StrengthenNationI love to see God bring together a godly young couple who have a vision for family. Couples should have a vision for family before they get married, not waiting for a few years after they get married. That is back to front. Upside down (Isaiah 29:16).

God gave Jacob a vision for family before he even had a girlfriend. In Genesis 28:14 we read the promise God gave to him: “And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.”

Each time a godly couple get married and establish a godly marriage and a godly family, they help to strengthen the nation. Godly marriages and families are the strength and hope of our nation.

If we want to halt the downward trend in our nation, Christian families must become stronger than ever.

Stronger in our commitment to marriage which God ordained at the beginning of time.
Stronger in our commitment to family and bringing forth godly offspring.
Stronger in encouraging other marriages and families.
Stronger in our biblical convictions and passing them on to our children.
Stronger in filling our children with God's Word which is the antidote to deception.
Stronger in training them for righteousness.
Stronger in upholding God's truth without shame and fear.
Stronger in standing against all filth, unrighteousness, and deception.
Stronger in our passion for God.

If we are mediocre, half-hearted, pathetic, and love worldly ways, we are on our way to becoming a more godless nation.

Let’s all be those who are strengtheners of the nation.

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: “The Homecoming” by Jennie Brownscombe, American 1850-1936.


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