PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | Episode 40 – How Can We Change The World? - Part 6


Episode 40: How Can We Change The World - Part 6

FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell

I am joined today by my daughter, Serene Allison of Trim Healthy Mama. We begin the subject of not only being on the side of life, but adamantly advocating for life. We make it a habit to choose life in every situation, from conception to the grave.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, From Our Home to Yours, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! Wonderful to be with you again. And sitting right beside me is my lovely daughter Serene, and her darling little baby, Solly! Are you going to say “Hi.” Solly?

Serene: She will, probably as we go along. Probably has a lot to say, about this subject too!

Nancy: Yes, well, it's so wonderful to have Serene today, because, wow! She's so busy! A mother, of 14 children! Wow! Nine biological.

And little Solly, she is sitting here. She always sits with Serene, no matter where, even on their own poddy. I know that most probably all of you listen to the THM poddy. Of course, that poddy was No. 1 for health last year, in the whole world!

So, the reason I've got Serene with me today is that Pearl is away this week. I said, “Please, Serenie Beanie, would you come and be with me?” She really hasn't got time, but here she is!

Serene: Of course, I've got time!

Nancy: So that is so exciting. Anyway, we are speaking at the moment in our podcast about HOW DO WE CHANGE THE WORLD? I believe that we are meant to be changing the world. Yes, you in your home, as a mother, and we have the power to do this.

We are up to point number 13, and I've got quite a few more to go. This one is:


We're finding that if we're going to change the world, we can't be ordinary about anything. We've got to be extraordinary.

Now in regard to the subject of life, I believe we have to be more than those who say, “Yes, I believe in life.” No, we have to ADAMANTLY believe in life.

Serene: And I love, I was just thinking, on our poddy, my poddy, we've been talking about THE POWER OF YOUR WORDS. You know, death and life, and the power of the tongue. Just when you were talking about adamantly believing in life, I was thinking about, wow, I've never thought about that before, how death and life are in the power of the tongue.

We need to, it's good that we're talking about this subject, because sometimes it's so politically incorrect today to talk about life and abortion issues that it's not spoken out enough. But death and life wages here, death and life, and the power of the tongue. So you're right, it's not just about speaking about it, but it starts with speaking about it. Speaking, and then the action comes, definitely.

Nancy: Yes, because what we speak about is what we're passionate about. Why should we be adamant and passionate about life, ladies? I believe it's because God is passionate about life. He is the author of life. He loves life. He loves to give life. He's the Creator of life.

Serene: Life in every area. We're specifically talking about life here in humans—conception, and human form. But you know, life in every area of life, we stand with God. We stand for life, whether it's eating. We choose life every day whether its on our meal plate.   

You know, whether it's our attitude, we choose life. We don't choose negativity. We choose to look at, you know, like the Bible says, think of things that are noble and great and pure. These are things we think about. So we choose life in our thought patterns. We choose life in our marriage. We choose to focus on the things that breathe life in our marriage, not the destructive, looking at all the negatives of the other person. So life, yes, in every area.

Nancy: Yes, and I think, especially as wives and mothers, we are the life-givers of our home. Yes, life begins in the womb, and we have the privilege, privilege, a blessing to bring forth life. But it doesn't stop there, as you said.

We've got to speak life-giving words, create life-giving meals, life-giving attitude. We've just got to release life, life, life, all the time. We don't always do it. Sometimes we can get negative, and so on. And really, that's just what produces death. So we just need to be encouraged, don't we?

We want to encourage you today to choose life in every area of your life. When you wake up in the morning, and all through the day, you'll have opportunities where you can choose death, or can choose life. And we have to CHOOSE LIFE!

Serene: And as we talk about the subject of life, conception in the womb, we bring it forth from a place of total . . . no condemnation . . . we bring it forth from a place of going forward, not looking back in the past. I have so many wonderful friends myself, personal wonderful friends, who have had abortions, but who are incredible, incredible people that have been forgiven by the Lord, and are wonderful mothers.

They were hoodwinked by the devil, and they were sold a lie. You know, they have suffered grievous consequences, of just painful . . . but this is where God released them, God can release totally, but you know, they're the victims as well, the victims of the deception. So this is not here to bring anyone down. This is not a condemnation, but it's a moving forward. How are we going to look at it from this point onward?

Nancy: Yes, that's so true, Serene, because, as you know, I have Above Rubies retreats for ladies. We have Above Rubies retreats for families, where my husband comes and speaks too, to the men. One of our traditions at our retreats is that every Sunday morning at our closing session, we have testimony time.

I love it, because I love hearing the stories of the ladies. Often, I look around at these beautiful ladies who come to these retreats, the lovely wives and beautiful mothers. Then, one of these most beautiful, gorgeous mothering ladies (you'd think she had been mothering from she was a little tiny tot) gets up and gives her testimony.

I'm listening, and my mouth gets bigger and bigger as I listen. Well, she only had six abortions! And here she is now, today, the most beautiful mother. But God is able to redeem in all things.

Serene: All things are new. Every day is a new day, and we're new creatures in Christ. All things are possible. Our sins are just totally separated as far as the east is from the west. I mean, they can never ever come in contact.

Nancy: Yes, but the thing we've got to do is choose life. Because these are the words of the Bible.  I think it would be good if we begin to talk more and more about this in this session. To start off with this Scripture: Deuteronomy 30:15- 20. I'll just read a little bit of it:

“See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil; In that I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments, his statutes and his judgments, that thou may live and multiply: and the Lord your God will bless you in the land.”

Verse 19: “I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore,” and here's the words that we need to take and make part of our lives! “Therefore CHOOSE LIFE.” That's what we have to do. In every little and big area of our lives, choose life, “that you and your children may live, and that you may love the Lord your God, and that you may obey his voice, and that you may cling to him: for he is your life, and the length of your days”

So there we've got it in the Word. Choose life.

Serene: Yeah, and, where do we choose it? And how early? Like the abortion people, pro, pro-choice, which is not really about pro-choice . . . really, it's such a confusing . . .

Nancy: Yes, very confusing! Because there, God is telling us, choose life! God gives a choice!

Serene: Choice is a good thing. Make good choices!

Nancy: Isn't it amazing? God says choose life and good. You want good in your life? You want blessing in your life? You choose life!

Serene: I believe you do, an individual has total choice over their own life, and God wants that to be a good choice. So we're PRO-GOOD CHOICE, not pro-choice.

However, the problem comes then is that they're not choosing over their own life with abortion, because the child within them is not them. Definitely not part of their body. It's inside of their body, but it is different. It is a unique soul, and it's separate from their body as well. So you're actually choosing for somebody else, and that's not right.

Nancy: That's right. Oh, I'm sure you have the latest magazine, Above Rubies 96. In this magazine, pages 12-13, I reprinted an article from Randy Alcorn. It's called, “Is the Unborn Part of the Mother's Body?” He shows explicitly, scientifically, and so clearly here, how that the baby that is growing in the womb is a totally different person than the mother, from the time of conception, with different DNA. Over half the time, or half the time, a male or female. Different everything!

Yes, this baby is inside the mother's body, but it is a different person. I think of a little illustration.  When Jonah was vomited into the . . . well, the whale vomited him out, but somehow he landed inside the whale's belly. Now when he became inside the whale's belly, did he become part of the whale?

Well, he was in the whale, but he wasn't a whale. No, he was still Jonah, a completely different person!

Serene: Yes, the fact is that they are a different person, because if they are aborted, they die, but the mother is still living.

Nancy: Yes, and if someone murders a mother with a child in her womb, most states in the nation will look upon that as a double murder. That's still law. You can look it up on the Internet. And yet, how do we have these abortion laws?

I mean, we just think about, just scientifically, this is the thing today, to say that a baby is not a new, living person, and, of course, an eternal soul at the moment of conception, is to just go against all science. Everyone knows it.

Serene: They can even do surgery on babies inside of the womb, incredible. They're still connected to the mother by the umbilical cord. They can be removed, given anesthesia, operated on. They have their own medical records, their own unique individual, their own blood type.

Nancy: Yes, they have their own blood type. Yes, completely different. Now, how about this? The American College of Pediatricians states this: you can look it up on the Internet. They say: “The predominance of human biological research confirms that human life begins at conception—fertilization. At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated, zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop. The difference between the individual in its adult stage, and its zygotic stage, is one of form, not nature. This statement focuses on the scientific evidence of when an individual human life begins,”

Now, that's the American College of Pediatricians. They state scientifically that the moment of conception begins a new living person, a different person inside the mother. Therefore, that is the truth. How is it that we still have these abortion laws allowing babies to be killed up to a certain number of weeks, but now in some states, right up to birth! This is so horrendous, and so abhorrent, that we cannot be status quo about it!

Serene: There's a doctor in Paris, he's a genetics professor, a Dr. Jérôme Lejeune. He says, after fertilization has taken place, there's a new human being. A new human being has come into being. He said, I quote: “It's no longer a matter of taste or opinion anymore. Each individual has a very neat beginning at conception.”

He's not necessarily like, a pro-life activist or anything. He's a professor, a genetics professor, who sees the facts. And it's not merely pro-life people who are the ones supporting this. The owner of Oregon's largest abortion clinic has testified under oath, of course, human life begins at conception. They know it!

Nancy: They know it because you have to defy science if you deny it. So dearest ladies, we want to change this world about abortion, don't we? So we can't keep quiet. We can't keep quiet, because this is absolute, absolute murder. We have to see it as a murder of a precious life.

Serene: The other day, I mean, look at us here, sitting here, all hundred and something pounds of us . . . that's all good and all. I was thinking of the constant choices, power, in the newly conceived life. The concentration, the power in that!

All of the genetic coding, all the DNA, all of the information is inside that tiny, amazing life! The newly fertilized egg contains a staggering amount of genetic information, it's staggering! It's sufficient to control the individual growth and development for its entire life.

Yes, they say a single thread of DNA from a human cell contains information equivalent to a library of one thousand volumes. This is (I've been reading Randy Alcorn's book) so interesting, because I went to this used bookstore lately, and I'm like, “God, awww, all these hundreds and hundreds of books here! Probably a whole bunch of wisdom of men. I just want Your truth. I don’t have a great amount of time to read, so, hey, if there's something You want me to read, just let it catch my attention.”

And I'd asked the Lord that prior to when I found the book about Capps (the author is Capps) about THE POWER OF THE TONGUE.

I mean, it's in the Bible, but sometimes it's great to have teachers that unfold it to you, and that's what happened with the Capp’s book, THE POWER OF THE TONGUE. I don't know if that's the exact title, but anyway, WHY PRO-LIFE? by Randy Alcorn just kinda like jumped off the shelf to me recently, and I've been reading it lately.

And so it's pretty, and that's what I told my mum, if you ever speak about life, pro-life, I want to come on the podcast with you, because I have a new, great passion about it. Because, in your head, I don't know about you, but I've always been mentally, yes, against abortion. It's not right. It's killing human life.

It was all there in the mental assent, but I had become desensitized and numb. I didn't realize it, but I'd just become, like, yeah, it's bad. OK, so what time is it? Oh, what am I making for supper? Chicken cordon bleu? Like, you know, just like, boom! Like it was just part of, there wasn't enough of a . . . It needed to be reopened in my mind. And I watched Gosnell . . .

Nancy: Oh, yes. Have you watched Gosnell yet? Oh, you've got to get that movie. It's now out on DVD. Just go to the Internet, pull up Gosnell, about the serial killer. It's the most powerful movie. You've got to watch it, you've got to show it to your children, especially your teenagers, not your little wee ones. Bring in others and show it to them. This is one of the most powerful movies exposing abortion.

Serene: It's interesting, because, you know, my children and I have been praying against abortion for years. You know, it's just a prayer, it was almost like . . . I would never have admitted it was robotic-like. But I am in a new state of passion, you know, against abortion. So what with Gosnell, and this book jumps up itself, and I feel like it's just God's moving inside of me, saying, “Hey, it's time to re-fire up your prayers. It's time to be more vocal about the subject, because enough is enough!”

Nancy: Yes, and I do think that most probably you are feeling the same way. I believe there is a rising up against the horror of abortion, as we are seeing states like New York just brazenly saying, yes, we can murder the baby right up to birth.

I mean, this is so horrific that if God's people don't rise up, if they don't begin to pray and cry out to God, if they don't begin to be a voice, there's something wrong with us. And as you were saying before, about the amazing glories, the incredible miracle that happens even at the moment of conception, and the growth in the womb!

Some of you will have listened to my last series, Psalm 139, about the wonder of the birth, of the growing of the baby in the womb, and how one of the words that's used in the Hebrew is that it means “miraculous, amazing, incredible, wonderful, beyond the power of human understanding.” It is really beyond us.

Serene: A spark, a lightning bolt, takes place at the moment of conception, because it's God's breath on life. You know, and even just the photography into the womb these days is so spellbinding because that's the thing. It's illegal in many debates between pro-life and pro-choice to bring the evidence on film.

Nancy: Oh yes, they don't want people to see it!

Serene: But that's totally . . . ah, it doesn't even make sense. In every other murder scene or anything, they have to bring the evidence. They bring pictures of the murder spot, but they can't in this situation. Why? Because it's so telling. It's so telling. You can't see that and not see that it's human life, and it is murder.

You know, even in the little, few days of conception it may not look like a baby at 40 weeks, but it looks perfectly like it should at that stage of development of humankind.

Now a young girl at 17 looks very different than a six-month-old baby girl, because they're at different stages of development. So before puberty, do you say that's not really a human? Or before 45, you're not really human because you don't look like you're up to that level? Or when the elderly kind of start going down in a different direction, well, you know, you're not at your peak anymore. You're not really human life anymore.

I mean, you start getting into real wacko stuff, thinking when you have to have a human look, like a certain level of development to be human.

Nancy: But you know, Serene, I think that this issue goes even beyond abortion, because I don't think we understand life completely as God sees it. I believe that life begins in the sperm, even before conception, because this is where life is. When we read the Word, when you go into the Hebrew, you read the Hebrew word for sperm.

Now the Hebrew word for sperm is zerah. OK, zerah. Now, it means, in the King James Bible, it's called “the sperm of copulation,” no, the “seed of copulation.” Most modern translations would just call it the sperm, as we know it today.

But the interesting thing is (that's why I love going into the Hebrew) I found that the word, the same word zerah, is not only used of the sperm, but it's used to speak of people, of children, teenagers, adults. God uses the same word, because God sees that that person began in the life of the sperm. That's where the sperm united, coupled, joined with the egg. It became life.

But if that sperm was cut off, or killed, or spurned, before it could just come to the egg and become life, that's still a life that could have come into this world that does not come into the world!

Serene: See, I was thinking about it. I was thinking to myself, OK, choose life. And that's what I began about 15 minutes ago. Where do we start choosing life? You know, we start talking about conception, but yeah, earlier, even earlier than that. There's a Scripture that says: “Before you were formed in your mother's womb, I knew you.”

So there's a vision of life. God has a dream of life. He has His visions of these people He wants to bring to fruition, because it says: “Before I formed you in your mother's womb,” before you were even there, I knew you. So I'm wondering, how many dreams, visions, desires of people, does God want to spend eternity with, but they're not around?

And I look, I look at Solly as my ninth child. How many people have nine children? Quite a few, but not everybody. It's OK if God doesn't give that to you, because, well then, God does, God may give you one.

But I look around and think, “Oh my goodness, if I didn't have her!” It's just too incredible and too amazing and look at that personality! God had a vision of her. Imagine if I had said, “No, God, I don't want, I don't care for Your desire to have her in eternity with You.”

I was thinking about this here, and this may be too much. I don't know, it's like, out there. But I was thinking, OK, the very responsible in life today are told the real way to be responsible is to be responsible with your womb. You balance your checkbooks, and you use your coupons, and you know, you be frugal in this area and that. And in your womb, you be responsible and have one point something children.

I wonder, oh man, every time you turn around, there's these women on crack, and they're pregnant again, and pregnant again, and you wonder their fertility is so, like whoa. I thought to myself, “I wonder if God has to bring life, because He's a generous God with life. He wants eternity filled.  

He doesn't want a small house. He wants to celebrate eternity with people. You know He says: “Be fruitful and multiply.” He's a big God, a big-hearted God. He wants the people at the supper, at the marriage supper of the Lamb. He wants lots of people at the feast.

So if the other door was shut (am I a wacko?) I've been thinking along that line. Is it like, OK, but I'm, I mean, I have these people in mind. You know?

Nancy: Well, I don't know. I do believe you have something there, Serene.

Serene: They're just so responsible, they responsible themselves out of a lot of . . .

Nancy: This is the sad part. Overall, of course there are many who are open to the sovereign plan of God for their lives, but so many, even in the church, have said no. They get to their, maybe up to three, and that's it.

I get emails constantly from precious mothers who say, “You know, I have three children,” or some have even said, “I even have five, and I'm still longing for another baby, but my husband says no, no more.”

Because mostly I find husbands are out there in the world. They're very conditioned by the guys around them. Most of them have got the snip, and so that's just the culture of society today. So they get taken into that culture.

Serene: Because they just love their wives so much too. Sometimes us women can get in a habit of just complaining, and they come home to a tired, complaining wife, and they don't want her to give  . . . they love her so they're wanting to bless her. Sometimes we can kind of cut our own desire off by being complaining.

Nancy: That's true. But you know, like you were saying, Serene, there is very much truth in that, because God sees children before they are born. He sees them even generations ahead. Now, come on, ladies, we've got to get that.

You see, we don't see, we don't even think like God thinks. He thinks beyond us. His thoughts are higher!

Serene: I'm not trying to say anything . . . What I'm not saying is, He's not thinking if these humans in the church aren't having them, He's going to give them to the womb of somebody else. No, that's not even possible. I'm not even thinking along those lines. What I'm saying is, He does love, He does love human life.

Nancy: He loves life, yes . . .

Serene: If it's not coming through one girl, He loves to bring it to another. It's the only open door.

Nancy: Well, look. God is Omniscient. He knows. That's why He says that He planned our lives before the foundation of the world. He knows.

I often think of this Scripture in Hebrews, oh, Hebrews 7:10. It's in the chapter about Melchizedek. It says: “Levi also, who received tithes, paid tithes in Abraham, for he was yet in the loins of his father when Melchizedek met him.

Now, are you getting this? Levi was the great (not a grandson), the great-grandson of Abraham. He wasn't even a twinkle in Abraham's eye. But God, God says he was already in the loins of Abraham, even though he was all those generations down. He was there. He was in his loins. He actually paid tithes in Abraham as Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek.

That's how God sees it, ladies. That's how God sees it. We don't think like that. But this is God-thinking. So God has the children He has planned for us as a married couple to bring forth, and not just for us, but for our children, and who they will bring forth. For our children and who they will bring forth, up to our great-grandchildren.

I am so blessed that I am now beginning to have great-grandchildren. But you know, when I first got married, I was never thinking of right down to great-grandchildren at the time then. But God sees them.

He says: “Levi was in his loins.” Now if we . . . If Abraham lived in this culture today, would Levi have been born? Because it is the culture of cutting off the godly seed, cutting off children who God has planned, not only with purposes and destiny for this life, but for the eternal realm. That's why Jesus died. Why? To bring many sons into glory (Hebrews 2:10).

Serene: Wow!

Nancy: Hey, here's another thing. Can I pop this in? I know you've got something you want to say too.

And that is, OK now, when we cut off the godly seed, and we say, “No, that's it! We don't want any more,” what are we doing? Not only are we cutting off a blessing from our lives, blessing ourselves, blessing our grandparents, blessing the church, blessing the world, but we're cutting off a child from experiencing glory! Experiencing eternal life forever and ever!

None of us can yet fathom eternity. Even if we tried to dream about it, we can't even fathom the glory of eternity that God is bringing His redeemed ones into. We can forfeit precious lives from experiencing that eternity! Isn't that amazing?

Serene: So amazing, yes. You know what I was thinking? It's the devil behind the whole thing, anti-life.

Nancy: Because he hates life!

Serene: He hates life.  He's behind . . . He makes it to be a drudgery to have a lot of children, when it's the most amazing, incredible gift out there. Sometimes he tries to put it in the minds of people it's a drudgery to read the Bible, it's a drudgery to do certain things. But it's the very place where all of our thirst is taken away. It's that place of refreshing.

I just think of these people, sometimes I'll pass their homes, because we live out in the country. I'll see these farms, and it's like 45 yapping dogs, and they have like two parrots squawking, and they have . . . They're just so big-hearted when it comes to their animals, and it's a loud, noisy, kind of like, you know, the dogs are pooping everywhere, and they've got a bird . . .

Nancy: Some of those ladies, you go into their house, and you can't even hear yourself talk with all the dogs yapping!

Serene: Yeah! Talk about responsibility, and talk about pressure, and a lot of mouths to feed. But boy, do they love it! And it's fantastic!

But you see, so many people have hearts towards, “Oh, I might have another dog. That would be great.” You know? But when it comes to humans . . . why, why is it this wall? “Oh, oh, couldn't do that!”

It is, it is the enemy because it's an eternal soul when it comes to life in human form. An eternal soul, and it's kinda like a wall that's put up to make people think that it would be difficult or hard. But in my experience, having more children has made my life so much easier.

The more I have, you know, you go to Walmart, and they're like, “Better you than me! I don't know how you do it. Two almost killed me!” And I'm like, well, two is starting!

Nancy: Yes! Exactly!

Serene: And then they realize that they grow up, and then they help, and then it's all one big party from then on.

Nancy: Oh, I know. I think one was my hardest, because you were their sole entertainer from morning till night. But then another child comes along, and they become playmates. Another child comes along, more playmates! And then they just wind up getting older.

Now Serene, she has these teens in her home. She couldn't even do a quarter of what she does without these amazing older children!

Serene: They're your best friends. You're never bored. The rich fellowship is absolutely amazing!

Nancy: Yes, you see, oh, God's heart, if we could just see His heart for life. When He wanted to bless His people, what did He say? “I will show mercy to you, and I will love you, and I will bless you.” And how did He say He would do it? Then He says: “And I will multiply you.” This is how He shows His love, and His blessing. Check it out in Deuteronomy 7:12-15.

Serene: I love that beautiful prophecy that promises: “I will make the barren woman a joyful mother of children, and the home she lives in will be filled with laughter.” (Psalm 113:9). So what picture does God see of a home filled with children? Laughter! A home filled with laughter.

Nancy: Oh, yes, absolutely! Well, look, I can't believe how time has gone so quickly this session. I just want to, oh, Serene, can we do another session? Can we fit it in?

Serene: I'd love to! Yeah!

Nancy: Oh, praise the Lord!

Serene: When the mice are away, the cats will play! (Laughter) When the cat's away, the mice will play!

Nancy: OK, we've got to finish next time. But can I just close with one Scripture? Yes, I remember I was saying how the word “sperm” is zerah, and I want to prove it to you here. This is back in Exodus, chapter one. Of course, there are so many Scriptures, just one as we close.

And God is speaking of how Jacob came down from Canaan, down to the land of Egypt. Joseph brought him down and gave him land in the land of Goshen. And it says: “And all the souls that came out of the loins,” out of the loins, “of Jacob, were seventy souls.” For Joseph was in Egypt already, and Joseph died, and da-de-da-de-da.

Yes, I'm trying to find the actual Scripture where it says: “He came down, and all his seed with him.” And his seed. Oh, yes! Because he came down, and it's the word zerah. I think it's that long passage, but the Scripture is where Jacob came down, with all his seed, word zerah, and all his seed's seed.

(You can find this Scripture in Genesis 46:6, 7: “And they took their cattle, and their goods, which they had gotten in the land of Canaan, and came into Egypt, Jacob, and ALL HIS SEED with him: His sons, and his son’s sons with him, his daughters, and his son’s daughters, and ALL HIS SEED brought he with him into Egypt.” This Scripture is talking about sons and daughters of all ages, and grandsons and granddaughters of all ages—babies, little ones, teens, and adults! And they are all called zerah, the same word for sperm!)

OK. So he came down with all his children who were adults by now, and their children, and their children, which were all zerah, same word as “sperm.” God saw no difference from the word “sperm” to when they were adults. He sees them all as one, because this is where the life began.

So, as we become adamant for life, let's understand where life really begins, and begin to see the preciousness of it, and protect it. Oh, that God will save us from just seeing it as something we can throw away. It's precious, and must be protected, because it's life.

OK, let's pray!

“Father, we just thank You. We've only just started talking about life, according to how You think about it. We pray that You'll teach us more, Lord God. We're just so used to thinking like culture thinks, thinking like man thinks.

Save us, Lord God! Lift us up to this higher plane, Lord, where Your thoughts are. On a higher plane. Help us to think like You think, to understand like You understand, to understand about life. And Lord, we only find out about life from You, because You're the Author of life! So we pray that You will teach us.

We speak Your blessing over every precious mother, father, home, and every child in these homes today, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Serene: Amen!



Don’t miss the moving coming soon, UNPLANNED, released March 29.

Abby Johnson becomes the youngest clinic director in the history of Planned Parenthood, then a life-changing experience turns her into an anti-abortion activist.


And also this….



Caring for the Unborn and their Mothers

By Randy Alcorn (Award winning and best-selling author)

This book must get into the hands of EVERY person in the nation. In this critical hour of states in our nation wanting to freely murder babies after they are born, we have a responsibility to know the truth. This book is grounded in medical science and psychological studies and offers answers to this abortion debate in a concise and informative manner.

Selling for ONLY $5.00.

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