PrayPresidentMen, I believe we should be most grateful for our new president. God, in His mercy, has given us a president who wills to work very hard to save America from the extreme socialist agenda and global ideology of our last president, Barak Obama. Hilary Clinton would have taken this country further into the pit of destructive liberalism.

Now that God has so graciously answered our prayers, we must be faithful to pray daily for our new government.

When listening to Donald Trump’s White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer give his second interview with the press, he was asked how the new administration felt about the woman’s demonstration. He defended their rights to free speech, which to my mind was a compromise, as much of the demonstration protest was loud and filthy abuse of the liberty of free speech.

The people of America, or any country for that matter, should not have to have such vulgarity displayed before their eyes and the eyes of their sons and daughters. This is plain straight abuse of freedom and liberty of public, moral decency. It would have been good if he had brought this to the press’s attention. However, he is doing a good job with the press.

When Donald J. Trump was first nominated to be president of this nation, God challenged my heart to pray for him. At that time, I sent out some pointers to pray for the president. Now that he is in augurated and in power, I feel it is important to remind one another to keep praying. He is only a man, and he cannot do this job without the anointing, wisdom, and help of Almighty God. He needs the prayers of God’s people.

Can I ask you to faithfully pray for him each day? You can do this personally, but, I would also encourage you to pray with your families.

Here are some pointers for you:

1. That he will personally seek God. Pray that instead of being a man of the flesh, he will be become a man of the Spirit. 2 Chronicles 26:5 says of Uzziah: “As long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper.”

2. That he will seek God for:

a) Wisdom (2 Chronicles 1:7-10).
b) Godly counsel
c) Humility before God and man
d) Righteousness

3. That he will choose righteous people to take the key positions in our federal government, cabinet, Supreme Court, etc.

4. That he will gather around him godly advisors—God-fearing men and women who stand uncompromisingly for God’s ways and for the Constitution.

5. That he will be fearless and strong against all national and international ungodly, unjust, liberal agendas, especially foreign policies.

6. That he will expose and deal with all government corruption.

7. That he will not compromise on all matters of importance, e.g. life (against abortion and euthanasia), marriage, Common Core, national security, border control, military, etc.

8. That he will stand for ISRAEL and not give in to the UN and the Palestinian propaganda.

9. That he will increasingly have his eyes opened to God’s ways. That he will have discernment between good and evil, right and wrong, clean and unclean, e.g. homosexual agenda. Ezekiel 44:23 states: “They shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.” Read also Jeremiah 15:9 and Ezekiel 22:6.

10. For divine protection for him and his family, Mike Pence, and his family. Pray against assassins.
11. That he will take the office of the presidency seriously and be a godly example to the nation and to the world. Pray that he will be a great example for good, respected both at home and abroad, and all enemies will shut their mouths.
12. That he will be gracious and kind, but bold and strong when appropriate.

“God Forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you” (1 Samuel 12:23).

“I exhort therefore, that, first, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty . . .” (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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