FathersCloseFathers should seek a close relationship with each of their children. Even though there may be times when this relationship can be challenged through deliberate rebellion or foolish, headstrong wills and opinions, a righteous father will always endeavor to BUILD BRIDGES to restore the broken relationship.

Building a close relationship takes time, persistence, and self-sacrifice. Each one of our children should know, without any doubt, that we are for them, even if we may not be able to agree with them.

Some may ask: in what way, should our children know we are for them if what they are doing is sinful and contrary to godly parental standards?

• They need to be assured that no matter what, we will continue to love them even though we do not love their sin. We are for them in that we constantly pray for their repentance.
• They need to know that we are for them being set free from the devil’s slavery and bondage.
• They need to know that even though we cannot put a roof over their rebellion when they are old enough to live away from us, they will always be welcome to come home when they repent.
• They need to know that we will never hold their sinful past against them when they desire restoration based on repentance.

The Father God reassured His children, Israel, with this truth repeatedly through the Scriptures. Even though our heavenly Father was constantly driven to anger and had to apply righteous discipline, His anger was always quickly appeased at the first instance of repentance.

Read 1 Kings 21:27-29 and Psalm 78:31-72.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell