59: 21, a marvelous Scripture for us as mothers. It's a mandate to parents. God is speaking, and He says: “As for Me, this is My covenant with them, saith the Lord (It's God speaking and what does He say? )My Spirit, that is upon thee, and My Words . . . “

I love the way that God always puts these two together, the Holy Spirit and the Word. We need both. We need the enlightening, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon the Word to reveal it to us, to open it up to us, because the Word, the Word of God is not a static thing. No, it's not something you just read and there it is. No!

When you read the Word, it is, it's like a diamond. It's like a precious stone that is multi-faceted. It's every sided dimension. There is different revelation. Oh, you know, you read the Word, and you can read it literally, and it can be a story, or it can be something about a person, or something about Israel. It's literal, yes, literal. It's for that person, or about that person .Or about Israel. There's so much about Israel in the Word of God. Israel is there, from Genesis from Revelation. That's why, wow, Israel better be very close to our hearts too. And that's why the devil wants to get rid of Israel. He hates it, because it's God's Land and His People are there.

But we've got to realize that there's often more than just on the surface, and that every word is written for our learning “upon whom the ends of the world have come” it tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:11. So every word, every word can bring revelation. You can read a word and get understanding. And then a few years later, you read it again, and you get something totally different and amazing, because that's what you're getting at that time.

So let me carry on with the Scripture: “My Spirit that is upon thee, and My Words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed” (meaning thy children) Nor out of the mouth of thy children's children, saith the Lord, from henceforth and for ever.”

This is God's mandate to us, to get His Word into our hearts, but coming out of our mouths. So we're speaking it, and getting it into our children, so it's coming out of their mouths. And getting into our children's children, so it's coming out of their mouths. Now that's a big challenge, ladies.

Is the Word of God coming out of your children's mouths? What do they talk more about? Sports? The TV programs? This? That? Everything but the Word of God? I believe, in this hour, and what we're going to face, we don't know which way things are going to go. But whatever way, whatever we're going to face, we have to face it with the Word of God.

We've got to listen to Jesus, listen to God speaking to us. Forget that stupid TV. It’s all fake news. If you are listening (I don't even think you would be . . . I can't imagine that you would be), but there are Christians who do listen to fake news. I can't believe it. Wow!

We were talking to some Christians the other night. Met them at the grocery store. We began talking, sharing how we'd been to the Trump rally. Wow! They rose up in quite a spirit of anger. They could not believe that we were even there! “You didn't go into that building, did you?” Could you even imagine it? Ha, ha. Could we even have thought of the thought?

But that's how they were thinking because they had been watching the fake news. That's what they watch. I mean, if you watch lies, and deceit, and fake news, that's how you're going to live your life, according to those lies. And we dare not live according to lies.

We have to live according to the truth. So in this hour, we've got to get the Word into us, and live by it, and be filled with it. As we are, then we will know the truth. And we'll live by it, and we won't be affected by the lies.

Isaiah 55, you know this Scripture so well, don't you? But let's read it again. Verses 8 and 9: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, and neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

Sometimes because of what we listen to, or read, we think our thoughts are superior to God's thoughts. Oh my, we would never say that, would we? But, the way we live, and the words we say, that's what we are really doing. We are thinking we are superior to what God says. Because God's words are usually so opposite to society, and the way of the world, and the way everybody else is doing.


Are we prepared to live by His words? I'm always challenged by that chapter, that verse in Romans 3:4, here it is! 

God said this: “Yea, let God be true but every man a liar.” I've always been challenged by that. “Let God be true, but every man a liar.” Am I prepared to live by what God says, even though man is saying something else? And every man, everybody around me is saying something else. But am I prepared to live by what God says?

Well, we've come to the end of our time, so we'll look into some of these specific things in our next podcast. May the Lord abundantly bless you.

Dear Father, as we pray together, I bring everyone before You who is listening at this moment. And,  Lord God, we are not sure what is going to happen in these next few days or week or so, and what is going to unfold.

But, Lord, at this moment, we are here in a most strategic time in our nation, where we are facing a coup, and a takeover of all of our freedoms, the takeover of free speech. Lord God, we're facing a coup when our President is in hiding. This is unprecedented.

But Lord God, our trust is in You. We believe You, Lord God, and we believe that at this eleventh hour, Lord, that You can come. We have been praying, and we continue to pray and believe, Lord God, for this great nation, that this nation, Lord, will be kept free.

And, Lord God, we ask that You will show Your mighty right arm, Lord. As Moses and the people of Israel came to the Red Sea, they had nowhere to go. The sea was in front of them, the Egyptians were coming after them. But Lord, You parted the sea, You opened the way.

We pray that You will open the way. You will open the door. You will come and do a mighty miracle, Lord God. We ask it in the Name of Jesus. We look to You, our miracle-working God. Lord, I pray for every person listening, Lord, mothers, children, whoever's listening, grandmothers. Lord, we thank You that we can put our trust in You.

Lord God, we pray that You will be with us in the coming days, and we will walk with you by faith, that we will trust in You. We thank You for Your Word in Isaiah 26:3-4, “Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee because he trusteth in Thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength”

We thank You, Lord, oh, that we trust in You, the Everlasting God. In You is everlasting strength. We praise You, and Lord, I pray Your blessing, and Your protection, and Your anointing on every precious soul listening today. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Transcribed by Darlene Norris

P.S. Have you listened to this YouTube?

