CNTRAttentionI often hear young mothers say that they don’t want too many children because they wouldn’t be able to give each one quality time. This is a fallacy of their own imagination.

If only they could see the great life a baby has in a larger family. I watch my little grandbabies and children. They are the king or queen of the home. They’re not only adored by their parents but doted on from morning until night by older sisters and brothers.

I remember when Breeze (Serene’s daughter) was a baby. Her older sisters played with her all day, dressing her up in all kinds of clothes. She was their “live” baby doll. Wherever she went, they followed! Whatever she did, they laughed! Whatever facial expression she made, they’d say, “Oh, isn’t she so cute?”

Now Breeze is 10 years old and has three younger siblings. She now dotes on two-year-old “Solly” like she was doted on by her older brothers and sisters.

These children are the center of attention. No firstborn, or even second or third-born, could ever receive this constant attention? And the more children in the home, the more attention they receive. Even mother has more time to give attention to her baby because she has more helpers in the home.

What a blessing to be a baby in a big family! And what a joy for the mother!

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

Picture: Solly Allison