Queen Of Your Home, Pt 3 - No. 81

Titus 3:3-5 NAS, “Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips, nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be dishonored.”

I believe in working women. God is into working women. But God has ordained the place where they are to work. It is in the home. Before God created the woman He prepared a garden home ready for her. He designed this place for you to work. It is perfect for creativity. It is most suited for optimum results. It is the most protected environment. It is where God intended children to be raised. It is where you will accomplish the most for God. In the heart of your home you are in the perfect will of God.

When you are asked, “Do you go to work?” your immediate reply should be, “Yes, of course!”

“Where do you go to work?” the question continues.

“In the best place, my home,” you reply.

Accept your home as the place where God has chosen for you to work. And remember it is a place to work! When your husband gets up in the morning, does he go off to work in his pajamas? No, he gets dressed in his suit if he works in the business world, or into his working clothes if he works with his hands! Dear mother, when you get up, get dressed and ready to tackle the day’s work. Don’t loaf around in your dressing gown drinking cups of coffee when an important work awaits you.

You have no insignificant task. You have the most important and influential work in the nation as you build a strong stable home and raise children who will determine the future of the nation and even the world! This work is taxing. This work takes all your physical and emotional strength. This work takes prayer. It takes brain power! Oh yes, contrary to humanistic propaganda, building a home and raising a powerful family for God takes brain power. To do this great assignment well you have to use all your creativity and all your brain power! You can’t do it effectively part time. You can’t do it lolling around. You have to go to work!

There are two early manuscripts from which the Bible is translated. Regarding today’s Scripture, some translate the phrase “keepers at home” as ‘oikouros’. This is a combination of two words:

‘oikos’ – home, and ‘ouros’ – guard = guardian of the home

Other translations use the word, ‘oikourogo’ which is also a combination of two words:

‘oikos’– home, and ‘ergon’ – work = worker at home

Dear lovely mother, don’t complain about all you have to do. Complaining drains your energy. Realize it is all part of your great job assignment. Roll up your sleeves, go to work and do it. God is your employer and He has given you your home in which to accomplish this great work.  Make your home a lovely environment in which to work. Make it a safe, secure, stable, sound, serene and sanctified place in which to raise your children.

Don’t approach your work with resignation and negativity. Do it with joy. Confess, “I love to work.” God designed for us to work. He introduced it before the fall of man. It is for our blessing. And hard work won’t kill you. You’ll feel tired, but you’ll sleep well! In fact you’ll sleep better the harder you work. Work with a good attitude – willingly, joyfully, fervently, faithfully, without grumbling and do everything as unto the Lord. Do it diligently and properly.

Are you ready for work today?



“Oh God, I thank you for giving me my home in which to work and serve you. Thank you that this is the place you have chosen for me to raise our children. Help me to work diligently as I train them for you and make my home a clean, wholesome environment to fulfill my great commission. Amen.”



“I am a working woman in my home. I will be the best employee for my heavenly employer.”



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