Life GiverYou were created by the Divine Life-giver to be a life-giver. Eve, the first created woman, was a prototype of all women to come. She was named Eve, meaning “the life-giving one.”

The Hebrew word for Eve is Chavvah meaning “Life Giver!” She was a life giver; therefore we are also life givers! We have the privilege of conceiving, nurturing, and bringing forth a miracle of life from within our womb.

Let’s look a little more closely at this wonderful word, Chavvah. It has a number of root meanings which help us to understand the revelation of God’s heart for us even more.

1. Chavah. It looks very similar to chavvah, doesn’t it? This word means “to live, to declare, to show.” I think this is wonderful. Because we are created in the image of God, God wants us to reveal His image in the earth. He wants us to show to our families and the world around us who He created us to be. As we embrace, nurture, and then bring forth life from the womb, we declare to the world that we are life-givers.

We are not ashamed to be who God created us to be. We are not ashamed that God gave us a womb and breasts. We are not ashamed to embrace life in our womb. We glorify God by showing it to the world.

2. Chava which is only used in the book of Daniel. It also means “to show” and was used when Daniel revealed the meanings of the dreams.

3. Chayah meaning “to live, give life, revive, preserve alive, nourish, recover, repair, restore, save alive, and to be whole.” This gives us a fuller understanding of what it means to be a life-giver. It is the all-encompassing picture of motherhood.

4. Mechavvah. Some commentators believe that chavvah is abbreviated from this Hebrew word meaning “the sustenance, the propagation of life.”

5. Zoë. When they translated the Old Testament into Greek, they changed Chavvah to the Greek word Zoë meaning “life-giver, life-producer, life-preserver, and life-spring.”

It’s all about life ladies. LIFE. LIFE. LIFE. God’s purpose for you is to be a life-giver. Yes,
* life-givers from the womb, but also . . .
* living the abundant life-giving lifestyle Jesus died to give you,
* speaking life-giving words to your husband and family,
* bringing life-giving healing to your family,
* filling your mind and heart with God’s life-giving words,
* diligently and daily pouring God’s life-giving words into your children, and
* feeding them life-giving foods instead of the Standard American Diet of today.

Be a life-giver to every in your home and every one you meet today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: “The Wait And The Reward” by Anna Rose Bain


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