
FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell

Episode 72: The Glory of Womanhood (Part 5)

Rocky Barrett: Welcome to the podcast, From Our Home to Yours, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Today we continue our series, The Glory of Womanhood. Now this is not really the vocab that we use today. But ladies, it is the vocabulary of the Word of God.

Let’s do a recap. So far, we have talked about five different points.

Number one. First of all, the first point is we have been endowed with glory from the beginning of creation. God has put upon us as females His glory because we are created in His image. Our job is to keep and hold on to that glory.

Number two. Motherhood is our glory.

Number three. The home is our glory. If you don’t believe me, go back to those podcasts and listen again to God’s Word because this is Bible language.

Number four. Even breastfeeding is our glory. That’s what the Bible says.

Number five. Raising our children to present before the Lord at His coming is glory. That is going to be our greatest glory when we bring our children before Him on that Day. You see motherhood is an eternal work. We’re not doing something that’s just for this life. We are doing something for eternity because our children are eternal souls.

And number six. We’re up to today to: Femininity is your glory.

When God created man, He first created the human as one. Then it was later that He put Adam to sleep and He brought out those female, womanly qualities or hormones or whatever they were that were already in the man. He brought them out of the man and from that He built (that’s the word God uses), He built and created a woman. This woman was to reveal another aspect of God.

So they were originally one then God made them two.

The male, his role is to reveal the masculinity of God. Although God is genderless Himself, He created the man to be masculine and the woman to be feminine. Both reveal who God is like in different ways.

The greatest thing a man can do is to reveal the father heart of God. God has put within man those masculine qualities of leadership and strength.

Of course, we as women have great strength too, but our strengths are in different directions and different ways. Maybe we’ll talk about that on another podcast sometime.

But we are also to reveal God’s nurturing and maternal heart and a femininity that He delights to see in His female creation. It would have been purposeless for Him to create another man, another male. God wanted someone who was different.

I do believe, especially now in this transgenderism culture in which we are living, which dear ladies, it’s hard to believe. It’s hard to believe we are living in a culture that encourages transgenderism. I mean, it’s unbelievable,

I have talked with teachers recently who, in their schools, they are encouraged as teachers to promote this. One teacher was telling us he has two students in his class who are changing to the opposite gender. They are encouraged to promote them and lift them up in the classroom as though they are doing something that is wonderful.

Can you believe this? This is just too much? And I think we dare not get used to it.

In Romans chapter 12:9 it says that we are to “hate evil.” Now the word in the Greek there literally means “to shudder at evil.” I believe we need to have that shuddering.

Do we really have that? Or are we getting so used to what is happening in our society today that (of course we don’t agree with it), but we kind of get used it.

We dare not get used to it!

We should have that shuddering of evil and that attitude should also come upon our children. If we don’t have a shuddering of evil, how will our children have it? They need to have it because they are going out into this society where this is beginning to happen more and more all around them. It is promoted in schools.

Therefore I believe this that in this society, and in this culture, we should be the pictures of femininity. We don’t want to try and be masculine. We don’t want to look masculine and we don’t want to be masculine in any way.

That doesn’t make us endearing to anyone and it doesn’t help us because we were created female and feminine. Therefore, that’s how we should live.

How sad to go through life and not be to the absolute fullness what God created us to be.

Therefore, because we are female, let’s embrace our femininity with all our hearts. Let us let people see everywhere we go that we are female. Let our children see that we are female, that we are embracing this role, that we love to be female and embrace our female like qualities and love to be feminine. It is true that our children will imbibe more from what they see than even from what we tell them.

I was blessed to grow up in a home where I saw the difference in the sexes. My father was a man’s man in a man’s world. He lived out there in that man’s world and he was a real man. There was nothing wimpy about him in any way.

In fact, he was an incredible man. He was what you would call a “Jack of all trades.”

Now sometimes you think of people who are called a “Jack of all trades but a master of none.” You know, they can do a bit of everything, but they are not really a master.

But my father happened to be a master of many things, not just one thing. They were very mannish things.

Apart from all his jobs, he was the world champion sheep sheerer of the world in his prime. He used to also run a sawmill. He knew the whole business of butchering. He did so many careers. He also was a hunter and a great outdoorsman.

I saw this real man, and yet a man with a father’s heart. I was blessed to have a father who had a father’s heart. I know who I am today because of my father who put great trust in me and who constantly encouraged me.

He saw in me things I didn’t see. I didn’t think much of myself, but he, because of his belief in me, somehow, I had to rise to it because he was a great father. Yes, he disciplined me, but he loved me. Because of his love I could receive his discipline.

My mother was a beautiful feminine woman. My father loved her as a feminine woman. She was a great seamstress. She used to make all her own clothing and her hats and everything. She was very creative. She always dressed like a queen.

It is so different today. If we want to get something from the supermarket, we just pop out of the house in whatever we’re wearing. But you didn’t do that back in those days. You would get dressed up.

To go to the shops, my mother would walk. You didn’t’ have a second car in those days.  She would walk and she would have on her beautiful clothes that she had made with her hat, handbag, and gloves to match—walking like a queen. Oh how my father loved her, and he was so proud of her. He had a queen! He was king and she was the queen.

She loved her home. She loved her family. She loved to be in the heart of her home.

And so I saw the roles distinguished. It is a very powerful thing. I didn’t think anything of it growing up, but then as I’ve grown up, and more and more as we are seeing the merging of the roles today, I am so glad that I saw that.

I didn’t have to have any lectures about it. I saw it! That’s what our children should see in us, lovely mothers. They should see it. Our sons should see our femininity. Our daughters should see our femininity so that we dress femininely.

Well sadly, hardly anyone dresses femininely today, because we all wear the uniform. Growing up I went to school and I had to wear the uniform. Back in those days you all wore a uniform and it was always the most horrible thing you could ever wear. It was always dismal, dark, boring, and horrible.

Oh goodness me, I hated it! And yet, isn’t it amazing how today, people wear the uniform. Not quite the exact uniform, but everyone today is dressed in jeans and top.

I’m not saying you can’t wear that, but I must admit it is a bit of a uniform. I also have to admit it’s not really very feminine. Sometimes you can make it feminine by putting on a feminine top and make it look a bit more feminine. But to tell you the truth, it’s not truly feminine, is it?

Yet here we are, that’s what everybody wears. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the secular place or in the church. It doesn’t matter whether you’re in the world or you’re in God, you’re still wearing the uniform, because we are like sheep. We follow what everybody else is doing.

Sometimes I look at some of our beautiful young people walking around. They are lovely young people and they love God with all their hearts. I look them with their jeans on with holes in their knees, holes in their thighs, and I think, “Oh goodness me, grandmothers would turn over in their graves to see them like this! They wouldn’t even be able to believe it!”

But there we go. That’s the uniform. But really, it’s not that feminine and to tell you the truth, I don’t even see any godliness about it. Yet, that’s what we do because that’s what everyone is doing.

We say, “It’s just as well God looks on the heart.” And I know so many of these who are dressing like this. Their hearts are beautiful. Yes, they just love God with all their hearts. But they are conditioned by society.

It’s true. We are conditioned by society more than we are the Word of God or even the heart of God Who created us feminine.

I’m at airports a lot of the time going to speak out at Above Rubies retreats. Sometimes we have to wait for planes. As I’m waiting, I look around and think, “I wonder if I can see a real feminine woman.”

It’s very rare. Every now and then you’ll see one with a beautiful skirt on, just really looking so feminine and they do look so lovely. Actually, they stand out.

In fact I was at a church one night, not our church that we are part of, but I went to this big meeting. This has actually happened a couple of times to me and I was unbelievably amazed. These young people came up to me and they said, “Oh, you just look so beautiful.”

Now here I am, this older person, and I have this lovely skirt and jacket on. And I mean, I have to confess, I don’t think I was looking very beautiful because I am older and here are all these glorious young people.

I thought, “I wonder why they said that.” I thought later, I think it was something about my femininity. Something about what I was wearing gave that feminine image.

They were all in their uniform of jeans and top. Even though that is what they wear, there is something inside them that obviously related to “Oh, yes, that is beautiful!” It has happened more than once.

It’s interesting. I love to have a dress up box in my home because the children love it, especially the young ones, the little ones. They love to come and get out the dress up box and find all these lovely dresses. Sometimes they get wrecked and we run out of them. But I have also lots of leftover lacey curtains and things. They are so creative! They can just take bits of material, lace, and curtains and dress themselves up like princesses and queens.

I find every time they come, that’s how they dress. They want to be a princess and they want to be a queen. It’s in them, this femininity, this wanting to look beautiful like a princess.

Then of course, as they get older and get into society, they get with the groove and start to wear those things. But really, inside of them, they delight to do that.

Coming up very soon we will be having Breezy’s Ball. Breezy is one of Serene’s children, Serene and Pearl of Trim Healthy Mama.

Breezy will be having her 10th birthday. But when she was only four years of age, Serene was putting on a little party for her. She decided, “Okay, I think we will have a ball for Breezy.”

Breezy, at that age, she was only four, but oh, she just wanted to be a princess. She always was dressing up like a princess. Every time you saw Breezy ,she was in a princess dress and she wanted to marry a prince.

So Serene said, “We are going to have a ball for Breezy. All the girls and mums and aunties, you have to come dressed up as a princess. Boys, you’ve got to come as a knight or a soldier or a prince and dress up as someone pretty amazing.

Because when we have parties at our place we don’t have “All of the little girls come to the little girls party” or “All of the boys come to the boy’s party.” Although that happens sometimes, because the boys will go out and sleep out into the woods sometimes. But mostly we have family parties, and everyone is asked.

Well, it turned out to be one of the most amazing fancy dress ball we have ever had. We do a lot of dressing up here, but everybody just went” to the nines” and it was just glorious.

Then we had some beautiful ballroom dancing for Breezy. It was such a beautiful night. It was so glorious that we have now made it a tradition and we do have Breezy’s ball every year where we all get dressed up.   

It just shows, though, doesn’t it, ladies, that it is actually inside us, it’s there right from the beginning. It gets sort of brainwashed out of us because of the culture we live in. But I think right down inside we really know that God wants us to be feminine. So I think we should seek to be as feminine as we can in the way we dress so when we go out in society there is a distinction between male and female.

I’m a great believer in seeing a distinction. Not just a blur, a distinction between male and female.

A distinction in the way we dress, yes, but in the way we talk, in the way we walk, in the way we sit. That’s another thing today. So many young people do not know how to sit because they are used to wearing jeans and they can put their legs any way they’d like because you can’t see up to everything.

If you are wearing a skirt, then you have to make sure that it’s long enough covering your knees and that you sit in a way that no one can see anything. You learn to sit femininely and in the correct way for women.

There are all these different areas of our femininity. I’m not putting any laws on you at all. But all I want to say is, God created us feminine. Let’s seek to be as much as we can and in every way, feminine.

This is our glory. We give glory to God when we are feminine. We’re not showing the glory of how He created us when we dress and act and speak masculine.

So I think we need these little reminders, don’t we?

Let’s go on to our next point, which is number seven.

Number seven. Raising young men to be strong is glory.

The Bible says in Proverbs 20:29: “The glory of young men is their strength . . ..”

That is so true. It’s wonderful to see young men growing up and growing up tall. Well some are going to be short but growing up strong. They are taking on their masculinity and are real males. There’s no little wimpiness or femininity about them. Once again, young men need to show their masculinity.

So lovely mothers, we are training our daughters to be feminine and we’re training our sons to be masculine and to grow up and to be like men.

To grow up in their youth to be like men. Psalm 144:12 talks about our sons growing up to be mature, even in their youth. We’re not keeping our sons as little boys, little wimpy boys who don’t know how to work and don’t know how to take responsibility. No, we’re raising sons to be mature.

We’re raising them to be strong physically, but strong in character.

Girls, of course, have to be strong in character too. But we’ll talk about that another day. Today we’re talking about our sons because we’re talking about how God says that for young men, their strength is their glory.

Who are the ones who are raising these young men? It’s we as mothers. We’re going to raise them to live in all their glory or to be wimpy and immature. What are we doing? I think that even from a young age we need to encourage our children to have a work ethic and our boys to work hard. It’s not always so easy when you live in the city and often it’s hard to find things for boys to do.

We are blessed out here in that our grandsons living here on the hilltop are able to do manly things. Their fathers get them to do things on the land and they’re driving tractors and they’re doing this and they’re doing that.

In the city you often think, “Well what can I do to get my sons doing some really manly things?” Of course, if you’ve got a yard, you’ll be getting them to keep that clean and keep it right. But maybe you’ve only got a little wee yard. What are you going to give your sons to do?

I printed in Above Rubies in one issue about this lovely mother in the city. I’ve actually stayed in her home on two or three occasions and met all these wonderful young sons. But they live in the heart of the city and all around them are these effluent people and these doctors and lawyers. So this mother who wanted to train her sons in maturity, she thought, “What can I do?”

God began to give her ideas. They began to check out with their neighborhood. Because so many of these people living around them are professionals and businesspeople, they don’t have time or even inclination to look after their yards or mow their lawns or do any of that kind of manual work.

She suggested, “I have sons who are willing to come clean your yards, mow your yards, and do creative work around your home, and anything that you need done that needs to be done by a man. You can employ them.”

These young sons have found so much work. They’re still homeschooling but even before they are moving on into their own realms and careers (their own father is a doctor himself), they are finding great work and income as they go around to their neighbors and they do their work for them.

Even their daughters have found their own work of cooking for these professional people.

So even in the city they were able to find work to do to train their young men and get them working hard and get them working physically. Because even if a young man is going into a career that is perhaps more using his brain, he still should have opportunity to use his brawn because men need to do this.

If they don’t use their brawn, they become wimpy and flabby and they’re not walking in the glory of their strength. Amen? I’m sure you’re all saying amen with me.

I also want to take you to another Scripture about young men. It’s in 1 John in the New Testament, chapter 2 verses 12 and 14:  I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father. I have written unto you, fathers [it’s interesting how he repeats it again. It’s something so strong on John’s heart so he repeats it again], because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and [now it tells us how they are strong] the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.”

Those are powerful words, aren’t they?

Of course we are preparing and feeding our young sons to become strong. Of course we have to do a lot of cooking for that, don’t we? We want to do good, nutritional cooking because we don’t want them to grow up fat and flabby. We want them to grow up strong on good, wholesome food. Amen?

I see too many flabby young men around today. You never ever, ever saw that in times past.

In fact, I was looking at some pictures recently from back in my generation when I was young, and I couldn’t believe it. They were all very trim and I couldn’t’ see one fat person.

Then I began to think. I didn’t even know one fat young person when I was growing up. They were all trim and healthy because we all worked hard. We didn’t ride in the car everywhere. We either cycled or we walked.

We also lived on good wholesome food. We lived out of our gardens. We didn’t have all the fast food today that is putting on all that weight and causing so many to have Type 2 diabetes. They’re just all getting fat and flabby. Oh goodness me, it’s so sad.

No, we have got to raise young men who are not weak and flabby but who are strong physically but also strong in the Lord, strong in their convictions, strong in the Word of God so that they know how to overcome the wicked one.

Young men who are growing up strong and in their glory are young men who know how to overcome the enemy, who know how to overcome the deceptions in this culture in which we are living, who know how to overcome the temptations of the enemy.

Now precious mothers, they’re not going to just know this because it just happens. No, they will only know this by our mothering, by our training, and by our teaching.

We are the ones preparing them to live in their glory. I think this is one of the greatest needs there are today for young men to not only grow up strong physically, but strong in the Lord and who know how to walk in God and who are prepared to face life.

I think today of so many beautiful young women who know how to run a house. They’ve been raised in a family where they know how to run a home, where they’ve had children and babies around them. They love children.

They can’t wait to be married and have a home of their own because it’s within every young woman to have a home of her own. It’s within us to have a home and we want to establish a home and raise a family.

So many can’t find a suitable young man because there are too many wimps. Where do we find these young men who are strong in the Word of God, who are not giving into the temptations around them, who are not giving into pornography and all this junk. Men who are not giving in and who are not overtaken by social media.

So many of the young men, teenagers and twenties, what do they do all day? They’ve got their iPhones and are on social media. Oh goodness, this isn’t making a man out of them.

They’re looking for men who know how to overcome temptation. They’re looking for a man who is ready to marry, who is ready to have children, and who is ready to take the responsibility of having a home.

Where are they?

I know some of you are raising them. Thank you, thank you, that is so wonderful.

But there are so many beautiful girls who are getting into their late twenties and early thirties and they haven’t been able to find one. They’re in my prayer box. I pray for them. I pray that God will do miracles and bring these kind of young men into their lives.

Dear ladies, we’re raising young men, not to be like every other young man in our culture today, but to live in their glory.  We’re going to talk more about it in the next podcast.

“Dear Father, we thank You so much for the way You remind us about our glorious role and how You’re wanting us to raise children for Your glory, daughters, of course, and even sons that we’re talking about at this moment.

“I pray for all these precious mums to whom you have given sons, little baby sons, bigger sons, and older sons. I pray you give them the anointing of Your Holy Spirit to raise them to be mighty in God and to be strong in the Lord and to be mature even in their youth.

“I ask this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.”