Prayer WeaponThe daily news constantly brings attention to negative and sensational problems. To be honest, as a nation we truly face a lot of serious stuff. Added to his, we have our own challenges, whether it be members of our families who are either sick, in hospital, or facing marriage, financial, or spiritual problems. All these things bring stress.

We tend to talk to one another, which may in a small measure relieve some of the pressure, but in most cases, it tends to compound the problem and create more pressure. It seems the last thing we Christians do is go to God and seriously talk to Him about the difficulties that weigh us down. This is sad, but true. We should be so busy talking to our miraculous God, who alone has the ability to change any situation, that we do not have time to be mulling the problems over and over in our heads. All this does is raise our blood pressure to the point where it shoots through the roof.

Many of our precious young people in this country of liberty and freedom are weighed down with social problems at home, as well as with their friends at school and work. This multiplies suicide and drug overdose to try and escape the mental and emotional pressures.

It all boils down the fact that they do not have praying parents who in turn taught them how to seriously, and I must say, gratefully and cheerfully, bring everything in their lives to God in prayer.

James 1:6 says: “You have not because you ask not.”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell