StandingFastWe often feel unsettled in our hearts because of what is happening in our lives or because of what is going on in the world. We live in an unsettled and changing world. But the glorious truth is that, if we are born again into God’s family, we belong to an unshakeable kingdom (Hebrews 12:27:28).

While things shake up around us we do not have to be shaken. Our God is eternal and unchangeable. Therefore, His Word is eternal and unchangeable. Psalm 119:89 says: “Forever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.” I love this Scripture.

God’s Word is totally settled in heaven. It is established. It is firmly fixed. It stands firm and unchangeable. However, God wants His Word to not only be settled in heaven, but settled in our minds and hearts. Settled in our homes. Settled in our family lives.

When everything falls apart around us, we stand on God’s Word. When we don’t know where the next cent is coming from we stand on God’s Word. When we have no human answer, we stand on God’s Word. It is infallible.

During this last year when we battled in prayer for our grandson, Arden, who was struggling with cancer, we claimed this promise. Along with many other promises. I typed them out in big letters and pasted them all around the walls. We confessed and claimed the promises as we prayed. We didn’t pray one prayer. We prayed daily. At one season, we came together every night for 13 consecutive weeks as an extended family to pray. We continue to pray three nights a week together. We are still waiting for results, but we believe God has answered our prayers. Even in the toughest and heartbreaking times we believed he was already healed at the cross when Jesus took our sins and our sicknesses. We believed the promises of God even when our natural eye saw the opposite.

Dear mothers, I believe we must have God’s Word settled in our hearts. We must know what God says. We must know His original and eternal plan for us as mothers. We must seek after His truth. We have the responsibility to impart His truths to our children so that His Word becomes settled in their hearts. They should not have bits and pieces of God’s Word; it should be richly implanted in them. Established in them. Imbedded in the them so that even when they face the world with all its subtle deceptions they will not be changed or turned from eternal truths.

The good old hymn, “Standing on the promises” is a picture of God’s Word settled in our hearts. We can stand on it because it stands in eternity. It stands on its own. It doesn’t need the advice of anyone of us on earth. It’s God’s Word with no exceptions.

Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell

Further to my post below, STANDING FAST IN A SHAKING WORLD, here are some lines that are so great to memorize. Get your children to learn them.




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