FamPrayTimeWhat did you do for your prayer time with your family this morning? After our Bible reading we always pray together. And yes, we use our Prayer Boxes. I find them such a blessing for our prayer times. I have eight prayer boxes on different subjects. Every morning and evening we use our Family Prayer Box (which includes all the names of our extended family) and we choose one other box. This morning we used Our Persecuted Christians Prayer Box.

We dare not neglect to pray for our precious persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. There are 60 different countries of the world that persecute Christians.

I am always challenged by Hebrews 13:3 (NCV): “Remember those who are in prison as if you were in prison with them. Remember those who are suffering as if you were suffering with them.”

The other week my daughter, Serene, was climbing down a tall ladder. Her long skirt caught the top of the ladder which caused it to fall. Bother the ladder and Serene fell to the ground with a thump. She could have broken her back and was in tremendous pain.

However, instead of suffering for herself I was really convicted when she said she was so glad to feel the pain. She said, “I know I am meant to pray for my persecuted brothers and sisters as though I feel their pain along with them, but because I feel great, I find it hard to really feel their pain. So, this time, as I suffered in great pain, I interceded for those being persecuted as never before!”

May God help us to remember them without having to go through so much pain!

Love from Nancy


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