MercySeat(Read Exodus 25:10-22).
The Ark of the Covenant was never called the ark of mercy. However, we read about the mercy seat which was upon the ark of the testimony. God said to Moses in Exodus 25:22: “And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.”

It is interesting that the words the “ark of the testimony” are only mentioned three times in this Exodus 24:10-22 regarding the most significant piece of furniture in the tabernacle, whereas “the mercy seat” is mentioned five times.

The “ark of the testimony” was a piece of furniture to protect the stone tablets containing the testimony (the ten commandments) written with the finger of God. Because the ark is called the “ark of the testimony” or the “ark of the covenant” the testimony must take preeminence. The law reveals the holy, righteousness of God in His works and nature, but it had no power to make men keep it.

The mercy seat was OVER the law in that it was positioned above the ark and in a sense helped to protect the testimony.

The law, because of man’s weakness, became our judge and condemned us. However, the mercy seat, covered by the innocent blood, became man’s salvation.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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