TheNewCartI’d love to share with you an analogy today. Last Sunday my husband spoke at church about how David sought to bring the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem. 1 Samuel chapter 6 tells the story of how David prepared a new cart for the ark. I am sure it wasn’t any new cart. I am sure he had this cart made especially for the purpose. This cart was to carry the presence of God. They could not have anything but the very best.

And they did it with all their hearts. The worshipped, sang, and played musical instruments before the Lord all the way.

However, along the journey the oxen carrying the cart stumbled and Uzza put out his hand to steady the ark. What happened? “The LORD’S anger burned against Uzziah, and God struck him dead on the spot for his irreverence, and he died there next to the ark of God” (2 Samuel 6:7 HCSB). David was angry and afraid of God. “How shall the ark of the LORD come to me?” he cries out.

David’s heart was perfect before the Lord. He was not rebellious. He did it with the very best intentions and the wisest way he could possibly think of, knowing it was the ark of “the LORD of hosts that dwelleth between the cherubims” (v. 2).

In the meantime, David left the ark in the home of Obed-edom and “God blessed Obed-edom, and all his household” (v. 11).

Obed-edom was getting blessed and David was desperate for the ark. He had to get it back to Jerusalem somehow. This time, he searched for the way GOD wanted His presence carried. The previous time he did it the way he thought was best. Now he discovered that God had commanded in the beginning that the ark was only to be carried on the shoulders of the priests (Exodus 25:10-15 and Joshua 3:8).

This certainly was not as glamorous and prestigious as David’s first idea, but He obeyed God’s original command and ark of the covenant came safely back to Jerusalem.

I use this analogy regarding motherhood and homemaking. God’s original decree is for mothers to embrace mothering and child-rearing in their homes. The older women are to teach the younger women to love their husbands, love their children, and to be keepers at home (Titus 2:3-4). The picture God gives of a family is of the mother in the heart of the home and all the children sitting around the table (Psalm 128:3).

However, many mothers today are not embracing this mandate. The norm today is for mothers to go out to the work force and leave their children in daycares. This is the new cart. Some do it in rebellion to God’s ways. But many, like David, do it with good intentions. They think it is the best and wisest way. Well, it’s the way that suits their lifestyle!

But it is not good enough to do what we think is the best way or even the wisest in our eyes. We must do it God’s way. We must search His Word to know His way, for His way is always the best way. His way brings the presence of God. His way brings His blessing. His way is for our safety.

Many blessings,

Nancy Campbell


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