By Colin Campbell on Thursday, 03 August 2023
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


We read Proverbs 23:23 in my last post. What does it mean to “buy the truth”? The Hebrew for “buy” is qanah and means “to erect, create, purchase, procure.” We buy the truth when we desire it for why would we buy something we do not desire?

Men, it is important for us to create a desire for truth in our children. It stands for reason that fathers must set the highest example possible as men of truth because God has given to children an innate desire to emulate their parents. It is of utmost importance for us fathers to capitalize on this blessing.

What a blessing it must have been for Isaac when God first introduced himself as the God of His Father, Abraham (Genesis 26:24). Isaac had indeed been blessed by having a father who was a friend of God, and being a friend of God, automatically made him a friend of truth.

Sad to say, many a young man would not want God to say to them that He was the God of their father because their father was too mean, too tough, or had run off with another woman. It was by example that Isaac developed a desire to meet the God of his father who had blessed his father and would now bless him.

Remember, fathers, that truth needs to be coupled with grace, or truth can be too severe. Jesus was “full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). Let’s be like Jesus.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell