Deception2The latest news is that Pope Francis tells his followers to avoid a “personal relationship with Jesus Christ” and advocates a new world order. He made his statement before 33,000 Catholics assembled in Rome. He said they needed to avoid having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, even warning that doing so could turn out to be “dangerous and very harmful.”

He recently hosted Islamic prayers in the Vatican in order to encourage inter-faith dialogue. Many Catholics are feeling confused and believe that Pope Francis is going too far to the left of the church’s more orthodox beliefs.

He also stated in an Italian newspaper that American people have a “distorted view of the world” and American people need to be ruled by a world government for their own good! You can read this and more in this link:…/popes_latest_warning_relati…/139720

Even though I not a Catholic, and not a critic of the Catholic church per say. However, I can plainly see the prophecy of the antichrist and the false prophet coming to pass (Revelations 16:13; 19:20; and 20:10).

It is true that those who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ are dangerous. I think we need to be dangerous against false prophets and all evil.

Right now, I believe it is time for all true Christians to strengthen their personal relationship with Jesus Christ as never before. We need to be more dangerous against the deceptions of false religions and false prophets who preach deceiving messages to gather the world into a one world order.

We know this is predicted in God’s Word where a one world order will be led by the antichrist (an opposer of Christ) who has all the political power and backing of the nations to head up this new one world government. He also has strong connections and affiliations with a very powerful false prophet who believes the same as the antichrist. Through lying signs and wonders he calls the world to fall down and worship the image of the antichrist (Revelation 13:13-18).

In the approaching days, we need a relationship with Jesus Christ that grows continually stronger. We can only be strong if we have a strong prayer life.

Are we beginning to see who this false prophet may be? We must pray because a great deception is at hand.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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