PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | Episode 41 – How Can We Change The World? - Part 7


FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell


Rocky: Welcome to the podcast, FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy: Hello ladies. I am so excited that I have Serene with me again today. We are so blessed to have her. At the end of last week's poddy, I mentioned a Scripture, but I didn't have the right reference for you, so I must give that to you. I was talking about how the Hebrew word for sperm is the word zerah. It's so amazing that God, in His Word, uses the same word for people. This was the Scripture I was trying to give you, and it was about Jacob coming down from Canaan down to Egypt where Joseph was going to look after him and his family because of the famine.

Genesis 46:5-7, that's the reference. It says: “And Jacob rose up from Beersheba, and the sons of Israel carried Jacob their father and their little ones and their wives, and they came to Egypt. Jacob and all his seed with him.” There's the word, zerah, the same word used for sperm. Now, did all these little sperms float down from Canaan? No, they were people. They were his sons and his grandsons, his daughters and his granddaughters, as the next verse says. It says it again: “And all his seed,” meaning all his children, from his sons to their children, three generations, maybe more, coming down to Egypt with him. We see that the Scripture uses this same word for people of all ages.

We see it again, Isaiah 59:21 where God says: “As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the Lord, my spirit that is upon thee and my words that I have put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed.” There it is again and it means your children. Yes, they started from a sperm, the word zerah, and now Scripture is still calling them zerahs, “nor out of thy seed’s seed,” meaning out of their children's children, “saith the Lord, from henceforth and forever.”

What about Psalm 37:25: “'I have been young,' said David, 'now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed.'” zerah, but of course meaning children, “'nor his children begging bread.'”

Do you remember when God came to Abraham, and he told him to come out and look at the stars? He said to Abraham, well I think it was Abram at that time, “Look at the stars, if thou be able to number them, and he said to Abram, so shall thy seed be.” The word is for sperm but also for children. It's used hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times in the Bible for people, for little ones, children, teenagers and adults. We are reminded again, this is how God sees it. He sees that a person begins with the sperm.

Now, of course, I have to say that the sperm is not the new person. It becomes a new person when the sperm joins with the egg, and then it's called a zygote. I don't really like that word, do you? I don't like a lot of these medical words, zygote, and oocyte (ovum) and all these words (they don’t sound very human or nurturing). I love what the Bible says. Do you know what the Bible calls a baby in the womb? “With child.”

Serene: That's beautiful.

Nancy: When someone is having a baby it says, “with child.” Isn't that lovely?

Serene: I don't want to interrupt you, but I started this interesting thought. You're talking about how the Bible calls carrying a baby “with child.” An interesting line of thought about when the Bible says life begins. Of course, we know in the understanding now of science is that conception and also in the Bible it says that He breaths life at conception. It's so interesting that when Mary was told: “Don't be afraid, you're going to be overshadowed with the Holy Spirit, and you're going to be carrying the Son of God,” when she conceived life by the Holy Spirit. then the angel, at the same time, says: “Elizabeth, your cousin is six months with child.” She goes down to Elizabeth, and the life inside of Elizabeth's womb leaps and Elizabeth says: “What honor do I have that my Lord has come to see me?” (Luke 1:43). The Bible calls the baby in her womb already LORD!

Nancy: Yes, isn't that amazing?

Serene: The Bible says she stays with Elizabeth for three months. At the time of Mary's conception, the angel says Elizabeth is six months. She goes and stays for three months because it says she stays until the baby is born. When he basically told Mary, “you are now carrying the son of God,” that was the first moment, so it was already considered to be the Son of God.

Nancy: I know, isn't that amazing?

Serene: The time-frame was given. Isn't that interesting?

Nancy: It's beautiful and the fact, Serene, I think this is incredible that, “my LORD.” Isn't that revelation that Jesus, in the womb, was the age many babies are being aborted at that time.

Serene: Before that because when she went to Elizabeth, Elizabeth was six months and then she stayed three months from there, so at their greeting, Mary was just a few days from conception.

Nancy: That's right!

Serene: That's what I'm trying to say. He's called “LORD” right at the conception time (Luke 1:43)!

And adding a little bit here for you ladies. The word LORD in the Greek in this Scripture is kurios and mans “supremacy, supreme in authority, Master, God, Lord.” He owned this name at the very beginning of conception, the time when many babies are being aborted)!

Nancy: Yes, at the beginning,” my LORD.” Goodness, not even a child in the womb, but “my LORD.” Have you got it, precious ladies?

Another little article, I wonder if you noticed it. It was way at the back in the new issue of Above Rubies #96 on page 28. I have a little article called, “What do you call a Pregnant Mommy?” I speak here about how the Word of God so often says when a mother is pregnant, she is “with child.” Now, there are three different Hebrew words that I used to explain “with child,” and then we go over to the New Testament and there are two Greek words that I used.

One of them, I love the word brephos. That word is used of Jesus. Again, it was used of Jesus, and it says how she was with child of the holy Ghost and that's the word, brephos.

Then we come over to chapter 2 of Luke and verse 12: “And this shall be a sign unto you. Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in manger.” The word brephos, was used of a baby in the womb. Now it's used of the baby who's just born and again, in verse 16: “You'll find the babe lying in a manger.” Brephos.

Then we go over to 2 Timothy 3:15 where Paul is writing to Timothy, and he says: “From a child, thou hath known the holy Scriptures.” Well, how old was he as a child? Well, I'm sure they began giving the Scriptures to him at a very early age. The same word is used of the baby in the womb to the little baby that's born and now the little baby who is a child. We are seeing this one in the womb is a child from the time of conception. Isn't it amazing?

Serene: Science calls it embryo, whatever, the child, when inside the womb, when it only weighs 1/30th of an ounce. It has all the internal organs of the adult in various stages of development. It has little lips, an early tongue and buds for twenty milk teeth. Its sex and reproductive organs have begun to sprout.

Now, I'm allowed to say it. This is the most incredible news. It's your podcast so you can say it.

Nancy: No, you're allowed. You're the mother.

Serene: No, I'll say it on my poddy.

Nancy: You're the mother. I'm only the grandmother.

Serene: No, you can say it on your pod, and I'll say it on my poddy.

Nancy: Well, it is so wonderful. Now, many of you have been those who have faithfully prayed for our grandson, Arden. You know that he did have cancer. God has miraculously healed him. We thank you for your prayers as we went through those trying and terrible times while he was stage four, but God has brought him through. One of the things that we kept crying out to God for as we were praying through this was that he would not lose his fertility. When Arden and Esther were married, they just longed to have a baby. In fact, I think they took a pregnancy test on their honeymoon. Is that right?

Serene: Bought one.

Nancy: They longed to have a baby, and yet, of course, they went through all this instead. They have longed and waited and hoped, but now, we have the news. They have conceived and are now expecting a baby! September isn't it, Arden?

Serene: Yes!

Nancy: God has been so faithful

Serene: We have seen the little baby on a sonogram. We've seen the little hands and the little feet, the two eyes and the beating heart. It's unbelievable. I can't wait! Bringing that all up, because when they had the sonogram, the baby was eight weeks.

Reading this book by Randy Alcorn, it says by eight weeks, hands and feet are almost perfectly formed. Now Arden and Esther are now entering in to the ninth week of the baby. They are inside of the ninth week. By the ninth week, a child will bend fingers around an object placed in the palm. Fingernails are forming and the child is now sucking its thumb. The nine-week baby has already perfected a somersault, back flip, and scissor kick. The unborn nine-week old baby responds to stimulus and may already be capable of feeling pain.

Now, the reason I want to say that is because abortions at this time are called early abortions. They are already capable of feeling pain. Already they are doing back flips and somersaults and kicks, putting their hand and enclosing it around an abject.

Nancy: That is a child!

Serene: I'm saying, the only difference where we are celebrating all these amazing things that this sweet baby is doing and learning and growing in, we are celebrating it because this baby is wanted. There is no difference with the facts that the baby is a baby to the nine-week-old baby that is being aborted. The only reason they say it's a clump of tissue is because it's not wanted. The facts are the facts. These poor beautiful ladies are being told not to look at the screen of their baby when they go into these abortion clinics. Why? Because the facts are the facts. It's sad because the baby is a baby no matter if it's wanted or unwanted.

Nancy: Yes, exactly. It is a baby being created in the image of God. Isn't it incredible all the little things that baby is already doing? It's so exciting and amazing. For people to stop the life of this little child is nothing less than murder, and we should call it what it is because so many things in society now are called names to lessen what is really happening, but we need to call things what they are.

Serene: Yes, and I want to say this too because this is just incredible. After the first three months, nothing new develops or begins functioning. Nothing new. It has all happened in the first three months. It's growing but nothing new. It's all done. But we are growing for the rest of our life. A three-year-old isn't fully grown, so we just lop it's head off? That's the point.

“God, take the wool off of all of our eyes and our society’s eyes.” Because this fully intact child is just growing and maturing as it goes through life. Every abortion, unless life is lost through miscarriage, every abortion, it's an undisputable, scientific fact that it stops the beating heart and stops already measurable brain waves.

Nancy: I know; it's incredible. We are talking in this series about changing the world. Dear lovely ladies, you can help change this in our society. I can help it as we stand up for what is truth, as we educate our children in what is truth. We have got to do this, and we have got to be a voice.

Serene: Sometimes, like we said yesterday in the pod, sometimes it takes opening up your eyes again. Sometimes it takes viewing things that aren't comfortable to view. I notice with my children, you know, they would go down to abortion clinics, and not at all in any disruptive, awful way, but in a very gentle way, just praying outside of abortion clinics and holding up signs that Jesus loves babies but nothing at all in any violent way or violent message or anything like that. Just standing up for life.

But sometimes they would get exhausted and say, I can't be bothered, I'd rather just hang out at so and so's house. After watching Gosnell, that's all they want to do. The reality of it can fall away from your brain space. Even if you're about the work, sometimes you can forget the purpose and the meaning behind the work you're about. It's like Martha. She was running around serving Jesus and the disciples. Maybe she forgot what Mary knew, who was at Jesus' feet. It's great to be about the work of life and being an activist for life, but we've got to remember sometimes and reeducate ourselves so that there's PASSION behind it.

Nancy: Yes, we do. We have to keep reminding ourselves and also the fact that we are constantly, well science, is finding out more and more wonderful things. We need to keep reeducating ourselves so that we are up with the information so that we can share with people. Once again, another reminder, don't forget to get Gosnell if you haven't seen it yet. Do watch it with your children, especially your teens and bring in others.

Serene: Another thing too, I'm getting my children for homeschooling is Randy Alcorn's, “Why Pro-life: Caring for the Unborn and their Mothers.” It's a great read for older teen boys and girls. I'd get the updated version because it's the updated facts.

Nancy: Yes, that is so good. Maybe I should get that and have it available through Above Rubies too.

Serene: Another thing I love about it is that he goes into the beginning, why abortion. He goes into the whole history about Margaret Sanger and genocide. Oh, my goodness, the heart behind it was evil, was the devil, was demonic. The Nazi whole thing was just a tiny window into all that's behind abortion. The interesting thing he goes and talks about is everyone these days is about women's rights, women's rights, women's rights, but abortion is actually the most opposing of all women's rights because abortion has opened up for more female death than ever before. In India and in China, these nations, they want the men to be able to provide so there are more girls killed and murdered through abortion than boys. If a woman, through sonogram, finds out she is pregnant with a girl in China and India, 80 something percent of them are aborted.

Nancy: It's horrific, isn't it? It's hard to even take in. I had a few little interesting thoughts. I mentioned before that when the 23 chromosomes of the egg or the ovum and the 23 chromosomes of the sperm come together, they are yoked and it's called a zygote. I was interested to notice that it's actually a Greek word. It comes from the Greek word, zygotes, which means “to join, to be yoked.” When the ovum and the sperm are yoked together, then they become this living organism. They were living cells, but now it's a living organism, which is the very beginning of this new life.

It's amazing how you pick up things, and I noticed that we have a word in the Bible that's also so similar to zygote, and it means exactly the same. It's zogos and it's the word in 2 Corinthians 6:14 where it says that believers should not be unequally yoked together with an unbeliever. That's interesting because they use that same word meaning to be joined or yoked together. Isn't that interesting?

There are lots of types in the Bible. You know that when the egg and the sperm meet, they keep finding out new things all the time. Science is exciting. We have to keep up with it because a lot of things they used to think are no longer valid because they are finding more understanding. Both the ovum and the sperm have a protein around them which helps them come together. If they didn't have that, they wouldn't be able to. After they've come together, then that protein disappears. One of the reasons is that another sperm will not be able to come in and penetrate the ovum.

Also, another thing happens, it becomes hardened around the edges so that no other sperm can penetrate once it is joined together. That's an interesting thing, and it just made me think. You see, there are little types all the way along in God's plan, and I thought of the type of marriage. How that when a couple are married, when a man and wife come together, from that moment, they are yoked. You see, it's the word, zygote, yoked, they are joined together, they are couple together in a yoke and that yoke is not ever to be separated. Around that yoke, like the newly formed, it's now a zygote, it has this hardening around so that nothing else can penetrate.

This is something we need to know in our marriage, even young couples getting married. From the day you get married, that is the last day you have another special male friend. Of course, you'll have lots of male friends that you enjoy with your husband along with others but never on your own. You will never ever go out, out to lunch, out to supper, out to have an afternoon with another man. No, no one ever comes and penetrates your marriage. No. What are our marriage vows? “FORSAKING ALL OTHERS”. I thought that is a little type that goes back to the baby.

Serene: So amazing.

Nancy: It is amazing. There are so many types. God is so amazing. Even in the way He planned sexual intercourse. Now, the sexual part of the man, it goes forth, it stretches forth, and that's who the man is and that's who he is in his life. He's the one who goes forth; he goes out to provide; he's the leader. That's how God has made him.

Now, the woman, she embraces the seed, and it is taken and hidden in the heart of her being. This is how God intends her to be in the home. It's a picture, once again. Now, a lot of women don't like to know this, but this is God's picture. Psalm 128:3: “Your wife is like a fruitful vine in the heart of the home.” In the heart, there in the home, but not wasting her life. No, she has the greatest career of all time, raising and nurturing and teaching her children and building the nation to be a great nation. Of course, Satan knows all this stuff, and he tries to wipe it out. Just interesting, a few little types along the way.

Serene: So good. Another word, when you're talking about words, I don't remember what it is, but when it says in the Bible about Adam, it says that God breathed life. What is that Hebrew or Greek word? What is it? Do you know what it is?

Nancy: He breathed life. Well, we better have a look.

Serene: I think it’s plural, lives. The breath of lives into you. He breathed into Adam the breath of life, but in the Hebrew and Greek, I believe it's a plural word. The breath of lives.

Nancy: Well, we will just check it out because we always have to be absolutely right exactly what we tell people.

Serene: Breathes into his nostrils the breath of life and man becomes a living soul. I think it's plural. Then I'll tell you my thought about it once I found out.

Nancy: Genesis 2:7. We’ve got to be absolutely right in what we share with all you lovely ladies. It is the word, chai.

Serene: Is it plural?

Nancy: It doesn't say it's plural. I'm so sorry.

Serene: Well, I just read a book, and it says the breath of lives, but is there another word?

Nancy: Could be another word.

Serene: There's another word, and they said it was plural. When it said, the breath of life, when he breathed in the breath of life, this one book said, “the breath of lives.” It wasn't just for you to be a life, it was for you to be a life-giver. It was in interesting book. It was actually a book encouraging people after abortions and miscarriages. I'll have to look up the word.

Nancy: Yes, it could be in another Scripture. Talking about life, this is the thing too that we have to see, is that God's kingdom is a kingdom of life. God is all about life; it's who He is. He’s a life-giver. He's the one who gives life. No one else can give life. Of course, Satan hates this. You know why, ladies? Because he can't give life. Satan has no power or capability of giving life, so he is against life. He hates it.

That is why Jesus said in John 10:10: “I have come to give you life abundantly.” What does the devil do? He comes to rob, to kill and to destroy. It's very interesting that there are three things mentioned there, a trio. Isn't this what Satan has today? A trio. A trio to stop life—contraception, sterilization, and abortion. It is a trio of destruction to stop life.

Of course, I know, I am sure each one of you listening today are against abortion. It horrifies you, but I think that a lot of us haven't quite got it yet that contraception, sterilization, and abortion are all the same thing, in different ways, of course, but they all have the same motive, the same purpose to eliminate and destroy life. In fact, abortion is really only the back-up plan.

Contraception is the very first thing on the mind of Satan, the devil, the one who comes to rob, kill, and destroy because he wants to eliminate life as much as he possibly can. If he can eliminate it through contraception, he's just won a great victory. Of course, a lot of times it doesn't work, so abortion is the back-up plan.

Now, I do feel, lovely ladies, until we really understand this as the people of God, I don't think we can win the victory in the abortion issue. How can we win this victory for life when so many Christians, and I know so many are just doing it ignorantly. They have not been educated or informed. They come to church faithfully, but no pastor gets up and teaches them the truth about this; this very, very powerful truth that should be taught in all churches. About life and that when we contracept, we are stopping, we are contracepting life from going into the world. We are stopping life. We are stopping, many times, life that God has intended to come forth.

I believe that one of the reasons why we are in such a place in our nation today, where there is such a fight to hang on for righteousness and life and godliness and now we have the socialists, and the extreme feminists  and leftists, and progressives with their communist agenda which is against life, and we are trying to fight it. Wow, are we really winning? We should have so many more to stand up as a voice against it, to vote against it, but we haven't got them. They are not here because God's people have stopped them coming into the world. They have stopped the godly seed, so we have eliminated the godly in the land, when God intends his people to fill the land.

Serene: Amazing. Sorry, I was listening, and I was actually being naughty because I was looking up that Hebrew word.

Nancy: Oh yes, do, because we want to find out about it.

Serene: The Hebrew word for life I was talking about there is the word chayim. It's a plural noun.

Nancy: Chayim. Yes, it's plural. It wasn't in that Scripture, but it could be in other Scriptures. Chayim is the plural definitely.

Serene: Of breath of life.

Nancy: Yes, because when they have “im” on the end of a Hebrew word, it's plural.

Serene: Yes.

Nancy: We've got to get the Scripture where that word is. While you're finding that, let me just read you from Exodus 1, and this is how it's meant to be. This is talking about the children of Israel in Egypt, and it says in verse 7: “And the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied and waxed exceeding mighty and the land was filled with them.”

Dear ladies, this is the picture of how God intends the land to be filled with His people. The godly giving glory to Him, filling the land with His glory. Raising children, filled with His spirit, who will take His salvation and His truth and His justice into the land. This is God's plan, but we have forfeited His plan. We have stopped His plan. All because of many times, selfishness, sometimes rebellion, but perhaps mostly ignorance. We have been educated with lies, so we don't know the truth, and we don't know God's plan.

If we want to win, we've got to multiply. Do you know why? Because God's principles never change. God's first commandment, but it was also His first principle, the very first words He ever said to man. Well, before He said them, He did something. Before God spoke these words, He blessed Adam and Eve. He poured out His blessing on them and then He said: “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth.” But He didn't stop there. He went on to say, “subdue and take” (Genesis 1:26). It is a progressive law of God that those who are fruitful are those that will subdue and take dominion.

Dominion comes through fruitfulness, multiplying. This picture we are reading here in Exodus chapter one how they waxed exceeding mighty because they filled the land. In verse 9, the new pharaoh said, “Oh goodness me, these people, the children of Israel, are “more and mightier than we are.” That is what God intends for His people. Now, we could be that, if we brought the children forth that God wanted us to and raised them for Him. Think of the thousands and millions of godly people filling the land with His joy and His love and His salvation and His truth and justice. It's unbelievable.

But then, of course, we know what happened, that they were so scared of the people of God that they began to afflict them. But verse 12, “The more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew” and so on. This is how it's meant to be. This is what God wants. Let’s be who God intends us to be. We are either on God's side, which is His kingdom, which is the kingdom of light, or we are in the devil's kingdom which is the kingdom of death. If we stand for stopping life, can we say that we're in God's kingdom, which is a kingdom of life? There are only two kingdoms. One, the devil’s, who comes to rob, kill, and destroy, and God's kingdom which is a kingdom of life, which loves life and wants to bring forth the godly seed.

I'm thinking of Malachi 2 where it's talking about marriage. What does it say? The married couple, they come together, and God looks. What does He look for in the marriage? It says, “What does He want from this marriage?” and then it goes on to say in verse 15: “I look for the godly seed.” There's that word zera again, the word that is used for sperm and the word that is used for children. Most translations will say: “I look for godly offspring,” or “godly children.” That's what God looks for in our coupling and joining together. He wants a godly offspring. He wants them to fill the world, and this is His plan. Let's not forfeit God's plan. Amen? I'm going to pray, and I think we might need one more session on this subject.

“Lord, we thank You. We thank You for Your divine truths. They are so amazing and Lord, You're allowing scientists to see more and more and more of Your divine truths, as we see and behold the glory of the baby in the womb. It's unbelievable.

“Lord God, we pray that You will awaken us more and more to stand for Your truth. We pray that You will awaken Your people across this nation. You'll awaken your church, You'll awaken pastors and teachers, You'll awaken every God-fearing person to stand and be a voice in this nation against murder of precious life that is being created in the divine image of God.

“Lord, help us not to be dumb-downed, to be deceived, but Lord, to know the truth. We pray for Your truth to come forth in a mighty way in the name of Jesus. Amen.”




Don’t miss the moving coming soon, UNPLANNED, released March 29.

Abby Johnson becomes the youngest clinic director in the history of Planned Parenthood, then a life-changing experience turns her into an anti-abortion activist.


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